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How to get clients through the internet

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The buzz phrase is "If you're not on the Internet, you don't exist." And the truth is that if you have a business this begins to become a reality, not only for online businesses, but also for those that operate off the internet. Even if your business is on the street and your clients are the people of the neighborhood, having internet exposure will help you to get known, and it will also give you professional prestige if you know how to do it well.

In today's article we talk about what you can do to have more customers thanks to the internet, whether it's your online business or not. The way to make yourself known on the internet is with a website, which will be your 'showcase', so it does not work if it is not of quality. But nowadays it is also possible to access your potential customers without a website: through social networks - with well-managed pages, or by launching promotions with a landing page.

If your business is on the Internet - Online

When the business is designed from the beginning to operate on the internet, or if, as was my case, at some point you decided to move your business from offline (offline) to online (online), getting your customers online is “the option".

To do this, get used to the idea that it is essential to have a list of subscribers. I already know that it is an expense to make a website and a newsletter, but look at it as an investment that will get you to potential clients from all over the planet. When your followers get used to your messages, you will become part of their lives and they will remember you the day they need your products or services.

If your business is offline - Offline

There are several options if your business is off the Internet: have a website, create a company page on one or more social networks, punctually create a landing page for a specific sales action, or several of these things at once.

The important thing is that you send your clients and potential clients the message that you are "online" and let them know how to find you. If you sell products, use merchandising by putting your internet address on your bags, wrapping paper, shop windows… At the same time, use your website or company page on Social Networks to find them, putting your address and telephone number. It is essential that you appear on Google Maps.

If you have a business, never forget the importance of having a website or a company page on Social Networks that is of quality and is well managed, your brand image is at stake. If you work online, your clients will come in a high percentage through the internet, so you must be in permanent contact with them through a newsletter. If you don't work online, take advantage of new technologies too to attract more customers.

“The best structure will not guarantee results or performance. But the wrong structure is a guarantee of failure ” Peter Drucker .

How to get clients through the internet