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The new demands of technological innovations and production


New technological requirements have been created that have generated great transformations in the different productive sectors, where the significant aspects of the 2nd Industrial Era radically change, which has generated a great question for entrepreneurs on how to manage their production, marketing and in itself, the administrative processes of the organizations.

For this reason, it is intended to give an own perspective of what is the change that is expected to generate in the organizations, seen from different perspectives.

The first aspect according to Tangelson cited by Sena (2011), "the passage from large-scale production to small series" is silver. The concept of large-scale production is based on the real subsumption developed by the social productive forces of work and through large-scale work, where the main actors are the application of scientific administration, serial machinery and the hand of qualified work. In that the capitalist mode of production only sought to produce a large amount of goods and services without asking the needs of the final users or customers. The change occurs because users or buyers have the power to choose what type of product to buy within a wide variety of articles and substitute products that invade the market due to high productions and globalization.For this reason, industries change their vision of production, focusing on personalized markets, where segmentation and market niches are the strategic bases for determining production volumes.

Businesses tended to focus on products as part of their strategic mission and they realized that they were poorly targeted, this caused them to change course, starting to focus on customers. This required changing the mindset of doing and selling to one of perceiving and responding. In turn, the use of the internet, the buyer can easily tell the organization what they want, and the organization provides it, according to Koler, Jain and Maesincee cited by Scheff (2008). In other words, the customer changes his role from that of consumer to that of producer (it is the fusion between producer and consumer).

Along with the previous aspect, according to the points mentioned by Tangelson cited by the Sena (2011), where at the end of large-scale production, with an assembly line based on the increase in the performance of the equipment, systems and workers linked to a process or task with no way to change. In itself, the worker is part of the gear becoming a machine that only performs activities without the need for reason. The new era of innovation in technologies gives way to flexible automation of assembly lines, its main characteristic being the coordination of the application of robotics and information assisted by systems and software that helps to achieve standards and generate high yields.

It is known that robotics in the industrial field have automated industrial processes differently, presenting a multifunctional and reprogrammable nature where various machines and environmental systems are integrated to improve performance and the use of resources. Within these automation systems the following are highlighted: Robotic systems, made up of one or more robots with their corresponding terminals and complementary devices; the flexible manufacturing cell, made up of one or more machines, tools and other auxiliary systems arranged in the form of a cell, where the robot is positioned as the core and functions as the system's server; Flexible manufacturing systems, formed by a set of human labor and auxiliary systems arranged in the form of a manufacturing line.The robot intervenes as one more machine or performing a manipulation or inspection function.

Lastly and one of the most important is the move from “stock policy to just-in-time production. From the organizational perspective, it is understood that having high volumes of stock in storage are a high impact on opportunity costs, just having large stocks of items makes the organization have a lot of invested capital, leaving the possibility of investing in other activities in a short term. With the change in trends and knowing customers more and more, these high storage costs can be mitigated, which is perceived by having inventories in the warehouse, which focuses the organization on just-in-time production, that is, to produce according to customer requirements and market demand.

For this reason, it is good to carry out market studies to determine what production strategies should be established within the organization to use resources optimally.

In conclusion, there are different trends that have generated transformations within organizations, the most important thing is that entrepreneurs are open to change so that they can adapt to the environment and be able to take advantage of the circumstances and always be leading the market. In other words, information and new information trends can help improve the adaptability of companies to the new requirements and needs of consumers.

The perception of people is that each time the human workforce is losing strength within the industry, but with the new trends in information, the emergence of another productive sector is being speculated, where people take information to create other commerce activities, where information is vital for new trends to generate value in organizations, so human capital must move to the creation of technology, contribute to robotics and the creation of software.

The new demands of technological innovations and production