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3 Tips to advance your internet business, even if you don't have a market niche


Still do not know what niche to choose for your Internet business? You probably have to wake up that entrepreneur who is asleep inside you. In this article I share 3 key steps you can take to advance your business on the web, even if you don't have a niche.

If you still do not know for sure what is a winning idea for your internet business, you will probably have to wake up that entrepreneur who is asleep inside you.

This is what happens with many people, because they were not educated to be entrepreneurs. Perhaps it may come as a big surprise to you, but the traditional education we all receive normally focuses on getting their students inserted into the labor market, that is, training good employees.

And an employee has a totally different mindset than an entrepreneur!

However, don't get depressed! If you have trained as an employee, you can also educate yourself to be an entrepreneur. Everything is a matter of:

1. Make the decision to “re-educate yourself”.

2. Dig into your heart to find the dreams that God has put there and that, possibly, you have discarded at some point in your life, in the midst of your daily worries.

3. Surround yourself with entrepreneurs, especially entrepreneurial mentors.

In practice this looks like this:

1. Read books that will help you change your mind.

The first changes that occurred to me at that level happened after reading Robert Kiyosaki's books: "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and "The Cash Flow Quadrant."

2. Join the vision of another person.

If you do not have a vision of your own, it is an excellent idea to join the vision of another person whose item / business / product or service you like.

I did it with an English language page that I took to the Spanish-speaking world and it was an excellent option to start on the web.

There are many Anglo-Saxon entrepreneurs who are interested in expanding their business to the Hispanic market, but do not know how to do it, due to language problems. They know that the Hispanic market is growing and is increasingly attractive to them.

In the United States alone, there are 15% Spanish speakers! And that number is increasing rapidly.

Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world!

Just write a letter to the business owner and make a proposal.

You will kill two birds with one stone:

• You would have almost instantaneous exposure to being the Spanish representative of the business owner.

• You will learn tons, working shoulder to shoulder with a strong businessman.

It is very likely that you will also discover your own niche by working with someone else, since, in this business, new doors are only opened for those who dare to get their hands on the dough, even if it is in a foreign business.

3. Hire a personal coach.

Many times a person who has already reached where you want to go will be able to guide you, teach you and inspire you to reach the next level in your business.

It will recognize your potential and strengths and can point you in the direction in which you can best develop. It will also teach you how to do it. I assure you that you will save yourself a lot of mistakes in your internet business.

Also, by having regular contact with a successful entrepreneur, you will start to think like an entrepreneur too.

3 Tips to advance your internet business, even if you don't have a market niche