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Without soft skills there is no access to work or promotion

Table of contents:


At the FAPEDEC Foundation of the Federal Capital, we carried out a study on the requirements of the labor market in the city of Mar del Plata, in relation to applicants to fill jobs by graduates of universities in all its modalities. For this study, we interviewed 45 owners, managers or HR managers of the main companies in that city.

Semi-structured surveys and one-hour interviews were used. In summary, all respondents highlighted the great lack that applicants have of attitudes and positive aptitudes desirable by their companies to occupy jobs. This means that the greatest deficiency is identified with soft skills (HB).

All the effort that the applicant makes to achieve the work goal, is based on presenting the curriculum where the qualifying title, language management and postgraduate accreditations are included. There is no information in these antecedents that speak of their attitudes and soft skills. According to the survey published by Jobvite Recruiter Nation Survey 2015, 92% of recruiters use social media to identify the candidate.

It is a way of knowing the personality and strengths of soft skills. Therefore it is advisable to take care of the type of photos that are published, the comments that are made and the spelling. A "funny" image can label a person for the rest of their life and undermine their credibility and professionalism.

In Jobvite's 2017 Recruiter Nation Report, based on input from over 800 recruiters in the United States, we entered the minds of recruiters and found: What recruiters really think about implicit bias and hiring diversity; The things candidates do to turn recruiters on and off.

Educational centers are organized to transmit specific knowledge of careers, focusing on content and techniques. Studies prepare them to repeat content, reproduce knowledge, and perhaps to produce new content. Today some universities complete curriculum development with the encouragement of soft skills, but in general this is not frequent.

However, in many educational institutions they implement the use (not their development) of soft skills in their learning processes. But these skills are diffuse since the attention is not placed on the development of the skill but on the product of its use: teamwork, exhibitions of their own productions, stimuli for self-management.

Before entering the HB, it is convenient to define the concepts of skills, competencies, talent, attitudes and aptitudes.


Aptitude: it is the character or set of conditions that make a person especially suitable for a certain function.

Skill is an innate or developed ability. It refers to the dexterity or facility to carry out some activities or tasks. It can be improved through practice and learning.

Talent: Sometimes it is called "talent" when the performance of a skill takes on a profile higher than the average of people. For example, the ability to sing, to develop physical activities, for tasks that require mastery of communication, to establish personal bonds in a natural way, to exert influence over people, to encourage them to work or to support common goals.

The ability is also called "dexterity."

Although its innate condition is emphasized, the degree to which it is expressed through practice can be increased. The natural areas for its development are the family and educational institutions, at all levels, through practices consistent with the evolutionary development of the recipients.

Competences: Competences are knowledge, abilities and skills that a person develops to understand, transform and practice in the world in which he operates.

The notion of competence, referred to the employment context, where it is understood as a "know-how " in specific situations . Competencies require the creative application of knowledge and skills .

This "doing" must be flexible, to give the opportunity to the creative process, personal and responsible expression, since its "doing" impacts on other people and the environment.

Competencies require knowledge, innate or acquired skills and increased through practice. It is a positively oriented attitude. Many competencies also require social intelligence, adaptive thinking, intercultural capacity, virtual work, reflective and critical thinking, self-knowledge.

Attitude: it is the state of mind that is expressed in a certain way (positive, negative, conciliatory, obstructive). It is the way to face situations and it depends on the interests and emotions of the person. The practice of having positive attitudes is encouraged through reflection, analysis, and constructive criticism.

By way of synthesis, we will say that both abilities, skills, talent, competencies, attitude, attitude, regardless of the degree of inherence of people, are feasible to improve, expand or develop through practice, education, reflection, self-analysis, example and constructive criticism.


The world of work in general and companies in particular value the soft skills that we describe below:


It involves understanding the motivations of others and allows you to connect emotionally with others. This ability makes it easier to be accepted by the group, act as a conflict resolution mediator, and even exercise leadership. The person who owns it connects with others beyond the specific facts they face, they understand them, they feel empathy, they contribute their knowledge without wanting to take advantage of this contribution.

It involves the ability to verbally translate the emotions and feelings that other people need at a given moment. To be generous with your own time and have the availability to listen.

It is the most valued ability and capacity, regardless of the context in which the person works. It involves the ability to connect in the deepest way with others to detect and stimulate the desired reactions and interactions. It allows you to quickly assess people's emotions and adapt the appropriate words, tone and gestures to the situation.

It is the key ability to collaborate and build trusting relationships, necessary to collaborate with groups of people from different contexts.


