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Proposal for a new business training model

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The objective of this work is to show the existing training problems in the company El Sensei de la Cleaning of the City of Cancun, Quintana Roo, and the way in which the difficulties have been overcome to respond to the need to provide training to low cost for a workforce with a high turnover rate. The proposed training method that is explained here is based on a change in the employee's conception that allows him to resolve the conflicts of his work in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost.

For this purpose, the business line of the company is explained, the required employee profile, the limitations in the working conditions that contribute to the rotation of personnel causing additional expenses for the constant training of new employees and finally the process with which currently training is provided.


Business rotation

The Cleaning Sensei is a company legally incorporated in the City of Cancun Quintana Roo whose business line is the provision of cleaning services to various spaces ranging from sites such as: executive offices, shopping malls, shopping centers and multipurpose premises, even houses. The function of the employee is limited to cleaning: furniture and desks, shelves, work tables and furniture in general, floors in general, windows, bathrooms and kitchens.

Required employee profile

The profile requested to carry out these tasks and according to the low amount of payment offered for tasks of this nature, mean that the bulk of those trained have a very low educational standard, so the training task becomes one more challenge than in a process.

Limitations in the working conditions that contribute to the rotation of personnel causing additional expenses for the constant training of new employees.

One of the main problems that the company faces is the high turnover of personnel; which, by the way, has very high indicators in the last three years (some close to 70%), which reflects the constant renewal of the workforce, generating high costs in terms of training and recruitment of personnel.

There are many analyzes that have been carried out around this problem and all conclude that low salary is the cause that most influences raising said index, since cleaning assistants are probably the lowest in the labor scale in terms of level economic perception and forces them to have their financial situation as their main concern, a concern that does not allow them to keep their job for a long time, since as soon as they find a job where they offer greater economic perception, they take it immediately and sometimes no longer they even return to terminate the employment relationship. This cycle is constantly repeated, becoming the biggest problem the company deals with.

Process with which training is currently provided

Therefore, the following question arises: Will there be a training program that adapts to the needs of the company and that breaks with the traditional paradigms of a trainer and a training room for new employees, that is economical and meets the objective to provide the necessary tools to the worker to carry out their work?

This work focuses on the task of devising a training method in which the traditional roles of trainer-trained do not exist, which promotes the generation of an employee who is capable of being subject to the rhythm and work style of each particular situation and adapt to the specific tasks for which you were hired, do it in the shortest possible time and raise the level of service to the maximum in the standardization scale. In order to carry out an effective and low-cost training method, it has been necessary to analyze the procedure currently used to teach the applied cleaning methods, examine the success stories and their effects on the client, to finally create a solution proposal and issue the corresponding conclusions.

Although it is true that for several decades the need for companies to permanently train their staff by updating them on the tools and materials they use has been raised, it has not been possible to find an effective method that guarantees 100% learning of the relevant issues for the company by making the employee increase his performance once he has been trained. This relationship between training and employee productivity generates dividends in both directions, both for the company and for the worker; however, they are not reflected to the same degree in job integration. The perspectives from which the effects of training on employees can be studied are diverse, however,All studies suggest that the true effect of training on the employee is to create in him the idea of ​​being more competent and stimulate professional development, effects that will be reflected in an increase in efficiency, which by the way does not always happen.

The roles of trainer and teacher share an old paradigm: that of considering the student or trainee a vessel that must be filled. Unfortunately, this paradigm visualizes the apprentice as a passive subject, incapable of performing in an acceptable way in the resolution of conflicts, of being purposeful, that he dispenses with the presence of the boss to solve a conflict. That said, this essay proposes that the key in creating an effective training method must be based on an ideological revolution of the teaching-learning process that directs its efforts to the generation of an employee who is self-directed.

Current training method

Once you've been selected, the operations department spends a day on it to familiarize you with the company, train you on core tasks, and introduce the workplace to both the new hire and the customers who will receive you the next day.

Said training process is carried out as follows:

  • Induction by the Administrative Assistant, about who the company is, its mission, its values, its objectives, relevant information about its payroll receipt, and the form and days of payment. They are given a 5-sheet manual where they are They explain the things you should know before starting your job, the dos and don'ts, the code of ethics and dress They are presented with a video of about 5 minutes where you have basically outlined the things to avoid once that has been assigned to a job They make a diagnosis of cleaning qualities in the area assigned for it (company warehouse) designed with a bathroom, various types of floor and a window, where it is intended to recognize which could be the best place to assign it.

All of the above can be done thanks to the fact that a person has been assigned especially for the training and enrollment of new employees, who acts as a trainer, in addition to having our training room, which serves as a learning classroom, and The rest of the tools and materials are used to reinforce the ideas that are intended to be learned on that day.


This process has worked since the creation of the company and operates in the same way since then, however its application generates considerable costs, in addition to this, if this process is constantly repeated, it results in an economic burden for the company to maintain this style of training., since economic, human and infrastructure resources are allocated to solve the situation, but if we consider that this method is constantly repeated, its application increases costs directly proportional to the number of new employees that are needed.

Proposed training method

The following suggestions are made to the current training method:

  • Breaking with the paradigm that the trainee is a passive entity waiting to be taught what to clean, how to do it, how many chemicals to use, where to apply abrasives and where to apply aromatics, where to dust and where to vacuum it, which floor can be wet and which floor must be mopped.Have a day assigned for training and a specialized person for the task of training.Provide training directly in the place assigned for such task.Make the trained the axis The core of the training Assign a dedicated day for the training That the important questions of the induction occur on the day of the interview That the hiring process works in reverse, training first, then hiringThat the process is understood as an open system and is fed day by day with what is new and interesting Self-assessment as the guiding axis of training Specialized education will be subject to a promotion as an employee and will only be accessed once that the initial learning stage was passed.

The goal of challenging the candidate is to use their energy to meet the challenge and not to learn the cleaning techniques. It is a new way of generating training, where the important thing will not be where the candidates are sent, but the number of challenges overcome, which will make a candidate become the desired employee.

The main function of the supervisor will not be to train the candidate, on the contrary, their function will be to monitor that the challenge is being met, make their observations and record them so that later feedback is given to the candidate in the form and style used, it is intended to reaffirm the concept of the challenge as the main axis of learning and to be able to detect the natural abilities that the candidate has and improve the areas of opportunity presented.

The main function of our clients implicitly is to evaluate the candidate, in some way the client registers who is the person who will be providing the cleaning services, a subject for which indisputably one of the challenges that the supervisor will deliver to the candidate will be to convince the client that he is the candidate who should keep the job, in short I think that if I could name this style of training it would be called self-management training.

Finally, the feedback process is essential to reaffirm what has been learned during contact with work, the supervisor will apply his experience in guiding the energy with which the worker performs his work, which at the end of the day will result in the most real experience of a learning process.


Although it is true that some authors have used psychological, behavioral and behavioral techniques, among others, to change the learning style, few are those who dare to put it into practice in real time, in conditions where the time factor is decisive and the rating is a subjective level of satisfaction, since it is being evaluated by the client, who in the end is the one who decides if the company is meeting their service expectations, therefore this type of training is considered of utmost importance since the main The objective is to train employees committed to the company that hires them as well as the company to which it provides the service.

The experience obtained to date allows us to build the following hypothesis: "The happier a worker is in his work area overcoming the challenges he faces, the greater his performance in it."

Proposal for a new business training model