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Definitions of organizational development


Argyris, Chris: The heart of Organizational Development is about vitalizing, energizing, updating, activating and renewing organizations through techniques and human resources.

Beckhard: It is a planned effort of the entire organization, organized and managed from the highest level of the organization, through deliberate interventions in the organizational "processes", using knowledge of behavioral science.

Beer and Walton: Organizational development is intended to help managers plan for organizational change and personnel management that will develop the required commitment, coordination and competence. Employs knowledge of behavioral science and its methods of intervention.

Bennis: It is a response to change, a complex educational strategy that aims to change the beliefs, values ​​and structures of organizations, so that they can adapt to new technologies, markets and challenges.

Blake and Mouton: A systematic way to induce change: a) Based on a structural model for thinking (the ideal vs. the current). b) Progressing in a sequence of steps programmed from the individual's learning for its application in the organization. c) Focused on these silences and frequent negative attributes of culture which dictate actions that frequently contradict the logic of business. d) Emphasizing confronting and resolving conflicts as a valid prerequisite for problem solving. e) Employing organizational study techniques and self-learning to achieve the needed changes.

Broadly: Effort to improve long-term organizational effectiveness, planning systematic applications of behavioral science knowledge and techniques, in collaboration with trained consultants.

Burke and Hornstein: It is a planned change-change process of the culture of an organization that avoids the investigation of social processes (especially decision-making, planning and communication). It is a process that continually examines norms, planning and executing social interventions to alter those that are dysfunctional.

Burke, Warner: Process of planned change in the culture of an organization, through the use of technologies from the behavioral sciences, research and theory.

Chiavenato: It is a planned process of cultural and structural modifications, which visualizes the institutionalization of a series of social technologies, in such a way that the organization is empowered to diagnose, plan and implement those modifications with the assistance of a consultant. It is a very complex educational effort, aimed at changing the organization's attitudes, values, behaviors and structure, so that it can better adapt to new situations, markets, technologies, problems and challenges that constantly arise.

French and Bell: Long-range effort supported by senior management, to improve the processes of problem solving and renewal of an organization, through a collaborative diagnosis and management of organizational culture - with emphasis on formal work team, team temporal, and intergroup culture - with the assistance of a facilitator and the use of applied behavioral science theory and technology, including action research.

Friedlander and Brown: It is a method to facilitate the change and development of structures and processes (relationships, roles), in people (style, values, abilities) and in technologies (great simplicity and complexity).

Garrido, Brenda: It is an integral vision with a focus on the entire system and an attitude of openness, flexibility and permanent creativity, which allows us to visualize options to adapt to new scenarios, with healthy planning, administration and production.

Glueck, W.: Organizational Development emphasizes the integration of structural factors with human resources.

Gordon, Lippitt: It is the strengthening of human processes in organizations with the improvement of the functioning of the organic system, as well as the fulfillment of its objective.

Harris: It is the tendency to highlight the improvement of interpersonal relationships as a means of promoting the organization.

Hernández, Sergio: Planned change effort aimed at improving organizational health and efficiency through planned interventions.

Hornstein, Harvey: Organizational Development focuses on social norms of change and values ​​as the primary measure of social change. The Organizational Development process can be defined as the creation of a culture where the use of various social technologies is inter-institutionalized to regulate interpersonal diagnosis and change, group and intergroup behavior, especially those behaviors related to decision-making, communication and organizational planning.

IESA: Set of values, visions, technical concepts of a psychosocial nature oriented to support planned change in organizations.

Koontz and Weihrich: Systematic, integrated and planned approach to increase the efficiency of a company. Its design seeks to solve problems that reduce operational efficiency at all levels.

Lawrence and Lorsch: Ways to change the organization from its current state to a state of better development… involving systems of analysis and the development of interfaces between organization and environment group ¬ group, individual - organization and person - person.

Margulies and Raia: The Organizational Development forum is usually change and is aimed at increasing organizational effectiveness. Organizational Development is essentially a system that looks at the total set of functions and roles and interpersonal relationships in organizations.

