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The military factor in South America. if you want peace, prepare for war

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At the end of the fourth century of our era, Flavius ​​Renatus Vegeetius, Latin writer of the court of the emperor Valentinian II wrote, from his stay in Constantinople, wrote a book that had its influence until the Renaissance and which he titled “De Rei Militaris” (De the things of the militias), where he inscribed the famous phrase used to this day -for good or for evil.- famous among the Romans of that time: "Si vis pacem, para bellum", sentence that had nothing to do with an expansionist or imperialist idea. On the contrary, Vegetius considered that for a war to be prevented or a country attacked by another, it was best to be well armed to defend themselves and not to attack other nations. The success of this principle dictated 1600 years ago,remained effective for the 54 years that the "cold war" lasted between the Soviet Union and the United States. (1947-1991).

Painfully, on the soils of Iraq, Yugoslavia, Vietnam and other spaces, the overwhelming ambition of the Anglo-Saxon empire, preferred to use violence, usurpation, assault with bullets and bombs against defenseless peoples, for that unipolar power - today beginning its decline - peace is a simple utopia, without understanding - or rather not wanting to hear the clamor of Humanity that continues to sing the song that made Jonh Lennon famous and deeply moving: “The world march for peace”.

In the current specific case of Latin America in general and that of the South in particular, the sentence of the Roman Renatus Regelius has a justifiable meaning. It is not an aggressive, expansionist or imperialist phrase. On the contrary. It may be that the theory of the German Marshal Von Clausewitz that modern war is the continuation of politics is current in the 21st century. In such a case, will the Washington establishment think that if they lose South America, with its much-needed resources, its excellent strategic areas, its rich biodiversity, it would mean the definitive end of the "Monroe doctrine" that was in force for a long time. the time has come - Latin Americans think; even more, the new generations.

The military factor on the South American agenda

The paths of pseudo Pan-Americanism, as Jorge L. Borges would say "are forking". What reasons lead the various South American governments to be promoters of an arms escalation in the region? The Stockholm Institute for Peace Studies estimated that the South American military investment was 47,000 million dollars in 2008. In order to modernize obsolete equipment that has not been updated in the last forty years, taking advantage of the economic boom? For corruption? For drowsy fears? Peru-Chile; Bolivia-Chile; Colombia-Ecuador; Venezuela-Colombia, Guiana Essequibo, the coveted Amazon, the Falkland Islands, the lands of Patagonia, the distribution of Antarctica.

Venezuela.- President Chávez, after an extensive tour of Iran, the Middle East and Russia, bought weapons worth 5 billion dollars from Moscow, which upset the United States because he considered that such an agreement could mean a "destabilizing effect" Acquired 30 AMX 7 pilot training aircraft (Brazilian-made) and 30 AMX tanks purchased from Spain. It bought 92 T72 tanks from Iran and an unspecified number of Smerch missile launchers. Iran also helps Venezuela with a civil nuclear program, according to the announcement by President Chávez, who immediately ruled out a possible military use of atomic energy.

Peru.- It has already signed contracts to acquire twelve SUT-264 torpedoes from Germany, and is currently preparing the purchase of 100 tanks of T-72 or the most modern T-80s and, for the Navy, a "missile destroyer" type ship, in order to renew its war squad.

Chile.- Acquired new AT missiles, Leopard tanks, armored M-113 and YPR-765; self-propelled artillery M109; 2 Gepard anti-aircraft battalions; Swiss M109 already in Chile; Israeli 155mm Soltan-type howitzers; LEO II tanks. and studying the purchase of the Italian SPADA, in addition to F-17 aircraft and Scorpene submarines.

Ecuador.- The government of Rafael Correa will invest until 2011 about 500 million dollars in the acquisition of weapons: combat aircraft and troop transport, mainly used in the surveillance of the border with Colombia. Ecuador plans to buy the weapons in Iran, establishing cooperative relations of credit and financing. (Javier Ponce, Minister of Defense).

Bolivia –Paraguay.- President Fernando Lugo announced last Thursday to cancel the operation called “New Horizons” • scheduled for 2010 between Paraguayan army troops and 500 United States military. Vice President Federico Franco - leader of the Liberal Party, and all its representatives - expressed their opposition with the president's decision.

Bolivia announced last Tuesday that it will inform the South American Defense Council of South America, as well as bilaterally to Paraguay, about its intention to acquire war weapons of Russian origin, as expressed by David Choquehuanca, Bolivian Foreign Minister.

Colombia.- Colombia increasingly buys arms from Spain. It is becoming a world power in arms sales, after the United States, Russia and Germany. Colombia appears as one of its most important clients in South America. The controversy aroused within UNASUR has led the Álvaro Uribe government not to rule out the withdrawal of his country from the bloc in case the countries that comprise it refuse to discuss issues such as drug trafficking and arms.

Argentina.- Although a communiqué from “Zona América” dated September 8, indicates that Argentinazo has been buying arms for 15 years, when it replaced planes lost in the Malvinas war, they were announced by www.sablesmilitares.com, that Argentina It has returned to the arms buying market by acquiring Russian military helicopters, missiles and French landing ships, heavy transport planes and radars for millions of dollars.

The visit of the Argentine Minister of Defense -Nilda Garré to Russia- is considered the debut of Moscow as an arms supplier to the Argentine army through the export company Rosoboronexport, who also has contacts in Peru, Brazil, Mexico, and Uruguay. and Colombia.

The subsequent visit of the Argentine mission to France was made in order to unlock the assignment of two landing ships and achieve acceptable agreements for the purchase of air missiles and the acquisition of M-17 helicopters, an improved version of the traditional M- 8.

Uruguay.- On his recent visit to the United States, President Dr. Tabaré Vázquez, indicated that he fears that an arms race could divert funds that should be used for economic development in the poor countries of the region. Both the United States and Uruguay carefully watch an arms race in South America, suspending Washington's request for the installation of a large naval base off the coast of Atlantic Uruguay. With Venezuela, Uruguay authorized the installation of two satellite bases - financed by that country - to direct the Venezuelan satellite "Venezat" (originally called "Urusat") at the Antel station in Manga, using the 77th orbit that belongs to Uruguay.

Brazil.- At the Unasur Summit held in Bariloche, the President of Brazil severely criticized the recent military agreement between Colombia and the United States in order for Washington to use the seven Colombian bases. At Lula's meeting in Brasilia with French President Sarkozy, a military contract was agreed on the purchase of arms for four Scorporene attack submarines, fifty military transport helicopters and the construction of the hull of a nuclear submarine; all worth $ 7 billion. The renewal of the combat planes of the Brazilian Air Force (2,000 to 2,500 million dollars) and with the disposition arranged by Sarkozy to transfer technology, has been left for a new opportunity.This will contribute to improving the competitiveness of the Rafale bombardier manufactured by Dassault Aviation.

After the discovery of the enormous oil reserves in its Atlantic pre-salt layer, Brazil began to express great mistrust of the true intentions of the United States when the Southern Command ordered to reactivate the patrols of the IV Fleet in the waters of the South Atlantic.

Immediately the Brazilian Armed Forces executed the joint operation "Albacora" in the zone of the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espiritu Santo and in the waters of the South Atlantic, as training for the defense of oil zones and trade routes.

France, with the signing of the "Action Plan of the Strategic Alliance" with Brazil, (23 / XII / 08) has taken a very important and firm step that largely displaces the United States in the region. For Itamaraty, such an action plan provides keys for its development, leadership and membership in the club of the great powers.

The military factor in South America. if you want peace, prepare for war