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Economic and organizational implications of the knowledge age


In 1990 the United States Congress authorized a multi-million dollar budget estimated at 2.7 billion dollars in order for US universities and research centers to develop a program known as "The Decade of the Brain"; never has a nation applied such a large budget for research into thinking skills.

The objective of the program was to discover the secrets of how the brain builds information, memory, knowledge, creativity, feelings, emotions, and the ability to learn. All of these goals were far exceeded. By 1996 the investigation had yielded astonishing results, not only was it known with absolute precision how memory worked, but it was also clear about where it was located.

5 types of memory had been classified, a model of memory skills had been developed based on how certain parts participate in this process, memory was the first topic that was completely unraveled, it was already known what the function of memory was. tonsils, and what was the role of the hippocampus.

Regarding the construction of the memory process, it was known that it was short and long-term memory, muscle memory that is directly linked to the cerebellum, it was perfectly known that semantic memory is located in the upper part of the occipital lobe, they were also known perfectly the different chemical elements that stimulated memory activity, that is, the neurotransmitters and neuromodulators that intervene in synaptic processes when the electrical synapses of the brain are produced and how these, from the synapse, which is the chaining of neurons In an electrochemical process, they release chemical substances that are secreted from the neuronal sacs, in the process of synapses that become the so-called cooking drugs or information drugs, that is,the chemicals responsible for brain constructs.

Third millennium!

To get here, humanity has traveled 5 million years of existence, since the first human beings had their mutation as a consequence of cosmic ray radiation from the stars, super novae; The cosmic rays that are released from super novae intervene directly in the biochemical processes that occur at the cellular level and that cause mutations, which result in evolution, an unprecedented discovery, a product of research at the end of the 20th century.

The planet Earth has existed for 5 billion years, the atoms of our brain as well as all matter that exists inside the planet Earth has to exist 15 billion years; Since they were manufactured in the gigantic internal furnaces, in the midst of the thermonuclear explosions, of the gigantic super nova stars, which gave rise to all the cosmic dust and all the inert and organic matter that exists in the solar system, it is important to say that All these fabulous discoveries are the result of scientific research in the last 2 decades, but especially in the last 10 years.

On the morning of August 25, 1895, a young German Jew was traveling by bicycle through the Italian Tuscan countryside, this young man had been expelled from school for not being suitable for studies, according to his teacher, that young man incapable of learning under the system standard. He was called none other than Albert Einstein, humanity's greatest genius throughout the history of the second millennium. Over the centuries and millennia, humanity has accumulated information and knowledge, in 20 millennia what humanity accumulated was only a part of the knowledge accumulated between 1950 and 1998; which means that the speed with which humanity is increasing knowledge is astonishing; In just 2 years, 2.8 humanity accumulates all the existing knowledge and duplicates it,it means that our ability to accumulate more information and more knowledge has reached truly astonishing levels, and that we are getting smarter every day, and that science and technology are advancing in such gigantic steps, that the revolutions of everyday life are coming. at a level of frenzy; In this creative frenzy, humanity discovers itself, new knowledge reveals to man parts of his own nature, such as the recesses of his consciousness, the functioning of his brain, the functioning of brain neurotransmitters.In this creative frenzy, humanity discovers itself, new knowledge reveals to man parts of his own nature, such as the recesses of his consciousness, the functioning of his brain, the functioning of brain neurotransmitters.In this creative frenzy, humanity discovers itself, new knowledge reveals to man parts of his own nature, such as the recesses of his consciousness, the functioning of his brain, the functioning of brain neurotransmitters.

The speed of change has created fast and slow countries, fast and slow companies, fast and slow people; it becomes necessary for everyone to adapt to rapid changes to be successful in business by developing the ability to learn. To be successful in life, through the development of the ability to learn to learn, to pass the paradigm that before we only studied 10 or 15 years of our lives to the new paradigm of, that we will end up studying all our lives, that everyone over the years we will have to update ourselves, that we will have to spend a lifetime learning, expanding our horizons, improving our knowledge. This fascinating model for man, suggests a new model for organizations and companies; this model has been called "the smart model",Because organizations will have to transform into intelligent groups and structures, this means corporate organizational learning in an age of knowledge that has already begun.

