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Importance of women's skills in business

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The topic to be discussed will be the importance of the skills that a woman has in the business environment, the benefits that a business can provide in a company, the skills that a business woman has by nature, the lifestyles that women from with The actions you do at home can be exercised at work and the most important women who have accomplished great things in important positions.


The present essay was carried out in order to show how important it is for an administrative woman to develop in the administrative field, especially in these times, where women are hardly given their place. The topic was chosen because both men and women have the right to take credit for their activities that they carry out within an organization, and not because they are of the opposite sex they are not allowed, but on the contrary they are deserved. Nowadays women have very important managerial positions and from there it starts because the feminine power must be recognized in the business world. Hoping that the reader will like to capture the attention of the essay. Therefore we will try to analyze the key question; How important is it for a woman to have business skills?

II. Background

Women since ancient times have been considered a burden and a weaker sex, which is why it was very rare for them to be called capable of carrying out an activity of great responsibility and they were assigned more limited responsibilities. The female sex has become accustomed to pointing out that they were only made for the care of children and for housework. This is how a housewife who was raised that way mentions it, "Since I was a child I grew up listening to my father say that women are made for the home" (Rodríguez, 2013) as Mrs. Rodríguez mentions that since she was a child she was educated with That mentality of being a housewife, when today it is a totally absurd ideology, a woman if she can is made for the home because it is an instinct of her nature,But what is also instinct of his nature is to survive to be someone in life who is better in the business field. "It must establish sufficient mechanisms and institutions to guarantee equality and promote gender equity, especially in the case of working women and heads of families, in addition to protecting the organization and development of the family." (The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, article 4, 2010) According to the constitution, there must be gender equality between both sexes. That is why if the man operates in the business field, a woman also cannot hesitate to do so.especially in the case of working women and heads of families, in addition to protecting the organization and development of the family. " (The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, article 4, 2010) According to the constitution, there must be gender equality between both sexes. That is why if the man operates in the business field, a woman also cannot hesitate to do so.especially in the case of working women and heads of families, in addition to protecting the organization and development of the family. " (The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, article 4, 2010) According to the constitution, there must be gender equality between both sexes. That is why if the man operates in the business field, a woman also cannot hesitate to do so.

"… the 60 years of the female vote in Mexico, it was revealed that 46.3 percent of the female population in the country lives in a situation of poverty and marginalization…" (National Evaluation of Social Development Policy, 2013) according to the appointment, it is mentioned that it is already commemorating 60 years of the female vote in Mexico, in 2014 it will be celebrated 61 years, on October 17, 1953 the vote of women was made official, since those times it is when mention is made that women They were already part of this country, that is why from that date women already had the right to their principles.

In this essay it will be possible to observe that it is a document of essential parts that an administrative woman has, having said the above, it is time to get into the subject as such, this essay is done with the best disposition leaving its importance within the reader's reach when reading it, As mentioned before, it is to promote the importance of female power in the administrative work area.

The essay seeks to give a point of view of the erroneous beliefs about the female entrepreneur, covering issues of benefits, skills, lifestyles, achievements and important women in important positions.

III. Development

Women are gaining ground in the business world, today women have the right to various activities, from the noblest job to the most appreciated. When it comes to the issue that women are more intelligent than men, it is still believed to be something offensive, but taking this into account it is true, women have the ability to do different things at the same time from being a mother, wife, friend, family member and above all worker. It is right that they really put up well that they are capable of even holding a managerial position with the same responsibility as men. In some places this is already a reality, companies that women know today are already the leaders of a company. But however not in others, which is the saddest thing but above all worrying because even in jobs they are made to feel less,Some with the lowest positions, which does not mean that they are dishonored, but if not very well paid, women who with professional studies are not given that opportunity to get ahead.

Now let's talk about percentages, "38% of those surveyed indicate that there is a greater demand for female leadership in the field of business" (Supera, 2012) according to a survey that was conducted in 2012, 38% of respondents from The male gender resulted in that most of the demand for jobs are requested by women who ask for positions in the business range, 38% is still little the number of women but we take into account that this was in 2012 today we are at 2014 has already passed two years, and as the years go by, women are realizing that right they have to be in managerial positions.

That a woman is in these positions brings mutual benefits, both for the company and the woman, the main ones would be the following: Most importantly the tickets, if a woman is in command, it is easier than the various capacities that she has, handle the numbers well And as a consequence, there would be more cash flow in the company, the profits would be more noticeable, as we well know, women as housewives must know how to manage themselves so that they reach the household expenses, hence that agility comes from. As the next benefit is motivation, a mother knows how to talk to her children; If the mother knows how to relate and establish communication, a female entrepreneur will know very well how to motivate her work team because she will have the tools to be able to exchange ideas. As a third benefit will be discipline,discipline from an organizational point of view, order, efficiency, effective, audacity and any adjective that shows responsibility, if business women put into practice each of those mentioned, the organization will see very good results in the work area, as well As a mother educates her children, this is reflected in where she wants him to go, it is the same as well as how discipline is handled in the company, so it will be noticed where she wants the organization to be talked about.It is the same as well as handle the discipline in the company so it will be noticed where you want to talk about the organization.It is the same as well as handle the discipline in the company so it will be noticed where you want to talk about the organization.

“Before, only the man went out to work and the woman stayed to take care of the children. The high cost of living no longer allows that. That is why there are more women working and climbing positions in companies ”(Aliaga, 2013) as the author mentions, women no longer work for pleasure but out of necessity, as the years go by things become more expensive and you have to know how to assume that responsibility.