It involves giving value to the opinions of others that your own actions elicit, evaluating them and accepting that they can improve your performance. Different looks, opinions, points of view, even negative, always enrich.

The feedback that allows this acceptance plays a fundamental value to grow, improve, detect new opportunities and quickly discard the most negatively questioned aspects of our proposal or initial position. It is a very effective way of learning.


The productivity or the success of a proposal depends on work habits and the ability to relate to others. Genius does not prosper if the person does not have internalized habits, a routine of daily performance that allow the initial impulse to be consolidated.

The pre-established work routine must be completed with habits that make for productivity, such as rest, adequate food, relaxation, activities that stimulate creativity.

The work routine, the use of agendas, the hierarchy of tasks, are habits that order the work, reduce the effort devoted to small things and channel the effort correctly.


Integrity is a value and a quality of someone who has moral integrity, uprightness and honesty in behavior. In general, a person of integrity is someone who can be trusted.

Integrity assumes that a person is honest, emotionally in control, respects himself and others, whose performance is appropriate to the moment and context. The person of integrity is punctual, is clear in his expressions, well-intentioned, who is responsible, who acts firmly according to his convictions, is disciplined, is cordial, attentive to the other and his behavior is considered correct. The person is able to recognize their mistakes or ignorance.


Self-control is known as the ability to exercise control over oneself, to control oneself. Although it refers to the sphere of thoughts, this ability is enhanced in action.

The person who watches what he says or does is exercising control over himself. Caution is required to avoid behaviors that may be negative for yourself or others.

It is a conscious ability that human beings have to regulate their impulses and it is not because someone else has asked or demanded them, but it is given voluntarily, putting into play the knowledge and values ​​acquired.

This ability, enriched with practice and experience, allows you to obtain favorable consideration in people and that they offer you a confident treatment.

It is capable of establishing harmonious relationships. When the person has the recognition of their own feelings and manage them appropriately according to the moment and the context.

Normally self-control is practiced through exercises, relaxation techniques and meditation that help to cope with any tense situation avoiding acting impulsively, guided by your natural instincts.

But just as it is desirable to exercise self-control, it cannot be permanent so as not to fall into cold, calculating behaviors that tend to stifle creativity and spontaneity.



The future of Global

Higher education in the 21st century

Dr. Tracey Wilen-Daugenti

In his report "Future Work Skills 2020" he has identified the new trends that are transforming society and the global market and with them the requirements of companies for their employees. They underscore the importance of the HBs listed in the report:


It is the ability to give the deepest meaning of what is expressed. The competition allows you to capture the salient points of a subject, to create a clear and precise vision. It makes it easier to make decisions with a clearer picture.


As we have mentioned, it is the most important soft skill.


It is a skill that allows giving solutions and answers beyond the routine or expected. It is the result of being able to respond assertively in different contexts.


It is the competence that allows the person to perform in different contexts. Not only does it imply having linguistic skills, but it requires adaptation to changing contexts and can adequately detect the context to respond to new ones in an appropriate way.

This ability increases with interaction in an intelligent and innovative group where different ages, abilities and disciplines, work styles and ways of thinking are combined.


It is the ability to critically evaluate content and also develop it using different media.

It requires, in its own field of work, solid and fluid skills in interpretation and communicational production, clear and precise, in various formats and on various channels.


It is the ability to understand concepts through multiple views provided by different angles of knowledge. Recognize in other fields of knowledge those relevant data to solve questions in their own field of work.

The complexity of a problem to be solved requires knowing how to interact with another person who masters other disciplines. Transdisciplinarity will generate new projects, new ideas.


It is the ability and ability (mixture of inherited and acquired) to translate large amounts of data into abstract concepts and understand reasoning based on data. When the amount of data available to the person increases exponentially, he is able to rank them, order them, select them in order to make sense of them.


It is the ability to work in a virtual way in a productive way, to promote participation and to act as a member of virtual teams based on the intelligent use of ICT. It implies that physical distance does not prevent you from sharing, being supportive of the ideas or problems of others and being productive


Eurydice, is the European Information Network on Education. It favors European cooperation in education. Created in 1980 by the European Commission, it serves the Member States for the exchange of descriptive information on the organization and functioning of educational systems and national policies, and for carrying out comparative studies on topics of common interest. This document is published by the Executive Agency in the Educational, Audiovisual and Cultural field (EACEA, Eurydice and Support to Policies).

