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Market research proposal to set up a cyber café

Table of contents:


Based on the characteristics of the service to be provided in the product under study in this analysis, the closest reference may be to an establishment whose operation began in 1996, located on Avenida 4 de Mayo at the height from the Margarita Princes hotel, which functioned as a Pub. The main attraction of which was the virtual reality games mixed with the night-time environment. Due to the style in which this business was developed, it can be said that it has had more similarity than the one studied in this document.

On the island of Margarita, specifically in Porlamar there are nine Cyber ​​cafes, none of which have the characteristics of the Cyber ​​bar that is the object of study in this analysis.The characteristics of these establishments are that the priority is the Internet service in some of them we can find copying services and transcription of documents, there are other slightly larger ones in which collect call service is offered and in some we find cell phone sales.

Current situation

At this time on the Island of Margarita specifically in the city of Porlamar there are about ten Cyber ​​cafes, which are relatively close to each other, the busiest are those that offer the best connections with good prices in this also implies the location of the establishment, one of the busiest is that it is located on the party level of the Jumbo shopping center, which has 8 machines, the connection to this site is by satellite, the cost of the hour is 2000 Bs. and the half an hour 1500 Bs. Although it is not the cheapest in the market, the location, the place and the attention they offer in that place makes it crowded, there is another Cyber ​​located on Rosas street called CIP: which is a CANT companyV and also offers a collect call service, this Cyber ​​has the cheapest rate which is 1300 an hour and the connection is good, there are other sites whose rates are between 2000 and 1500 an hour, such as the Cyber ​​of mobilenet that is It is located on the Jumbo fair level and the time is 2000 Bs. and the average 1000 Bs. that of the street parallel to Avenida Santiago Mariño diagonal to Rattan in which they have a promotion from 8:00 AM to 10: 00 AM the hour has a cost of 1500 Bs.There is a Cyber ​​located in the AB shopping center called netzone which offers special rates for students and has a prepaid card system by means of which only what the client needs is used and the system deducts it from their card this Cyber ​​cafe despite Since its location is not as accessible as those found in the Jumbo and its surroundings, it has a good audience, the competition between these sites is strong, so they must strive to maintain the best rates and the best connection to survive against the competition.

Product \ service priorities under study

@ Fast and stable connection offering good machines and good accessories for these machines, the connection must be by satellite or DSL and must be the best in the market, copying service will be offered

@ Schedule, it will open at approximately 11:00 in the morning and until four in the afternoon it will function as a normal Cyber ​​cafe, from four onwards the bar will open and begin to function as a Cyber ​​bar, the site will be Very exclusive and will work until 2:00 in the morning or until there are people in the premises.

@ Conditions of Service: in the area of ​​the machines there will be a space destined for the customer's drink, thus avoiding any inopportune accident that causes losses to the company, when arriving at the premises the user will decide if he wants to be at the bar or if he will enter the network, the place will have a good musical atmosphere and four tables for two people, a barman and another person in charge of checking and attending to the connections, from 4:00 in the afternoon, minors will not be allowed to enter.

2.- Justification and usefulness of the market study

Based on the results obtained from the research carried out, it is feasible in the City of Porlamar to develop a product with the characteristics described above, the innovation of the technique used to develop this product would produce a good acceptance by the adult and young population of the city At present, only innovative ideas remain in place, therefore, it is necessary to seek to mix what is already known with what is new, the fact of mixing the Bar & Grill style environment with that of a Cyber ​​café is very striking for the population. it would be very productive to develop the product in question.

Usefulness of the study

This study seeks to obtain an in-depth analysis of all those factors that may threaten or slow down the development of the proposal and consequently seek the best sector of the population to which this type of product adapts more easily, taking into account These factors will be able to determine if it is feasible or not to develop this product and it will be determined how beneficial its start-up would be, as well as the place where it would be established, the pre-operating costs and its competition.

3.- General and specific objectives

Overall objective

What this market study seeks to achieve is to find the sector of the population that best adapts to the characteristics of the product, set the strongest competition and look for the most appropriate place to place the business, since due to its characteristics the place where the product is installed Cyber ​​Bar must have certain very special characteristics such as nearby parking and easy access.

Specific objectives

  • Find a place that adapts to the needs of the product and is feasible for customers, that place must be central and you must find a place where the bus lines of the city circulate. Look for the most appropriate decoration for the place, so make it attractive to the general public, especially the young population Make contacts with satellite service providers and suppliers of liquors and miscellaneous that will be used in the place such as: floppy disks, blank CDs, printing paper, glasses, glasses, blotters, straws, cigarettes, etc. Look for the personnel to carry out the installation of the network and the installation of the sound that will set the scene. Recruit the personnel through interviews and select the most suitable people to assume the responsibility of attending the site.Advertise to publicize the site.

