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Importance of a professional ethical practice



Ethics is a concept that contains a meaning primarily in the individual and professional fields, this means that we must apply ethics so that our professional work is benefited and rewarded.

Professional ethics seeks to regulate the activities carried out within the framework of a profession, suggesting what is desirable and condemning what should not be done. Today, society requires our daily activities to have moral and ethics as the main guideline.


The vocation as the natural inclination of a person for the profession, a complex reality that allows the individual, through his work part, to achieve fullness as a person, makes it possible for people to select the appropriate profession and in this way optimally develop the functions that fall within this profession.

To be a professional requires a professionalism based on a series of principles that vary depending on each discipline, taking up the most universal:

Autonomy: Ability to decide individually.

Responsibility: All acts have consequences and concern the perpetrator.

Respect: Treat all individuals with autonomy and respect for their freedom.

Beneficence: Maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of the action.

Justice: Burdens must be distributed equitably and granting access to resources fairly.

The correct application of Ethics and moral knowledge are the route of Success individually and as a collective entity. Let's not forget that part of our duty as a professional is to extend our intellectual, moral and physical capacities.

Administrators are governed by a Code of Ethics like any profession, which we must commit to comply with and consider that the repercussions of not acting ethically in this profession are: Economic - Legal - Social.

Let us remember that the primary goal of administrators is the application of strategies that maximize long-term profitability and growth of the company's profits, this always within the margin of the law.

You should also avoid submitting to improper influences, personal interest-based favors, or engaging in behavior that affects the integrity of executives. Managers should try to ensure that their employees do not fall into this type of influence.

Acting with integrity implies loyal behavior in the face of the obligations and tasks that must be undertaken, within the framework of the trust placed in the employee. When a company or individual has an ethical behavior it generates trust in those around it.

Ethical behavior generates enormous benefits as well as for the company as well as for its workers, who gain the loyalty of its employees and customers.


Business ethics is not an added value Ethics is an intrinsic value of all economic and business activity, since any business activity includes the human being and therefore any way of acting or thinking will influence directly or indirectly.

Importance of a professional ethical practice