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Marketing basics

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Needs, wants and demands

Definition. Need: it is the feeling of lack of some of the basic satisfiers.

It is classified in:

False, true, absolute, relative, generic, derived, positive and negative.

Desires: it consists of yearning for a specific satisfier for a need.

Demand: is when a desire is backed by purchasing power and the will to acquire.

Marketing from this point of view does not create a need since these issues are not controllable, but the mk influences the desires.

Product - service.

The idea of ​​the mk is that consumers do not buy goods for the good itself, but for the service provided by that good.

Therefore ideologues define the following:

1) consumer choices are focused on the service that reports a certain good

2) different products can meet the same need: eg. Bicycle, car, etc., to cover the need for transportation.

3) Every product is a set of characters and attributes

4) The same product can meet different needs. Eg Computer, can be used as a calculation tool, game, word processing, etc.

Product service classification

Products - services are classified into:

Generic products: these are the basic advantages of the product

Expected product: it is everything that accompanies the generic product

Increased product: it is what is offered to differentiate it from the competition

Potential product: it consists of everything that can be done to attract and keep buyers.

Product - market

The notion of market product is that companies cannot satisfy the needs of all people in a homogeneous way, on the contrary what exists is diversity, given by social, cultural, economic conditions and problems related to individuals. For this reason, it is necessary to distinguish groups of potential consumers for the same satisfaction, we call this market segmentation, which is one of the logical conditions for the beginning of some economic activity.

There are 4 key elements to define a company strategy.

1) Determine the buyers to satisfy

2) The advantages sought by buyers

3) Competitors to control

4) The skills that must be acquired and controlled

Consumers: they are the people who potentially acquire certain products and services that are offered for sale or for free (ideas, models, philosophies, information, etc.)

Clients: are those buyers who acquire some good periodically from the perspective of the company or store where the product is purchased.

Market: There are several definitions.

Place or area where commercial transactions of products and services are carried out, and there are buyers and sellers.

It is the segment of potential buyers for a certain good, that is, the demand made by a certain group of buyers for a certain product or service.

For Kloter, market is a set of current and potential buyers of a product.

Company: is any person who carries out an activity in relation to product services in order to obtain profits and benefits.

Organization and company

These organizations need to acquire resources to sustain their activity, these are made through exchange.

The organization identifies a group of buyers and needs in the market, creates a set of products to satisfy those needs, communicates the benefits to consumers by obtaining those products, makes them accessible and available, sets reasonable prices and convinces buyers to exchange these products in exchange for your resources.

Buyers remain fluctuating to their needs, preferences and interests, and the organization should be able to detect these changes in order to anticipate modifications and improve its market offer.

Exchange, transactions, relationships.

Exchange: it is any act of acquiring products for the exchange of money or another article or service. In the exchange there are 4 basic conditions:

• There must be two parts

• Each party has something that could be of value to the other

• Each party is able to communicate and deliver

• Each party is free to accept and reject the offer.

Transaction: means an agreement between two or more parties about a good or service. Types of transactions: commercial, civic, religious, employment, charity.

Relationships: is the ability to have a link over time between buyers and sellers.

Definition of intraorganizational and extraorganizational marketing.

The function of marketing is to organize the exchange between producers and consumers. This definition applies to both commercial and non-profit organizations.

Then we call intraorganizational marketing to all work tending to train and motivate all the components of an organization.

We call extra-organizational marketing to everything related to the preparation, pricing, distribution, promotion, etc., of a product or service to customers.

Marketing definition approximation

It expresses the definition of Marketing as an exchange management philosophy, as wisdom to manage new and more valuable exchanges in the medium and long term, the analysis of its causes, mechanisms and effects necessarily imprints a market orientation. This does not mean that we should stick to a theoretical system, but to the analysis dimension, we must necessarily associate the action dimension.

Thought + Action = Marketing

The ideological foundations of marketing.

The word marketing is not a uniform meaning. Three common popular acceptances are as follows:

• Marketing is promotion, advertising, pressure selling.

• Marketing is a set of tools for market research.

• Marketing is the great corrupter, that is, a market system for the exploitation of consumers.

In these three visions there are three characteristic dimensions of the marketing concept:

• An action dimension (conquest of markets).

• An analysis dimension (market understanding).

• An ideological dimension (attitude).

Marketing management in the company.

It has two ways of management:

1. A systematic and permanent analysis of market needs and the development of profitable products.

2. Organization of sales and communication strategy, whose objective is to publicize the qualities of the products offered to potential buyers.

These two steps are complementary and are specified in the company through the development of brand policies, which are in turn the instrument for the operational application of the Marketing concept.

The evolution of the marketing function in the company.

Marketing, although it has become relevant in recent times, is an activity that has always been carried out. Since technology, economics, and competitiveness have developed, marketing has taken a primary role in the business.

There are three phases in the evolution of marketing:

Passive marketing: this type of marketing does not carry out much activity and is given in markets where demand exceeds supply. In this case, the company only deals with producing and delivering the products to customers. Advertisements and promotions are in vain, as they will not report significant benefits.

Organizational Marketing: This type of marketing is responsible for making the organization efficient from a sales point of view. Try to find and organize the outputs of manufactured products to consumers.

Active Marketing: It is characterized by an important activity and relevance of strategic marketing. This development is due to the advance that technology and innovative products have had and have. This type of marketing appears when there are a large number of competitors for the same product making similar offers. It is characterized by the acceleration of technological progress, by the maturity of markets and by the internationalization of markets (globalization).

Operational Marketing: the function is to choose the market segment to which the product will be offered. It takes into account, at what prices and how the product will reach consumers. Advertising and promotion occupy an important place.

Strategic Marketing: it is in charge of knowing and analyzing the evolution of the needs of individuals and organizations, and identifying products - markets and current and potential segments. Strategic marketing aims to clarify the vision of the company and develop a medium and long-term strategy.

Strategic planning: mission, vision, goals and objectives depending on the consumer.

It is written at the beginning of the company, in an economic period or reinvestment or evaluation.

Is composed of:

• The mission that is the raison d'être of the company

• Segmentation in relation to the market product

• SWOT analysis, threats, opportunities, weaknesses, strengths, etc.)

• Objectives, such as sales, economic benefits, sales increases, market share, customer loyalty, company image, etc.)

• Budgeting is what is needed to meet the objectives.

• Programming, covers products, places, promotion and price. (4 P)


The marketing program.

When carrying out a marketing program, the needs of the market, its way of distribution, the final price of the product, advertising and promotion, and the cost of development to achieve the desired benefit must be taken into account.

Controllable and uncontrollable variables

Product Square Promotion Price
- Quality- Aspects

- Options

- Style

- Brand

- Packaging

- Sizes

- Services

- Guarantee

- Utilities

- Channels- Coverages

- Location

- Inventory

- Transportation

- Advertising- Personal sale

- Sale promotion

- List price - Discounts

- Concession

- Payment period

- Credit conditions

About the non-controllable variables we can mention the following:


- The competition

- The market

- The public

- The distributors

- Providers


- The technology

- Cultural factors

- Economic factors

- Factors of the legal legal type

Strategic - global marketing optics and its limits

Due to globalization, an interdependence of markets has been created, making the reference market the industrialized countries, but it is not correct to consider it as separate and different but as a whole.

In case of being an international company, it will have to take into account the technical standards and safety regulations in each country, that the colors and designs are different throughout the world and that consumers are different when choosing a product to satisfy your needs and wants

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Marketing basics