4.- Limitations of the market study

The main limitation of this study was the little collaboration on the part of those in charge of the cyber's visited in order to obtain information about their systems and providers, this produced a negative factor in the collection of some data that could not be accessed with facilities such as the rental price paid, the costs they pay to their connection providers and the percentage of profit they use for their prices. For them, in some cases, an estimate had to be made to be able to compare some.

The lack of time to visit and interview all those in charge of the Cyber's that are on the island and the fact that they did not have group support turned out to be a limitation that made it inevitable to focus the study on the city of Porlamar.

5.- Proposed methodology

In the development of market research, one of the methodologies that was used as the basis for the development of this analysis, was the one exposed in the text Positioning the concept that has revolutionized the marketing of Ries A. And J. Trout, which presents As a priority to take into account the following factors when thinking about launching a product that is related to other similar ones, this study is based on the periodic investigation of the sales volume of competing companies and the following topics are essential to find a good target:

Segment the market and position brands

Given that there are groups of consumers with different priorities and desires, one way to protect a brand, product or service is to introduce it to the market at a lower price than existing ones that compete in the same segment without sacrificing very high profit margins .

Protect and differentiate the product

The market is not a battle of prices but of perceptions (Ries and Trout 1992) advertising and promotion are not the only tools to protect a brand, so is constant product innovation, this allows companies to differentiate their product from others.

Maintain good service

Fundamental basis of customer acceptance, this convinces consumers that the product offered is of high quality and appealing to them,

Efficient operations

It is possible that the competitive delivery of a company is not to be a leader in costs, however this should not inhibit the search for efficiency in the entire operation. Otherwise the costs will be transferred to the final price and will widen the difference compared to the lower priced brands. The evidence is that the consumer continues to pay higher prices for higher quality products.

Taking into account all these factors, any innovative product would be well received by the population to which it is directed. The data collection techniques were mostly done by direct observation and taking into account Chapter VI of the system analysis and design text which refers to the use of questionnaires, it was possible to develop a questionnaire model for those in charge of the Cyber Cafés and was based on a series of closed questions and a single open one, related to the service they provide oriented to the product in question.

Model questionnaire used for managers of Cyber ​​cafes

Answer the following questions by selecting a single option.





more than 35:







7) Have customers ever come when it is closing:



Of the ten Cyber ​​cafes visited, the percentage obtained from the interview was the following:

The first question of the questionnaire obtained the following percentage:

40% responded in the morning

20% responded in the afternoon

40% responded at night

The second answer got the following result:

90% answered 15-35 years

10% answered more than 35 years

The third question yielded the result:

60% answered yes

40% answered No

The percentage of the fourth question was:

20% answered Yes

80% answered No

In the fifth question, 100% answered that there were clients who asked if they could smoke

Question six got a margin between 10:30 AM to 11:00 PM

Question seven had a percentage of:

7% answered yes

8% answered No

From which we can conclude that the service provided by these cybers is well accepted by a certain part of the population but we can realize that there is another segment of the population that does not find this type of service attractive, this portion of the market would be completely captured by the service provided in the Cyber ​​bar object of this study.

6.-Budget of the study and schedule of activities

Inventory and budget

Commercial premises of 100 m 2, located in the Jumbo Fair level commercial center rented by the TORCASA company, with telephone, deposit of 10,000,000.00 Bs., 600,000.00 Bs. Monthly, plus payment of condominium and electricity service. Legal operating expenses 500,000.00 Bs.

Cost budget

Expenses and cost:

Rent ………………………………………………………….600,000.00 Bs.

Services: condominium

water, electricity, telephone ……………………………………….. 400,000.00 Bs.

Miscellaneous expenses: ……………………………………………… 250,000.00 Bs.


Fixed salaries:

2 partners …………………………………………………….. 2,000,000.00 Bs.

1 in charge of managing

connections and serving tables ………………… 350,000.00 Bs.

1 Barman (FEMALE SEX)

in charge of the bar and the box ……………………….350,000.00 Bs.

1 Doorman ……………………………………………………… 220,000.00 Bs.

Schedule of activities

Exercise Description
TO Observation of the Cyber's of Porlamar
B Interview with the Cyber's managers
C verification of interview results
D Search for the cost of the best Local
AND Search for satellite connection service
F Finding the cost of computers and server
G Finding the cost of accessories and supplies of the bar
H Search for the cost of miscellaneous items such as sound, lighting, etc.
I Analysis of results and costs
J Selection of the best prices of miscellaneous, equipment, supplies and premises
K Data transcription

7.- Conclusions of the market research

The opportunities that any product has in the market will always depend on the correct analysis that is developed before launching or investing in that product or service, the weaknesses that the product under study in this analysis could present are given by the fact of waiting To gather its own clientele to recover all the capital invested in the medium term, the rest of the Cyber ​​Cafes that exist mean great competition for the number of customers they have won, the only benefit is that they have different target, carrying out We will achieve the expected results in setting out our objectives with all the conditioning of the premises and the recruitment of the most appropriate personnel.

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Market research proposal to set up a cyber café