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Importance of the sales plan


A few days ago I had the opportunity to analyze a study on marketing activity in small and medium-sized companies.

The results indicate the low dedication that, despite recognizing as very important, companies lend to this fundamental area of ​​development. These are the most relevant results:

  • Half of the companies interviewed say they know the trend in demand at the national level, and slightly at the European level of the sector, through specialized publications, press, fairs, etc. Approximately 50% of the companies interviewed say they know how it is The market is segmented and the company's positioning within it, but practically none of them carry out market studies Most of the companies interviewed consider that they study consumer behavior, although they are based solely on the company's experience in the market. evaluation of the service provided against the competition, most say they do it, although based solely on the comments that are heard, and without doing any study about it. Practically no company has a formalized sales policy.Their sales objectives are to maximize profit or increase sales compared to the previous year. Almost all the companies interviewed consider that they carry out a policy of prices, payment conditions, quality of the products they sell or the service they provide and compliance with delivery deadlines, although they are modifiable depending on the importance of the client or the moment. In addition, almost no company formalizes these policies in documents. Few of those interviewed had a formally documented Annual Business Plan. Regarding the implementation of a Communication Policy, almost all companies base it on advertising, and not even all companies. companies carry it out.In many of the companies interviewed, advertising was carried out only at specific moments, such as specific campaigns.As for a Customer Loyalty Policy, all companies highlight its importance but find it difficult to do because of the tendency to the infidelity of the client, which they point out that it is guided only by prices, and also by the difficulty of measuring the value that said loyalty brings to the company Few companies have a clear attitude of opening towards new markets, although the idea of ​​expansion is not rejected in principle by any company. Some companies claim to have an incentive and motivation policy for sales department personnel.All companies highlight its importance but find it difficult to do so due to the tendency towards customer infidelity, which they point out that it is guided only by prices, and also because of the difficulty of measuring the value that such loyalty brings to The company. Few companies have a clear attitude of opening towards new markets, although the idea of ​​expansion is not rejected in principle by any company. Some companies claim to have an incentive and motivation policy for sales department personnel.All companies highlight its importance but find it difficult to do so due to the tendency towards customer infidelity, which they point out that it is guided only by prices, and also because of the difficulty of measuring the value that such loyalty brings to The company. Few companies have a clear attitude of opening towards new markets, although the idea of ​​expansion is not rejected in principle by any company. Some companies claim to have an incentive and motivation policy for sales department personnel.Few companies have a clear attitude of opening towards new markets, although the idea of ​​expansion is not rejected in principle by any company. Some companies claim to have an incentive and motivation policy for the sales department staff.Few companies have a clear attitude of opening towards new markets, although the idea of ​​expansion is not rejected in principle by any company. Some companies claim to have an incentive and motivation policy for the sales department staff.

This problem can be solved with professional, practical and economic solutions for any company. The keyword is called outsourcing. Putting the company's commercial orientation in the hands of professionals will bring multiple benefits. Perhaps it is the most grateful part of the company, where the results, if you work seriously, will pay off in the short term.

The market is full of opportunities, new distribution channels, new formulas, new products, why not take advantage of them?

After a long history in large distribution, I could cite hundreds of examples of small and medium-sized companies that have made the leap, with determination and good work, towards new challenges, towards new channels, towards a wider range of consumers.

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Importance of the sales plan