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Sell ​​consultatively


Sellers constitute the productive sector of a company dedicated to the sale of goods or services, it depends on them whether or not it is possible to achieve the objectives-goals, fulfill the mission and move towards achieving the vision. They are those who are capable of accurately informing the purchasing department what type of products the consumer wants, they are the image of the organization and therefore it is very important to have them trained and motivated to be able to carry out their work efficiently and effectively. thus achieving effectiveness in the sales process, it is actually a "consultant" for both the manager or purchasing manager and the customer.

A good seller knows that he has to sell consultatively, buyers often do not understand or do not know well which product is the one that meets their needs, therefore the seller must get the likely customer to tell him what product he wants and for what type of use need it. Of course, in order to be able to sell consultatively and ensure that the customer is satisfied with his purchase, the seller has to know the products he sells; act honestly and with empathy; honesty and empathy so as not to think only about your commission and try to sell the most expensive product, even if it is not the one that the probable client needs, perhaps the dishonest seller can make sales in this way, but is losing credibility in his person and which is worse is deteriorating the company,It is the irresponsible attitude of selling thinking about the moment without thinking about the future.

Taking into account the above, we must establish as the responsibility of the Sales and / or Marketing Manager the appropriate selection of candidates for sellers, it is not conceivable that sellers are taken from people who do not have a good command of language or body language, that they do not have a good appearance and even worse that they do not dress properly; in addition to not knowing the products they intend to sell and having no interest in knowing them. If "sellers" of this type are taken, it is an attack against the company that is the one that is greatly affected by the amount of lost sales and it is working in favor of competing companies, it is clearly a model of anti-management that indicates ignorance of sales management.

To be able to sell consultatively we must:

Knowing how to listen, knowing how to listen implies “being present in the conversation” (this is demonstrated with good body language), in order to identify the needs of the probable client.

Have an adequate handling of objections, questions and resistance; This cannot be achieved without knowledge of the product and good command of the language (knowing how to express oneself correctly).

Act honestly (do not lie, recognize your limitations) and empathy (do not exceed your empathic feeling, as it can be detrimental to the company, that is, it must have a fair balance).

Make note of the added value that it gives to the sale of the products (opportunity and service).

Identify communication barriers and maintain assertive communication.

Realize that the relationship with the client does not end with the sale, because otherwise we leave aside a great strength and an added value of great importance: the after-sales service that is the key to future sales.

It is expected that a sales or marketing manager should know all these aspects, as well as know the strengths of the salespeople, stimulating those behaviors that favor the increase in sales, leaving aside sympathies or antipathies, trying to act fairly, leaving aside attitudes very human but not corporate at all. As every manager must be very clear that it is the productive and / or effective worker who contributes to the success of the company and its management, but not the obsequious and flattering one who with that type of attitude tries to make up for his disability and limitation.

“The most important thing is that a sales manager is clear about his criteria when selecting his sales force; this is vital given that salespeople are convincing beings, in general, and they tend to transform the manager into an ally in front of the company, thereby mimicking his role and gently leading him to failure ”.

Sell ​​consultatively