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Proposal for a policy for the management of newly incorporated human resources in Cuban public libraries


Within the Information systems work people who have different training: some may be library technicians who can perform different jobs from providing room service to users or being processors of the information that reaches the center, there are also professionals graduates of different specialties related to the System, either a Bachelor of BCI (Librarianship and Information Science). Spanish-Literature, Philology, Computer Science, etc., that regardless of the basic graduation they have, they can assume at certain times different roles within the institution where they work. A role is neither a position nor a function.- This is the role it assumes with information resourceswith which it works, thus the processors, suppliers, managers, consultants and users of the information can be identified. (Ponjuán, 2004).

Managing human resources has to do with the use and improvement of people's capacities and abilities and in general with the factors that surround them within the organization in order to achieve the individual benefit and that of the organization.

In other words, the general objective of human resources management is to improve the performance and contributions of the personnel to the organization, in the context of an ethical and socially responsible activity.

There are policies to manage human resources, which guide action and set limits and approaches. According to the Human Resources Administration Manual (2003), nowadays it is about external and internal policies. Among the first are, labor laws, collective bargaining agreements and within interests; staff selection, development, security and training. (Appendix 1)

The quality of the service provided in information institutions depends to a great extent on the personnel who interact with users.

Hence the importance of selecting the right people to fill the different jobs, it is also recognized that a good selection of personnel ensures better results in the development of people's functions.

The true importance of Human Resources management is found in the ability to respond favorably and willingly to performance objectives and opportunities, and in these efforts obtain satisfaction, both for fulfilling the job and for being in the environment of the same.

This requires that the right people with the right mix of knowledge and skills are in the right place and at the right time to do the job they need.

Each person when arriving at any organization needs to know what they have to do and what their range of action is. Many times this knowledge is transmitted from one person to another and organizations walk so fast that they cannot stop to find out if the knowledge delivered was exactly what the recently graduated worker should have understood. Distortions in communication flow and then if the person did not internalize correctly, in the future they will not be performing their functions well.

Only through the behavior of people in organizations are experiences, skills, knowledge, etc. which are intangible.- Its members will be in the provision of services in exchange for an economic and affective remuneration.

Management is considered as the process by which a variety of basic resources is obtained, deployed or used to support the objectives of the organization, and the Organization as the set of people organized with a specific objective.

A group of people who interact with each other make up an organization, these people must develop different skills, approaches and techniques to obtain good results.- These actions are what is known as management, which in turn has to do with other resources that move within an organization. In other words, it works with human, technological, financial, energy, material and physical resources.

The known elements allow associating libraries / information units to management principles, from the moment they constitute organizations, in which a group of people meet with a specific objective where they alternate disciplines and use a set of essential resources for their exercise.

It was thought that human resources did not cost anything so it was not paid due attention but today economists talk about human capital and accountants are beginning to make efforts so that investments and investments are also reflected in their financial statements. costs in human resources.

The resources of a country or an organization at a given time can be increased, for this there are two ways: discovery and improvement, for the first case it is about highlighting the skills unknown interests for this are helped by psychological tests and professional orientation; For the second form, it is about providing greater knowledge, providing new ideas, training, development, the experiences that are acquired through daily practice.

Objectives of Personnel Administration

  • Establish that each worker has a position and that they be the right people for each work area That staff have the necessary capacity to carry out their work or activity That there are good working conditions Establish internal and external policies.

Job satisfaction is considered as the set of general attitudes of the individual towards their work and motivation as an active, persistent and selective orientation that characterizes behavior and is both a source of activity and direction of that activity. Training plans

must be perfected to expand the opportunities that workers can fully develop with technical and scientific actions and include training on administrative functions with a vision of the future.

Proposal for a policy for the management of newly incorporated human resources in Cuban public libraries