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Garbage collection problem in a municipality of Mexico. test

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Siresol is a decentralized body in charge of the collection and final disposal of Solid Waste in Benito Juárez (Quintana Roo, Mexico), which has the concession through the municipal government and whose service is constantly suspended because it does not receive the payment agreed with The municipal comptroller, while having a debt of more than 10 million pesos, this added to the problem of waste management and a latent environmental problem due to its mismanagement and the inefficiency of the transportation and operation machinery. The causes, consequences, and probable solutions for its correct operation are analyzed below.

Siresol's annual budget is 166 million pesos, and it costs all of us not to recycle, not to reduce, and not to have better collection practices.

For the director of the decentralized Solid Waste management body (Siresol), Wilberth Esquivel, with this body it was sought to efficiently end the problem of sanitary landfills and ecological contingencies, the only thing missing was to get citizens involved with the separation of their garbage, as well as enabling the separating bands in the municipal garbage dump. According to an interview, the director of Siresol maintains that significant achievements were obtained, but that in reality they did not have financial freedom and independence because they continue to depend on the treasury and carry a liability of 40 million pesos since 2012 corresponding to salaries, purchases and loans for your operation, debt that continues to move upward every day.

Part of the debt that Siresol faces is with collection affiliate companies such as Setasa, Eco Limpia, San and the company that manages the landfill "containers and more", as a result the city council had to clear a financial gap that contributed to the debt of the municipality that is for more than 100 million pesos. By not reducing this liability, garbage collection is put at risk, as we have seen in recent months.

What is a sin in an administration is the diversion of resources and it is not to have liabilities as long as the resources have been applied correctly.

And it is that at the beginning of 2004 there was talk for the first time of separating garbage by law. The Solid Waste Law has just been formulated, which does not include penalties but does make it clear that it is a citizen obligation to separate garbage into two groups: Organic and inorganic.

And here is a big problem, because in a country lacking in education and the means to promote a culture based on the protection and care of the environment, we find stiff resistance and little social openness. Cultural customs are another factor that influence this project, together with the commercial war that we are victims of every time we turn on the television, radio, or look down the street to realize the amount of advertising in snacks and drinks that In the end, you end up throwing out your car window. Likewise, at home, the family may have every intention of separating the garbage by participating in school projects or environmental contests, but from there derives the other obstacle for this environmental project, all the garbage is transported in the same container,As the collection truck passes, we realize that the truck used does not distinguish between organic and inorganic garbage, and remains so during transport, contraction, and its deposit in the garbage dump, the work done at home was left there at home, without significance, That is why we remember the law that, among other things, contemplated the investment in specialized collection units, capable of receiving both types of waste and processing them separately, this contemplated in the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Program.That is why we remember the law that, among other things, contemplated the investment in specialized collection units, capable of receiving both types of waste and processing them separately, this contemplated in the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Program.That is why we remember the law that, among other things, contemplated the investment in specialized collection units, capable of receiving both types of waste and processing them separately, this contemplated in the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Program.

From this we derive another macroeconomic problem of a national nature and that of course influences the municipal level, comparing data from 2004 on the IFAI (Federal Institute for Access to Information) page, the first setback of the program, loaded with good and modernizers wishes, was the budget, since it was practically impossible to completely renovate the existing vehicle fleet and replace it with the new trucks with separating capacity.

Years have passed and we have observed that the trucks remain the same, decomposed, lacking and deficient, without the mechanism or containers for an efficient differentiated collection. In my opinion, many more years could pass and the law could remain dormant and let resource managers continue to think the same, if trucks can't, people can.

According to research carried out by UNAM, the weight of an average garbage bag is composed of 46% organic matter, 12% plastics, 8% glass, 4% metals, and 8% other metals.

Who wins?

In my opinion I can argue that everyone, from a business perspective, reducing expenses with a minimum of investment translates into income from savings, by letting society separate it from the beginning, from the perspective of the taxpayer, too I win, because if I separate it, we gain a better environment, a better standard of living and better habits. If we do not separate the garbage it will be very difficult to reduce its volumes and its environmental impact, and also, ambiguously, we all lose.

So much so that this reflection and analysis of the administrative problem in which our municipality is involved, from which citizens fall victim to a snowball from a higher level of administration, it is easy to think that it is a consequence more of the excessive selfishness of the people who assign and distribute resources in the dependencies for social programs.

Garbage collection problem in a municipality of Mexico. test