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Dynamics of the labor market and a vision of its future


The relationship that we know today between a person and their job is changing and has gone from the already classic image of the dependent worker and identified with their organization to a reality in which the occupant of a job must exclusively worry about their responsibilities and for the results expected from them. It is not that the commitment to the organization is not important. It happens that today we see a world of work in which the collaborator must adapt reasonably quickly to the various or perhaps numerous organizations with which he or she has relationships throughout their useful lives.And the quality of the results delivered will reveal the level of commitment. This will no longer be an attitude that is expected to come gradually. It must be expressed and perceived clearly and permanently, from before starting to work inclusive. The level of commitment of a stable or temporary collaborator will be evidenced or objectified in cyberspace.

The reality of work that is already here offers a world focused on people's achievements. You may offer your services to one or several companies in periods of fluctuating duration. What will decide the value of our potential will be the tangible and profitable achievements previously achieved and witnessed by our employers.

The resume, resume or resume, which to this day is a document that we still produce to the best of our knowledge, is on the way to extinction. It will be replaced by a universal format record and available online for anyone who wants to consult it. And very likely our successes are reported not necessarily by us service providers, but by those to whom we have already offered it. This will challenge or lessen the value of the job interview. In an interconnected world, in which the majority of employable people, together with their skills and achievements, will circulate in cyberspace, labor mobility will increase and the protocols for joining organizations will be lightened. So we are not far from the death of the always subjective job interview. Even its most advanced formats, which boast of accuracy, will be replaced by online software with data from thousands of candidates updated daily. For this reason, the job search and offer processes will be further shortened.

Our labor utility will be decided by the value assigned to us by those for whom we work. And this indicator, freely available on the networks, will be the guide that guides our probable new clients or employers when deciding to hire us.

Should this new scenario be feared as the realm of nefarious individualism? Not necessarily. It can also be seen as the culminating recognition of the diversity and / or versatility of human talent. Of course, there will be clients or organizations that establish rigid and uniform working parameters as before. It is also possible that appreciation for originality and divergent thinking may rise with a view to achieving successful results. That is, those who can achieve higher rates of effectiveness and innovation in different scenarios will be the most required. Your achievements will always be visible and easily verifiable to anyone who wants it. One click away. Or maybe faster than that.

Dynamics of the labor market and a vision of its future