In the Eurydice Report of January 31, 2016, whose title is "The development of challenges and opportunities for policy in the matter" contains a chapter entitled "The development of key competences in the school context in Europe: challenges and opportunities for policy in the matter ”:

The European Union contributed with partner countries to establish the main soft skills that education systems should develop, as well as more appropriate methodologies for their development. The need to improve the quality and relevance of the skills and competences that young Europeans have at the end of their schooling has been recognized both at national and European level. Furthermore, given the current situation in Europe, with high rates of youth unemployment and, in some cases, serious mismatches in terms of skills, it is urgent to tackle this issue. This body produced the following report:

The best high school students do not always turn out to be the most successful professionals, nor are they the best in personal life. Often those who do not fit into the structure of formal education later achieve very good results as a consequence of precisely those peculiarities that distinguished them in youth.

Individuality has a price, but also a reward, it depends a lot on how it is managed and is accompanied by perseverance in the achievement of the proposed objectives.

The educational, social and labor paradigms accompany the changes that obey the needs of societies. We have passed the time when a degree guaranteed a job. However, the world of work has changed and a new category of professionals is currently being demanded who possess skills and resources that until a few years ago the educational systems did not impart

These are soft skills or soft skills, which are defined as those related to the professional's ability to interact with others, communicate, share information, lead or lead, motivate, listen and empathize, work collaboratively and in a network, and to influence in the others. This body proposed 10 skills and competencies that were collected by the countries that compose it, influencing their educational administrations.

We transcribe the Educational Competencies recommended and incorporated in the Organic Law of Education of Spain to be developed through the educational process:


This competence refers to the use of language as an instrument of communication, oral and written, of representation, interpretation and understanding of reality. Of construction and transmission of knowledge. Organization and self-regulation of thought and emotions and behavior. The ability to express and interpret concepts, in a wide variety of situations, in a foreign language.


Each subject builds, by reflective abstraction, which is born from the coordination of the actions that the subject performs with the objects. This ability is derived from the action of thinking. People who have the ability to establish relationships between objects. The person establishes the differences and similarities between objects only exist in her mind. Logical-mathematical thinking cannot be taught. The ability is innate and, to a greater or lesser degree, develops with practice. The process takes place over a long period of time, so it is necessary that you practice it from the beginning of education.


The physical environment is the product of the dynamic interaction of all the elements, objects and living beings present in a place. All elements live in the midst of living organisms, inanimate objects and elements, subject to various influences and events. The ability to interact with the physical environment requires putting into play knowledge, values, commitment to the results of their interaction with it. If the competence has been properly developed, the person will be able through their intervention to have a positive result both for themselves and for all the components of the physical space.


  • Digital competence (CD) is one that involves the creative, critical and safe use of information and communication technologies to achieve objectives related to work, employability, learning, use of free time, inclusion and participation in society. Although some jobs consider this competence as elementary, it is today essential for the complete development of the person in all fields of their performance.This competence requires knowledge related to basic language: textual, numerical, iconic, visual, graphic and sound, and their decoding and transfer patterns. It involves the knowledge of the main computer applications. It also involves access to sources and information processing.In addition, it is necessary to have knowledge of the rights and freedoms that assist people in the digital world. Knowledge will give you an increase in the scale of values ​​and relevance to evaluate access to information, processing and use for communication, content creation, security and problem solving, both in formal and non-formal and informal contexts Digital competence implies participation and collaborative work in person and at a distanceboth in formal and non-formal and informal contexts Digital competence implies participation and collaborative work in person and at a distanceboth in formal and non-formal and informal contexts Digital competence implies participation and collaborative work in person and at a distance


We understand by social and civic competence the ability to use knowledge about society –understood from different perspectives–, and interpret social phenomena and problems in variable spatial contexts and scales, elaborate responses and make decisions, as well as to interact with other people and groups according to standards.

The competence aims for the person to have knowledge about the organization, operation and evolution of current societies and the democratic system, to develop the necessary skills to identify problems in their environment, analyze and reflect on their personal experiences, obtain, interpret and assess relevant information, prepare responsible proposals

This capacity implies having active attitudes of listening, dialogue, solidarity, participation and empathy, CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC COMPETITION

This competence involves knowing, understanding, appreciating and critically evaluating different cultural and artistic manifestations. It requires an innate ability based on a special sensitivity, a privileged ear, an ability to project ideas into space, a right hand for certain actions. To these innate capacities are added the knowledge about the field of their work, techniques, materials, and other people's experiences, in order to increase the natural gift. If we consider the possibility of putting your creations into practice the higher the frequency, your skill level will increase.


