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Values ​​as the basis for business growth

Being honest with yourself and with others is to accept that despite the failures that were made or will be made, there is a willingness to change to improve behavior and good conduct that should always be with us and throughout society.

Always act correctly and have a clear conscience for something that has been done, are 2 principles that should govern our lives until the end of our days. This is how a company must strive because its activities are always honest and demand the same from its workers, so that their work is done with total rectitude and great care.

This introduction helps us to develop a topic of great importance but that unfortunately many companies do not pay attention to: organizational values. We see on a daily basis that in most of our Latin American societies, corruption and lack of morals reign with total impudence, even going so far as to condemn a country to live a true hell.

For this reason, honesty must begin with ourselves and be in all the levels with which we deal on a daily basis. In our case, companies must fight because there is always a climate of rectitude and trust in what is done and that this is reflected in the attitudes and activities carried out by their workers, for their own good and that of all institutions.

If an organization strives to always carry out the correct activities, it is most likely that its employees feel committed to it and have a high degree of loyalty that will be reflected in better and greater activities and, consequently, in the achievement of all goals. proposals.

In addition, if the principles of one party agree with those of the other, a climate of autonomy will arise, feeling that absurd rules are not being implemented and what is considered correct is being done. With this, an environment of coexistence is built suitable for continuing to develop in the best way all the activities necessary for the proper functioning of the company.

As there is total communion between personal rules and those of the company, it will be ensured that these are not broken and will be easy to adapt, since the principles of rectitude and good treatment are the same for both the employee and the organization, and he will seek not to break the rules since they would be violating the same of the offender.

Company and worker. The two of you must commit to always giving the best of themselves and trying to make the fewest mistakes.

For this reason, if you want strict compliance with discipline, the example must begin with superiors who must always respect the rules. And not only lip service, but identifying with the decisions made and not accepting them just because, but with full conviction that what is done corresponds to their own behavior.

Being honest with yourself is accepting the mistakes that have been made and changing the attitudes that did not allow us to act well. It is to always be responsible for the acts that have been done and always act under the parameters and norms previously accepted, remembering that the breaking of a rule will bring negative consequences for us.

Both the company and the worker himself must take care that there is mutual respect and of course, mutual honesty. There should be no deception between both parties and both parties should ensure that harmony and a good atmosphere always reign inside and outside the organization. That the company feels that it needs its employee and that he increases his sense of belonging to it.

Knowing the personnel and identifying the possible failures that it may present are functions that a company must fully fulfill. Demanding without knowing the working conditions or without knowing the workers themselves is a mistake that should not be made in an organization. Being "friends" with employees is gaining their trust, knowing what they think and how the company can help them and they help him.


Managing and treating the Human Resources of a company correctly is necessary to obtain commitment and commitment from them. Always act with rectitude and under both ethical and morally accepted standards, these are steps that we must always abide by and seek that the company where we work is also followed to the letter for the development of the best behavior.

Values ​​as the basis for business growth