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10 Trends in the logistics sector

10 Trends in the logistics sector

12 Principles of network economy

12 Principles of network economy

2017 a year of expectations, challenges and decisions for Costa Rica

2017 a year of expectations, challenges and decisions for Costa Rica

4 Factors of capital production, interest, labor and technology

4 Factors of capital production, interest, labor and technology

5 State functions on the economy

5 State functions on the economy

The 6 theoretical and practical aspects of international trade

The 6 theoretical and practical aspects of international trade

The 6 key elements of international business

The 6 key elements of international business

6 Myths of international economic relations

6 Myths of international economic relations

About the new institutionalism in a changing world

About the new institutionalism in a changing world

Communal action in Colombia, reform of Law 743 of 2002

Communal action in Colombia, reform of Law 743 of 2002

Accountability in public management

Accountability in public management

About ... when we use the word economy. test

About ... when we use the word economy. test

Moral harassment at work in Chile

Moral harassment at work in Chile

Moral harassment and public administration in Chile

Moral harassment and public administration in Chile

Abenomic and foreign trade of japan

Abenomic and foreign trade of japan

Commercial activity in the municipality of Comalapa Chiapas, Mexico

Commercial activity in the municipality of Comalapa Chiapas, Mexico

Economic activity of the metropolitan region 1 of chiapas mexico

Economic activity of the metropolitan region 1 of chiapas mexico

Mining activity near water sources in Peru

Mining activity near water sources in Peru

About consumer preference theory

About consumer preference theory

Update of the Cuban tax system. main modifications

Update of the Cuban tax system. main modifications

Activities to record associated economic events in Cuban trading companies

Activities to record associated economic events in Cuban trading companies

Colombia agreement with the 2001 international monetary fund

Colombia agreement with the 2001 international monetary fund

The wto agreement on textiles and clothing

The wto agreement on textiles and clothing

Adam smith and political economy

Adam smith and political economy

Colombia agreement with the 1999 international monetary fund

Colombia agreement with the 1999 international monetary fund

Aquaponics as a sustainable development strategy

Aquaponics as a sustainable development strategy

Knowledge management as a national development policy for Peru

Knowledge management as a national development policy for Peru

Administration of the sale price in exports

Administration of the sale price in exports

Administration in the public sector of mexico

Administration in the public sector of mexico

Administration of social policy in Argentina

Administration of social policy in Argentina

Administration of the budget of the municipality of taguasco cuba

Administration of the budget of the municipality of taguasco cuba

Public administration under a holistic conception of complex systems

Public administration under a holistic conception of complex systems

Municipal public administration in benito juárez, quintana roo, mexico

Municipal public administration in benito juárez, quintana roo, mexico

Public administration of the beaches of Colombia. Santiago de Tolú case

Public administration of the beaches of Colombia. Santiago de Tolú case

Public administration and business management. experiences in cuba

Public administration and business management. experiences in cuba

Public administration and gender equality in the development of society

Public administration and gender equality in the development of society

Africa in the global geopolitical context

Africa in the global geopolitical context

Barack obama and world religions agenda

Barack obama and world religions agenda

Competitiveness agenda against globalization in peru

Competitiveness agenda against globalization in peru

Agenda for decentralization in peru

Agenda for decentralization in peru