Today there is no field of human endeavor in which the changes imposed by global connectivity and digital technology do not impact. These accelerated changes like never before in history require that people have the skills and attitudes to continue learning throughout life

Educational systems, formal and informal, at all levels, must develop this capacity and people must practice it permanently both within their work field and in their daily lives.


The competence in autonomy and personal initiative gives the person a set of values ​​and attitudes that allow them to be creative, responsible and persevering. It allows you to increase self-knowledge, to self-criticize and maintain adequate self-esteem.

To have autonomy, you must have imagination, an entrepreneurial attitude, the ability to develop projects and confidence


Must be endowed with the gift of patience and perseverance and emotional control

The recommendations of the European Union to all member countries is that other capacities be developed in the course of the educational journey, such as:

  • Good organization Teamwork Critical thinking Social skills Interpersonal communication skills

Technological knowledge is provided by formal education but it tends to lose updating very quickly. On the other hand, interpersonal skills are eternal and constant in all cultures, but they are very difficult to acquire, they require years for their development and conditions for their application, and that makes them highly coveted in organizations when it comes to filling jobs.

In the United States, HB are intensively developed at the initial, primary and secondary levels. At the college level they focus on hard skills. For those interested, the HB are retaken in postgraduate courses and careers.

People spend most of the day at their jobs, where they face various types of problems and inconveniences. In this context, soft skills have acquired great importance and value in the business world, since they serve to solve problems and correctly face the working day.

Hard skills provide solutions to technical problems, but crises are not only solved in a technical way, but rather in an adaptive way like those provided by Soft Skills.

People spend most of the day at their jobs, where they face various types of problems and inconveniences. In this context, soft skills have acquired great importance and value in the business world, since they serve to solve problems and correctly face the working day.

Hard skills provide solutions to technical problems, but crises are not only solved in a technical way, but rather in an adaptive way such as those provided by Soft Skills. In the work environment, soft skills are appreciated as the most valued.

It lists the soft skills that education systems should incorporate into their curriculum:

  • COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND SOCIAL SKILLS. EFFECTIVENESS AT WORK and this requires the use of attributes and capabilities that reflect the emotional side

of the interactions that the company permanently requires.

  • Teamwork PROBLEM SOLVING EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF TIME MANAGEMENT OF THE CAMBI0 MANAGING STRESS LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION REQUIRES: the ability to escucharde do preguntasde express concepts and ideas effectively, to expose aspects as clarade the ability to know when and who to ask or how to locate sources of theoretical or expert information to carry out a purpose.


The most valued soft skills in France, the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands

Laura Rottier (HR)

August 2017

A study carried out by Joblift, a job search engine, has carried out a study in which it has classified the most requested soft skills in more than 30 million job offers published in the last year in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Netherlands. The result has been a geographical map that shows the cultural preferences regarding HR by country.

This consulting firm that advises professionally by providing tools, key information and training that will allow you to ensure a comfortable position that makes sense for your level of experience and ability. If one thing is clear, it is the soft skills that are increasingly of interest to recruiters (recruiters).

To carry out the study, Joblift has distinguished between three types of "soft skills":

1- Individuals: autonomy, flexibility, rigor

2- The interpersonal: team spirit, communication

3- The «positive attitude towards the company»: commitment, motivation, loyalty

This way of differentiating skills is not perfect, but it is an honest attempt to classify and group soft skills into categories. These competencies indicate significant differences that may or may not entail hiring a candidate depending on the country in which you apply for a job.

France: the exception that proves the rule

E sta way to differentiate competencies is not perfect, but it is an honest attempt to classify and group the soft skills into categories. These competencies indicate significant differences that may or may not involve hiring a candidate depending on the country in which you apply for a job.

France: the exception that proves the rule






Team spirit






According to the Joblift study, France is the country in which individual and interpersonal soft skills are most important.

Of the four countries in the study, France is the only one that does not count among its 5 most requested soft skills any relevant competencies towards the company, this type of competences appears first for companies in the United Kingdom (as «commitment», mentioned in 18% of the offers) and in the second place of the companies of Germany is «reliability» (it is in 26% of the announcements).

French companies prefer to bet on solid personalities from the beginning (autonomy, rigor, and dynamism represent 22%, 19% and 12% respectively of the most sought-after qualities), they take for granted that they know how to work as a team, (the « "Fellowship" and "Team Spirit" are ranked 3rd and 5th on their list) even though they still run the risk of seeing some of these talents succumb to offers from other companies.







