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The risks of undertaking


You may have heard or even thought that trying to start a new business or company is very risky and that those who do it are, in addition to being stubborn, risky. This to some extent is true, but why don't we think about the rewards of taking those risks?

Risk 1. La Plata

If you undertake it is very possible (99.99% sure) that you should invest money, maybe your savings, maybe your family supports you, maybe a loan, wherever it comes from, you should invest. The risk here is to lose the money and more when it is not yours, but what if you do not lose, what if your venture not only pays the money invested but multiplies it.

Isn't it worth taking the risk?

Risk 2. Weather

In addition to money, you will have to invest time, in many cases ALL YOUR TIME. It's hard to think that you'll have to work 24/7 and quit your job from 8 am to 5 pm, if you have one. More difficult if within the time you invest you have to make sacrifices (your partner, your friends,…) but why not put that time and those sacrifices on a balance against the satisfaction that you are going to achieve for doing what you want to do and for work for you and only for you.

Isn't it worth taking the risk?

Risk 3. Failure

This is the greatest fear of most of those who undertake the adventure of creating a business / company from scratch, because surely there is no one who starts a business and does not bear in mind that it can fail, but they will also always have success and success in mind. immense satisfaction that it will bring you.

I see it this way, the word failure does not fit if you dedicate yourself fully to your endeavor, if you give everything of yourself to get it done, it fits if you don't. If your dream is not given by X or Y circumstances, but you have done the impossible to see it come true, you cannot feel a failure, what you learned, the experience you obtained and many other things nobody can take away from you. Also, what will look best on your resume:

  • Purchasing Assistant at XYZ Ltda. For three years Founding partner and Executive Director of my company Ltda. 2000…

I think the second and you?

The risks of undertaking