Mayer: An access to the administration of organizations that recognizes human interpersonal processes (interacting) as well as the content of a formal structure as an important and legitimate subject to be examined, since) A series of methods to direct the above (Science of Technology behavior b) An organization that seriously and expressly attends the humanitarian aspects of the people who work with it The part of Behavioral Science Engineering as applied by organizations… understanding of groups focused on methodology… to improve the human performance of organizations… involving diagnosis of problem / opportunities / needs for change and action or intervention to achieve the necessary changes.

Miles, Raymond: It is a coordinated effort by the members of the organization (usually a consultant is involved) to discover and remove attitudes, behaviors, procedures and structural barriers to execution through a sociotechnical system; gaining in processes, increasing knowledge of internal and external dynamic systems, as well as future adaptations.

NTL Institute: Using the knowledge and techniques of behavioral science Organizational Development attempts or intends to integrate individual needs for growth and development with the goals and objectives in order to make the organization more effective.

Organization Development: It is an administrative plan, systematic process to change the culture, systems and behavior of an organization in order to improve the effectiveness of the organization in solving its problems and achieving its objectives.

Parker: Educational process where human resources are continually identified, placed and developed in the process of making these resources more profitable to the organization and, of course, increasing the capacities of organizations solving problems.

PORRAS AND ROBERTSON: Theories, values, strategies and techniques based on the behavioral sciences and oriented to the planned change of work in an organization, in order to increase individual development and improve the performance of the organization, by altering the behaviors of staff at work.

Randell and Schimidt: It is the reorientation of human thought towards the behavior of their organizational work. The scientific method is applied and the value of opening an investigation and experimentation of the individual and his behavior in the work group is highlighted, as they are directed towards the solution of work problems. Its missions are to maximize the use of the organization's resources in solving work problems through the optimal use of human potential.

Robbins: Interventions for planned change, based on humanistic and democratic values, which aims to improve the effectiveness of organizations and the well-being of employees.

Rush: Systematic process. Planned and directed to change the culture, systems and behavior of the organization in order to improve the effectiveness of the organization to solve its problems and achieve its objectives.

Schmidt and Burke: It is a process with which it is tried to increase the organizational effectiveness, by integrating the wishes of the personnel and the development of the organizational objectives. It is a planned change of effort related to the mission of the organization.

Schmuck and Miles: Planned and continuous effort to apply behavioral sciences to the improvement of systems, applying self-analytical and reflective methods.

International Seminar, UN-CLAD: Strategic effort developed in a consistent, creative and global way, devised by the top management of an institutional body, which wishes to apply its own behavioral knowledge to achieve the creation of a climate of high cooperation, allowing more effective and efficient ways of producing, linked to the reality of the environment in which the institution operates.

Shindell: It is a collaborative consulting process aimed at improving performance through intervention and training.

Sverdlik and others: Set of methods and techniques, a field of study, an organizational function, and a set of values ​​about the correct functioning of organizations. Try to improve productivity and job satisfaction.

Torcat, Omar: Strategic process to renew the organizational structure, processes and behavior.

Vaill, Peter: It is a collection of philosophy, concept and techniques with which it is proposed to improve the performance of the organization, by changing the environment, of the social systems that man uses to collaborate. Changes can be directed at individuals, groups, intergroups, formal and cultural structures. It is the phrase applied to increase the planning process and deliberately seeks to improve relationships at work.

Vitucci: Application of social science and behavioral science to make the necessary changes and intensify organizational effectiveness.

Wendell, French: A total effort by the organization to improve team effectiveness, decision-making processes, in collaboration with Behavior Consultants… with an emphasis on team effectiveness and mission. It is a long-term effort to improve an organization's problem solving and renew processes, particularly through a more effective and participatory administration of the organization's culture with the existence of a change agent, and the use of theory and technology of applied behavioral science including action research.

William, Eddy: It is an organic process, close to organizational change and the effectiveness of administration. It seeks to bring change and improvement through the involvement of members of the organization in problem analysis and planning.

Winn: Normative re-education strategy designed to affect belief systems, values ​​and attitudes within the organization, to adapt to the rate of change of technology, the industrial environment and society in general.

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Definitions of organizational development