Good communication

Self confidence

Good Attitude towards the Company

Team spirit


Good communication


HB Individuals


Good communication

Team spirit


HB Interpersonal

If we look at the results for the Anglo-Saxon and Germanic countries we can see that "flexibility" is a quality on which everyone agrees.

Especially in the Netherlands where 37% of the offers mention Flexibility, not far from Good Communication (36%,) competition also highly appreciated in the United Kingdom and in Germany, where it appears respectively in 17% and 16% of the Offers versus only 1% of times it appears in France, here "good communication" does not seem to be a very useful quality.

The Joblift study specifies: “ For Anglo-Saxons it is about transmitting clear and exact information to streamline tasks between employees and clients, while in France they are more committed to human capacities to interact and create a bond of trust with clients. »

The «proactivity» that we might think belongs to the group of personal competencies (rather than the group of «commitment to the company»), only appears in the Top 5 of the most sought after competences in the Netherlands and helps to define a country where the most requested preferences are more than clear: about one in three advertisements mentions "team spirit" (31%) relational competence that also dominates in Germany (in first place, mentioned in 30% of advertisements)

In the UK team spirit does not seem to agree to give it importance (this competition does not appear in their Top 5).

From a practical point of view, the study allows the candidate, regardless of the country, to reflect on the demands of the current international job market. With this, you can adapt your candidacy and behavior to each culture to give a better image to recruiters. The study also reveals that there is more consensus regarding technical competences (hard skills), where more homogeneous demands are seen between countries, subjectivity has no place here.

Furthermore, for international companies, such as EASYRECRUE (present in the four countries of the study), this comparative classification of the qualities most sought after in candidates gives a fairly definite idea of ​​the preferences of each nation's companies. It is not to hire locally, but rather, because the clients of these companies are entitled to expect these skills from their interlocutors.

Finally, the study also allows us to see our own demands and compare them with those of European countries . The importance attached to commitment to the company should attract our attention. Wouldn't the fact that a candidate shows adherence to this principle of commitment, be it through professional experience or speech, be a good reason to select him? In a country where the economic situation is so volatile, does it make sense to bet directly on loyalty to the company? Beyond this paradox, the question deserves reflection.

In short, motivation, commitment, good communication, flexibility and team spirit (with the notable exception of the United Kingdom) appear as the queens of the most desired competences in the countries of the study.


Carnegie Institute The Carnegie Foundation (1902) currently has an endowment of about 1.9 billion dollars that is allocated to sectors such as education, peace and international cooperation and development of the Third World. The Carnegie Institution is based in Washington DC

It has been 100 years since the Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching published a study on education. In a survey conducted by Dr. Charles Riborg Mann of 1,500 engineers using a questionnaire what they believed were the most important factors in determining likely success or failure as an engineer . Overwhelmingly, personal qualities were considered seven times more important than knowledge of engineering science.

A second circular letter with Mann's results was sent to 30,000 members of four major engineering societies, with each member asked to rate the six qualities necessary for the best engineers. The six main qualities were:

  • Character Judgment Efficiency Understanding of others Knowledge Technique

Note that the first four are soft skills, while only the last two were hard skills.

The conclusions of the report are:


A quick survey of the curriculum used in high schools, colleges, colleges and universities across the country reveals that nothing has changed in 100 years. Educational institutions simply ignore research on soft skills along with requests from their local employers. They continue to teach the technical knowledge and skill sets for an occupation, but neglect the soft skills assessment and training that are critical to success in any occupation.


Students are assumed to already possess these skills, even when employer advisory panels tell them that their graduates do not.


In most situations, educational institutions assume that their students possess these skills, learning them from their families or other life experiences. This may have had some validity in the past, but if parents or other adults don't have soft skills, how can they teach them to others?


This incorrect assumption leads to costly mistakes in the hiring process. I don't have to pay the cost of an incorrect hire. Suffice it to say that when a student drops out of college, enters the world of work, and doesn't even know enough to get there on time every day, the cost to employers is in the tens of thousands of dollars, to say nothing of the cost to employment. employee self-confidence.


A quick review of those reveals that there are no standards for soft skills yet.

  • University of East Kentucky, in the United States

Robles, Marcel M., “Executive Perceptions of the Top 10 Soft Skills Needed in Today's Workplace”, Business Communication Quarterly.