It is normal for a woman to feel fearful of a man due to a lack of self-esteem, "The fear of failure among female entrepreneurs is seven points higher than that of men and reaches 55% of them" (González, 2011) according to what quoted women entrepreneurs are more afraid than men to fail, that is why this essay will show the main skills that a female entrepreneur must have in order to avoid that fear of failure and instead of doing work to further develop those skills.

The skills that a woman entrepreneur is also very important if she is to be taken into account, this must be the businesswomen as a fundamental requirement, although it is natural for most of them to have them, which can be: 1. Resistance capacity You must know how to resist any circumstance that happens in the company. 2. Honesty, being honest will take you far because thinking humbly helps you channel and be at the level of others. 3. Perceiving the Odds of Success You should always keep in mind that everything you do is to achieve success. 4. More ambition, the word ambition can be confused and confused with point 2 of honesty, but not to confuse mentioning being more ambitious does not only go beyond money,but keep in mind that if we have already done a case and it went well, we have to keep thinking that the next time we will be better, it is that kind of thinking of wanting to achieve more. 5. Ability to know how to organize and innovate, technological advances are advancing and a businesswoman must know how to keep pace and not be left behind, she must go hand in hand with innovation that is why it is important to work on this skill. 6. One of the skills that is very important to me personally is tolerance, because many times being a woman is where situations that are not very pleasant for many begin, it is to adapt in bad situations, it helps us to have strength in the face of adversity and perseverance. 7. Multifunctional ability, it is clear that a management and / or business position does not only consist of a single activity but of many more,that is why this point is equally important. As a last point but not of little importance is the search for economic results previously mentioned as profit and I enter these two sections as skill and benefit, since money, capital, numbers is what is sought. That she gets the managerial position as an empowered woman is what she wants to look for.

Having touched on these issues of benefits, skills and at the same time taking their lifestyles as an example, in this case with the home, at this point in the essay we can realize how important women are in these business ranks. Not being feminine will lead us to loss but on the contrary, now let's talk about important women who today have important positions, let's start broadly without exceptions, in this case worldwide, then we will talk about women who Mexico is our responsibility.

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel, for the second year in a row, tops the list of the 100 most powerful women according to Forbes Magazine. Among the first places are Hillary Clinton, Dilma Rousseff and Melinda Gates ”(Fuentes, 2012) the first is called as the most powerful, it is considered as the“ Iron Lady ”of Europe. She is committed to Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal to preserve the European Union. This putting her in the number one spot.

We realize that around the world there are women who are also important and are doing something to put the name of the company or in this case Angela Merkel in their country. And it is valid since they show that everything that is wanted is achieved.

In Mexico there are many women who are prepared and with a degree in hand but it is very common that just as there are prepared women, there are no positions prepared for women of this rank. It is sad to know that there are women like this and that the market does not accept them to develop and show their skills, that is why there are some who prefer to do it on their own and put their company leading to success, and if it is on the contrary There are women who have managed to enter the workplace with highly recognized positions and they do it extremely well. It is here where we will mention some examples of these great women, the first is María Asunción Aramburuzabala Larregui de Garza from Mexico City, born on May 2, 1963. She is a businesswoman. She is a member of the Boards of Directors of the main companies in Mexico.She is the granddaughter of one of the founders of Grupo Modelo, is a shareholder and vice president of the brewery "Corona". This is an example of an important woman and more so if she is Mexican, as there are other women. Like the next one that is presented now called Marinela Servitje. She is also a businesswoman. Marinela says that since she was a child she was interested in getting to know people in depth. "She was very curious, but not gossipy" (servitje, 2013) has commented in interviews. She is the director of the Papalote Museo del Niño. Just as these two women have achieved this, there are other women who not exactly in the business sphere but have achieved it in journalism, such as: Carmen Aristegui (Mexico City, January 18, 1964). She is distinguished as a journalist graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences of the UNAM. She is dedicated to being a radio host,television and newspaper columnist. For a servant she is a brilliant woman not because of the entrepreneur but as a human being. This is how the trial is terminated. Let us appreciate the gold mines, women are gold and more if we are prepared.

IV. Conclusions

In this essay, what is most appropriate for the reader is written, different topics are covered where the abilities of women are appreciated. It is time to take these women into account, because there are many perhaps at home, at work, at school or wherever you practice. You never know when those women will see them again or the next time you see them they are already in charge of managerial positions. A woman should not be underestimated because she can achieve many things. We are in a century where there are opportunities to succeed not for our governments but for oneself, that is why we must always give our best. The fact that a woman is in charge of an important position does not mean that it is the end of the world but the beginning of something new, let's see it this way, it is an opportunity and a joy,In this study, it was not intended to make men less, it was simply countered that women can also, that both have the same right. But it is important to give a woman his place. Without further ado, it is hoped that you have liked this simple point of view with the help of the authors cited in the essay.

V. References

  • Aliaga, JL (2013). The women of today. Mexico Congress of the Union. (2010). The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, article 4. Mexico: Porrúa.Fuentes, A. (2012). The 100 most powerful women ». Forbes.González, A. (January 9, 2011). Women & CIA. Retrieved on February 16, 2014, from http: //www.mujeresycia.com National Evaluation of Social Development Policy. (October 16, 2013). Yucatan newspaper. Retrieved February 16, 2014, from http://yucatan.com.mx/mexico/economia-mexico/Rodríguez, J. (August 06, 2013). Help in action. Retrieved on February 15, 2014, from http://mujeresdemapel.ayudaenaccion.org, M. (2013).Supera, C. (November 8, 2012). Meter. Retrieved on February 16, 2014, from
Importance of women's skills in business