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Brand concept. Nike company archetype


It was the sixties, in the world the Hippie movement was in its splendor while a new concept in sports began to emerge, taking inspiration from the Greek goddess of victory: Niké, Nike is born.

Nike likes sports very much, it is always at the forefront, constantly studying methods to improve its technique in order to know what is best and offer it. This wisdom positions her as a visionary and connoisseur of the segment. Age is not limiting for Nike, spirit is what counts.

The desire to do things is what makes Nike a winner, an example to follow. Under his Claim “ just do it ”, he invites you to move, to action, encourages you to challenge.

Everything is going well for Nike, its sales are increasing, in the 80s the use of sports shoes is massive, belonging to the world of sports begins to support people who practice it by showing mastery of the subject, with Michel Jordan making use of a visionary marketing strategy when associating with a figure of Basketball.

But with sales growth, the supply chain also grew, and this is where Nike had its weak point and failed, in 1998 it had to face the worst crisis for the brand: Nike is accused of child abuse in the manufacture of its articles. Nike begins to lose sales, credibility is falling.

Faced with such an accusation, and only as Nike can do it, he turned his face and faced the situation. He did not reach with a mere apology, but according to his values, he not only resolved the current situation wisely and quickly, but he took actions on the subject to have future control in this link that also makes the brand, and in this mode:

- set a minimum age to make Nike garments: 18 years for shoes and 16 for clothing

- works together with its employees in order to improve working conditions

- is a founding member of the Global Compact institution that is committed to complying with human rights and environmental standards and invested 7.8 million dollars in 5 years

- voluntarily announces its supply chain

From this heroic reaction from Nike, he was able to get ahead and regain his sales levels. Nike is an example to follow in such a delicate situation, making people believe in it again. With the wisdom of the greats and based on its values, Nike returns to take control of the situation, taking care of its entire production chain to continue providing the best for users. She continues to enchant athletes from all countries and all ages, being a visionary in product and material innovation, as well as acting as a mentor for the rest of the brands on the market.

Archetypes used:

Sage - Peace (Wise, visionary, mentoring) - Young & Rubicam Inc.

Hero - Mark / Pearson.

Brand concept. Nike company archetype