Marcel Robles, researcher, interviewed 182 executives to find out which were the most relevant soft skills for them. According to their study, these 10 are the most important:

  • Communication. Oral and written skills, ability to make presentations, ability to listen. Courtesy. Manners, professional etiquette, grace. Knowing how to say 'please' and 'thank you'. Be respectful. Flexible Ability to adapt, willingness to change, continuous learning. Being able to accept changes, adjust. Be receptive to the teachings: honesty, ethics, morality. Have personal values, do what is right. Interpersonal skills. Be friendly, pleasant, have a sense of humor. Be nice, take care of others, have empathy. Have self-control. Patience, sociability, warmth, social skills. Positive attitude. Be optimistic, enthusiastic, encouraging, happy.Have self-confidence. Be formal, dress appropriately. Have a proper appearance, be balanced. Responsibility. Be reliable, responsible, resourceful. Have self-discipline, try to do the job well. Be meticulous, have common sense. Team work. Be cooperative, get along with others. Be personable, understanding, helpful, cooperative. Work ethic. Being a worker, having the will to work. Be loyal, have initiative, motivation. Arrive on time, do not miss.

Relevance of soft skills

Numerous studies show that these types of informal skills are critical to contributing to business success, and that is precisely why employers seek them so eagerly among applicants.

  • Robles explains that “21st century empirical research shows that potential employers want to hire applicants with strong interpersonal skills, but new graduates are falling short of employers' expectations. Employers emphasize that educators should be teaching their students how to cooperate with others in the workplace and how to successfully acquire customer skills. In fact, soft skills are so important that they are ranked number one, and extremely important for potential job hires, in many occupations and industries. "


Patricia Ortiz, from Talent Acquisition Leadership & Development Manager for Siemens:

Large companies are the most receptive in the definition of the HB In the search to define those that are the most valued in the selection of their personnel rescues:

  1. Empathy Tolerance for diversity Creativity Interpersonal intelligence The ability to transmit knowledge.



The different contexts in which people work, as well as virtual work relationships, require people to put specific soft skills into play.


Julio Cesar Bornaechea. Aurelio Horta, B. Herbert Slim.

"Design Science: Creating the Artificial."

Although the soft skills discussed so far are necessary, to a greater or lesser degree, in all the performances of the person, there are workspaces where some of them require further development:


It is the ability to generate new ideas or concepts, to produce new associations between known ideas and concepts, which usually produce original solutions to the challenge posed.

Being creative is synonymous with having an "original thought", having a "constructive imagination." "Divergent thinking" or "creative thinking" is a typical skill of human cognition, a product of innate abilities and their development through formal or informal training.

Creativity, as with other brain capacities such as intelligence, and memory, encompasses various mental processes, it is a complex skill. Regarding the development of creative ability on a person who has this innate ability that requires spaces that encourage it and attitudes on the part of the person that stimulate it, acceptance of criticism, self-perception of results, tenacity and practice.


It is the ability to represent and develop ideas, tasks, processes, to achieve successful results. It is the ability that uses knowledge, imagination, creativity, and that has the ability to understand the subject as a whole and break it down into its parts. You can calculate the combination of all the elements that the expected result requires.

The design process integrates academic content and mastery of varied techniques (from the use of ICT to modeling clay) and is based on imagination. Being able to imagine a process and a final product and each of the steps to reach the objective.



IT Hunter specializes in the successful search and recruitment of world-class ICT (INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES) specialist talent. They also provide advice for Executive Search, and Leadership Consulting for the Latin American market.

Services range from executive and professional recruiting to leadership development programs, in-company learning, succession planning and outsourcing.

He made known the importance of soft skills that are required by companies in Chile for ICT positions.

… "Today soft skills play a very important role in organizations, as they are key pieces for an individual to properly relate to other people, either within or outside the workplace," says Benjamin Toselli, executive president of IT Hunter.

