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Managerial diplomacy in administrative management


"Today's world is as different from that in which I was born, as it was from that of the Romans" Alvin Toffler

As the 21st century progresses, changes are taking place faster in communicational, technological, new practices and managerial, organizational, demographic, economic, political development and even the way of doing business, all this complexity demands high personnel levels of commitment and competencies are very consistent with this reality.

This new trend occurs in all human society and particularly in the organizations and / or companies of the 21st century, it is important to highlight that in order to stimulate all processes of change, leaders capable of understanding all managerial, social and economic phenomena are needed. in addition to being individuals with a set of skills, knowledge to adapt to the demands of the new economy.

The conjugation of all this social, economic, organizational, human, political, cultural complexity in addition to the experiences lived both in the public and private administration and as a consultant of human capital have allowed me to rationalize the search towards an alternative category capable of understanding, energizing human and productive processes from a synergistic holistic perspective, empathetic giving rise to the birth of the category called managerial diplomacy.

This category that is beginning to take shape, from a humanistic and logical perspective, states that human beings by nature are sociable and adaptive, but that they also need a set of social, economic and environmental factors to achieve a better human and professional balance.

It is important to highlight that in a context characterized by the individual, only I win, monopoly of decisions, little communication, little humanism, people suffer from a set of negative symptoms and resistance to change generated by such reality.

For this reason, the need to understand that we are working with human beings who possess a set of values, beliefs, experience and learning that are not easy to change due to their very cultural and human essence, becomes all these characteristics leads us to conclude that each individual has their autonomy, their own human and strategic practices for their family and work subsistence.

All this leads us to that the conduct of this entire organizational process merits many reflections, leadership, maturity, knowledge, self-criticism, experience as well as common sense, because it is about living together and winning - winning, this premise taken from Covey allows my way to understand guarantee success, accepting the diversity of human thought.

That is why it is necessary to speak of managerial diplomacy, we will understand it as the relationships between individuals within a framework of respect, friendly ties and cordiality based on a set of guidelines among which the diversity of thought, affinity, negotiation, culture, the internal rules of the organization and finally the chemistry that exists between the parties.

This benefit serves as feedback and acts as a driving force for management, stimulating the search for new ways to achieve good results in a competitive market, raising creativity, understanding and respect to higher levels.

Consequently and sharing what Mc Lujan pointed out: we are living in a global village, where the revolution in communications, technology and the new realignment of human thought has increasingly accelerated the search for opportunities in business, in the opening of new agreements conforming a new world order based on respect for ideas and tolerance among human beings.

From all of the above it follows that the role of leaders is of utmost importance in this whole process, because they are responsible for achieving and promoting changes and transformations within the organization, producing the achievement of objectives and benefits collective of the members of this.

Management diplomacy is proposed as a strategic way that seeks that the parties involved in the entire management process can reach agreements, among all in order to promote an environment and a balanced organizational climate.

It is important to highlight that leaders who assume managerial diplomacy as a new alternative strategy for achieving the objective must consider a set of personal competencies:

  • Ability to listen and to communicate verbally. Adaptability and ability to give a creative response to setbacks. Ability to control oneself, confidence, motivation to work towards the objectives. Feel proud of the achievements achieved. Group and interpersonal effectiveness, cooperation, ability to work as a team and ability to negotiate. Efficacy within the organization, predisposition to actively participate and enhance leadership. Respect for individuals for their rights and dignity. Encouragement of recognition and creativity.

All these components produce a set of fundamental interrelationships that are decisive in achieving the closing of the cycle of effectiveness of managerial diplomacy within the organization and promoting interaction between the parts that make up and structure smart organizations, human capital, financial capital, structural capital, social capital and technological capital. In addition to other professional and specialized skills that are important in this proposal.

In conclusion, it must be taken into account as a premise that each human being has his own philosophy, way of life, the task of a good leader is to commit him or her and provide opportunities for support so that they can develop their life and work project, so the importance of producing this interactive chemistry between those who make up the structure of the organization, hence the importance of applying managerial diplomacy as an effective strategy.

Managerial diplomacy in administrative management