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Use of emotional intelligence in a management secretary

Table of contents:


1. Definition of emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage our feelings and those of others, so that we can properly maintain positive relationships with ourselves and with others.

Emotional Intelligence is not innate and can be enhanced by learning throughout our lives using our experience to do so. Emotional Intelligence includes personal competencies, such as self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation. Also for emotional intelligence social skills are very important. Some of them are empathy and social skills in general. Emotional Intelligence is defined as the ability to capture the emotions of a group and lead them towards a positive result. This talent can be learned and cultivated in companies, being very profitable.

2. Influence in the business environment

Emotional Intelligence acquired vital importance when Daniel Goleman coined this term in two books "Emotional Intelligence" and "The Practice of Emotional Intelligence" where he exposes his theory, by which success in top management depends on emotional intelligence, understood as a series of skills that can be learned through life experiences. This was a shock in the business world on a global scale. Companies increasingly give more importance to emotional intelligence, starting from the basis that the worker already has sufficient intellectual capacity and technical skill to do their job, and focuses their attention on personal qualities such as initiative, leadership, adaptability, empathy or persuasiveness.Emotional intelligence makes it easier for us to make better decisions. In companies based on emotional intelligence, the human part is as important as the rational part.

In fact, they will get the most out of it if they encourage and motivate staff. In companies there are two types of resources: human and material. Human resources are very valuable in companies, so a good management of these resources will generate many benefits in economic terms, because human resources handle the materials.

In Spain we go slower in these practices. Until now, only a small percentage of large Spanish companies take into account the emotional intelligence of candidates in personnel selections, promotions and promotions, although this percentage is increasing each time. Even SMEs also take into account emotional indicators, such as that performance depends on these capabilities.

3. Emotional intelligence in the executive secretariat

This Concept of Emotional Intelligence is extremely useful to increase effectiveness in human resource management. In the field of the Management Secretariat, Emotional Intelligence is of vital importance, because the implementation of this concept facilitates the performance of the functions of the position. Facilitates and increases the efficiency of the secretary in dealing with clients and managers.

4. Traits of a secretary with emotional intelligence

Empathy: The secretary must understand the behavior and ideas of other people and put himself in their place, considering and respecting the opinions of the members of his team, which will facilitate the management of groups.

Problem solving: The business world is very hard and it is necessary to have a high capacity to solve problems and at the same time initiative to do so. An emotionally intelligent secretary is optimistic and persistent in goals despite all the obstacles that may arise.

Teamwork: In order to achieve the objectives, it is essential to involve all members of the team, involving and motivating them. Successful collaboration among team members will lead to the achievement of that team's goals.

Communication skills: Cohesion between team members is supported by fluid and relaxed communication. If it exists, then the secretary can motivate the team and achieve the goal together.

Leadership: A management secretary directs a group of people, so he should have that characteristic, although leadership is innate.

Humor: A powerful tool to relax the team and create a pleasant climate for the achievement of the goal.

Influence: It is a very important weapon to encourage the development of the other teammates and get the most out of the team members.

Self-control: Secretaries are under a lot of pressure, so they have to control their impulses and deal with setbacks. With clarity and concentration despite problems.

Order: They are organized and careful with their work.

Responsibility: The secretaries admit their mistakes; They take steps to fix them and move on, so they are Responsible with their work.

Ingenuity: They take advantage of the diversity of opportunities that the different types of people that make up the team offer us.

Persuasion: Persuasion is very beneficial to the consensus decision-making process. In addition, secretaries are continuously in contact with clients, team members, other managers, suppliers, so being persuasive and diplomatic will lead to success on many occasions. In your daily work, you will have to make decisions by consensus, which can be difficult.

As we have seen in this article, the theory of emotional intelligence still has a long way to go in the business world. Above all, this theory offers us a very interesting perspective in the world of secretarial work, in addition to being a palpable reality in the Spanish labor market, as demonstrated by the holding of courses, conferences and seminars applied to emotional intelligence.

Use of emotional intelligence in a management secretary