The manager states that among such skills that are required, the following stand out:

  1. Ethics. Norms, values and principles that regulate the correct behavior of the person throughout her life and professional career. Responsibility. That is, respond to the demands of the position, in the established times and forms. Empathy. Put yourself in the place of others and be supportive. Sociability. Being able to relate to anyone in the organization where you work and with different audiences outside of it. Sharing inside and outside the company and the ability to create contacts or networks over time. Ease of Communication. Have the ability to present ideas, concerns, problems, and points of view in a way that is understood by all. Active listening.It consists of capturing the essentials of each message received, thanks to the fact that the listener pays adequate attention and delivers their feedback. It is key, for example, for conflict resolution. Teamwork. Ability to understand that one is part of something bigger than the organization and that as the efforts of the different actors come together there is a greater probability of success in achieving the objectives that have been set as a group. Adaptation to change. Knowing that you live in a dynamic and constantly evolving world, which forces you to be flexible to adapt to new circumstances and changes in scenarios that take place. Creativity.Ability to look for new proposals that are original and that break, in some way, the established scheme or model with a strong emphasis on innovation. Ability to solve problems. Develop solutions that help overcome the difficulties that arise and where everyone gets experiences and benefits in terms of learning. Time optimization. Manage this increasingly scarce resource in an efficient way, with a view to achieving the objectives set. Positive attitude. Have a vision that focuses on the full part of the glass and not on the empty, to generate movement and advance on the path that has been defined. Spirit of service.Understand that although technology can be synonymous with hardware or “iron”, service plays a very important role, both for external clients and for internal clients (co-workers). Personal security. It is related to the confidence that a person may have in their actions and in the exercise of their profession. Pressure tolerance. Enduring situations that are stressful or very demanding shows a great control on the part of a person, since it makes clear their ability to overcome complex situations and not lose focus on what is important. Assertiveness. Ability to make an opinion known at the time and in the right way. Respect for opinions.Tolerating different points of view is a skill that is very well regarded in a globalized world and where each person has the right to think differently.



It is the ability that gives the ability to easily adapt to different circumstances or to accommodate the rules to different situations or needs. This ability has a higher dose of innate condition and flexibility is related to the ability to adapt


It is the ability to have critical thinking that allows you to carry out the process of analyzing, understanding or evaluating the way in which knowledge is organized in that environment.

This ability allows you to interpret and represent the world, particularly opinions or statements that are often accepted as true at work and that the organization takes for granted.

Critical Thinking is based on the formulation of the "truth criteria" provided by the company and that allows it to distinguish truth from falsehood and be "sure" of the value of a statement. The criteria by which you can assess a statement are established by the job givers.

This ability is defined, from a practical point of view, as the process by which knowledge and intelligence are used to effectively arrive at the most reasonable and justified position on an issue.

Critical thinking implies that you must be "centered", in the sense that it is not simply thinking, but thinking about something that we want to understand and doing it in the best possible way. In this way the process can be appreciated and evaluated in order to make "decisions".


At the beginning of working life, a certain degree of mastery of HD is required but as you begin to interact with others and collaborate or manage the work of peers or subordinates, the HB become essential in the assessment of the competences most appreciated by employers. the specialists have different opinions, derived from the requirements that establish them as requirements appreciated in the countries of Europe.



The author is the Operations Manager of Ghidini RodilEl. The author is the general manager of the Ghidini-Rodil consulting firm.

It points out flexibility, tolerance for uncertainty, the capacity for entanglement (to form networks and work teams), the spirit to undertake (Intrapreneurship) and the ability to learn are the keys to entering and advancing in jobs.


Wilcox is the director of management programs at Harvard Extension School, as well as a committee member and planner for key industry-wide conferences in higher education.

When I co-teach the Strategic Leadership program, I ask participants to list the characteristics of a great mentor or role model and classify each characteristic into one of three groups: IQ / intelligence (IQ) and technical skills or emotional intelligence (EI). Almost invariably, most features fall into the EI cube.

It takes an above-average intelligence, which Goleman defines as a standard deviation from the norm or an IQ of approximately 115, to master the technical knowledge necessary to be a doctor, lawyer, or business executive.

But once people enter the workforce, IQ and technical skills are often the same among those rising. Emotional intelligence becomes an important differentiator.

In fact, emotional intelligence - the ability to, for example, understand your effect on others and handle yourself accordingly - accounts for nearly 90 percent of what moves people when IQ and technical skills are more or less similar..


The Rochester Institute of Technology is home to leading creators, entrepreneurs, innovators, and researchers. Founded in 1829, RIT enrolls more than 18,600 students in more than 200 career and career programs, making it one of the largest private universities in the US.

This Institution, like most American universities, offer undergraduate degrees that are not too extensive and then offer a large number of postgraduate courses that allow adapting the course of people's careers according to the context, to the change of their interests, and so many other motivations. In undergraduate careers, the curriculum focuses on HD. In these postgraduate courses the knowledge that allows updating the techniques and also courses that deepen the HB are developed. The university level does not include them in the offers, since they assume that the HB are developed in the preceding levels or in informal training (sports, dance, music training) or in the family.


Eriodist specialized in Business & Companies and publishes in La Nación, Commercial Chronicler, News Magazine

This author maintains that the growing demand for professionals with analytical capacity and creativity will not only change jobs frequently, but that in most cases they will have jobs that have not yet been invented, indicating that for those positions that are managerial, the level of leadership that a person may have, as they must know how to motivate and lead the staff who will be in charge.


In 2018, it offers the International Diploma in Development of Management Skills and Competencies . The objective is: “That the participants will be able to deploy new skills and competencies in addition to their technical capabilities, allowing them to promote the growth of their organizations and the healthy integration of the work teams to which they belong, with an impact on their entire value chain". It is a face-to-face race of 100 hours at its headquarters in Quito and Guayaquil


He has understood the importance of HB for companies and to optimize performance in managerial positions, which is why he provides information on organizations that promote the development of soft skills and the need for the transition from education and training for work.


CAF is a development bank established in 1970 and made up of 19 countries - 17 from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal - and 13 private banks from the region. Headquartered in Caracas, Venezuela, it has offices in Buenos Aires, La Paz, Brasilia, Bogotá, Quito, Madrid, Mexico City, Panama City, Asunción, Lima, Montevideo and Port of Spain.

This institution supports the "CAF 2016 Economy and Development Report (RED)" and part of its conclusions are:

“Skills are the mainstay of human capital. They are the capacities that a person has to solve different problems effectively, and not only include knowledge or abstract reasoning, but also aspects of personality, beliefs and even physical skills. "

This report shows that skills guarantee a better quality job, have better physical and mental health, and allow development in the personal sphere since it enables them to participate more actively in civic life, complete more years of education, feel greater satisfaction with one's life, among other aspects of personal well-being.

It also highlights that, unlike human capital measured by years of education, skills for work and life are not only formed in educational institutions. The family, the physical and social environment, the worldview of the place where you live and the world of work in which you participate are also areas of crucial importance for the development of skills.


This organization was established in 2009 with the aim of exchanging research results on the needs of education in order to provide answers to the world of work and society in general, coordinate joint research activities and improve collaboration between organizations working at national and international levels. international.

In this framework, the development of HB is encouraged even in companies. It proposes to work considering the HB as the axis for the selection of employees and the organization of the work environment to promote the use of them by the staff.


Leading institutions in the world of work participate in raising awareness of the value of soft skills for companies. Among them we cite VISA BUSINESS that publishes articles in this regard:

Their documents place great importance on soft skills in companies

"Hard skills provide solutions to technical problems, but crises are not only solved technically, but rather adaptively like those provided by Soft Skills."

In working life there are two types of inconveniences that people must face:

  • Problems of a technical nature, for which they have or gain knowledge, those that are the product of the life of the relationship, teamwork, the quality of communications, problem solving, effective time management, change management, stress management and leadership exercise of staff skills and attitudes. For this quality of problems, soft skills or Soft Skills are required.


This University Network supported by Banco Santander provides advice to promote employability in the labor market of the countries that make up the Network. It receives the contribution of the 1,341 universities that make it up. It is the university network of reference for Ibero-America and groups 1,341 universities.

The network and its partners for employment and digital services closed 2016 with a monthly average of 14.1 million unique users on their sites, 1.7 million followers on social networks and published more than 2.6 million job vacancies. youth employment.

On the HB has published a document in which it describes the 10 most requested HB by the labor market in the universe it supports. In a report dated Oct 18. 2017 this entity reported:

"In the workplace it is well seen that an employee count with skills soft and indeed these attributes are in high demand by employers today. The "soft skills" or soft skills allow one person to stand out from another, especially when they have "


The main publication of AméricaEconomía Media Group, it is the most widely read and influential business, economics and finance magazine in Latin America. With its regional presence, AméricaEconomía magazine allows businessmen to make the right decisions by offering them the best information and analysis available in the market.

Professor Sandalio Gómez, Professor of People Management in Organizations, IESE Business School, proposes the training of human resources that companies administer with a vision of globalized work:

“People management has not been exempt from the pressures of globalization. But its adaptation is being slower than that of the business itself and the answer to the question has not been completely resolved: Where should internationalized companies focus it? As time passes, this and other issues related to the pending agenda of the Human Resources departments will become clearer and in the meantime, it is key to keep in mind some of the great challenges that they have to face. "

To cover the jobs in which Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are the center of job performance.

Without soft skills there is no access to work or promotion