We are going through the third age of knowledge, a true intelligence revolution, and information explosion, which is unleashing the era of intelligent companies and organizations, this new concept was created by Peter Senge published in "The Fifth Discipline" in the year 1990, an idea that revolutionized the world, the idea of ​​change, a world that changes faster and faster, and a life and society that is rapidly transforming, only through our ability to learn can we adapt quickly to the continuous changes that science, technology and knowledge promote, otherwise we will become obsolete, we will live in obsolescence, we will sign our death warrant, we will disappear from the competitive horizon, we will not have the ability to compete, we will not have options to earn money,neither options to get a job nor options to remain within the change, we will be relegated, marginalized, expelled, plundered; that is to say, expelled from knowledge. A third of the 500 companies that Fortune magazine studies have disappeared in 15 years, this is 33% of all Fortune companies, they did not have the ability to learn, to adapt to changes and they died with them, their managers died and its directors, its employees were thrown into the streets.They did not have the capacity to learn, to adapt to changes and they died with them, their managers and directors died, their employees were thrown into the streets.They did not have the capacity to learn, to adapt to changes and they died with them, their managers and directors died, their employees were thrown into the streets.

The speed of change that is outside yourself should never be greater than the speed of change that is within you, because if you are not exposed to die, these wise conceptions exposed by Peter Senge are simply the reality of the times that we has had to live.

Operational jobs in the nations of the world are disappearing, 3 out of 10 in 10 years, this is because large industrialized nations such as the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, England, Italy, are sending maquila operations jobs and manufacturing to countries where labor is much cheaper, even the labor of trained technical professionals is much cheaper, this drives what is called the hollowing of the economies of industrialized countries, people who want to live As workers in developed countries they will not be able to continue doing it, because in those countries the era of the knowledge society has already been declared, world movements of great crisis such as "the hooligans" in England are the result of a lack of adaptation,the working classes in England will have to adapt quickly to transform themselves into professional classes that work in software development and not in the sale of operational manpower; jobs in these nations are rapidly moving to the so-called second-order nations, among which is Mexico, which are becoming recipients of maquiladora plants; These are much more competitive countries.

It should be said that only in 1997, 2 million jobs left the large industrialized countries to move to plants in Asia specifically to China by 80%; This means that jobs with little creativity and software development are going to end in these nations and, therefore, these nations, the industrialized ones, have a vocation for learning to develop technology, creativity and Software, while the nations of On average, they will still have to apply the old model of industrial society for two or three decades; In other words, they will have to be the operational ones, the manufacturers, the manual manufacturers, since in these countries engineers, chemists and professionals have a lower cost, in real terms of domestic product per capita, than in highly industrialized countries.

In this way, an unprecedented phenomenon occurred in the Japanese economy, the great crisis of 1998 is not only a product of the dragon effect, but is rather the product of the hollowing out of the Japanese economy; in 1950, Japan had 40% unemployed as a result of the war, but from 1952 unemployment was quickly fought, by 1960 unemployment no longer existed in the Japanese economy; During the entire 60's and 70's there was practically no unemployment in Japan in the 80's unemployment remained below 1%, but as of 1991 unemployment went from 1.5%, 3% and 8%.

Unemployment in Japan is a subject that could reach scandalous levels of twelve or fifteen percent; This is because the large Japanese plants and large industries are displacing Asian countries, especially China, Indonesia, the Philippines and other Asian nations, in order to lower their costs and improve their international competitiveness.

In this way, young Japanese have only one resource to get ahead, that is, to become beings of the age of knowledge, designers, creatives, producers of Software for the development of industrial and commercial creativity in Japan.

This means that unemployment will rise to operational levels, but instead highly specialized people will be more needed and successful than ever because they will be the champions of learning. The development of creativity and the ability to generate and accumulate new knowledge.

In this way, there are 2 basic mega trends, one is the mega trend of globalization and the other the mega trend of specialization. Structurally, companies will have to be redesigned based on small and flexible operating units, so that they are able to break paradigms and cause a change in their ability to learn how new business processes work. Learning will be a growing need, in the third age of knowledge, which will continue with the year 2000, Peter Senge points out, how is it possible that a team of managers with individual IQ of 120, when they are brought together to work together and as a team, they have a collective IQ of 63, this is obviously the result of the lack of ability to work in a team; that is, break the departmental barriers,work in favor of the client and the processes and not by functions, these new models will be the successful administrative models for the XXI Century, they will be the new formulas that allow us to learn to learn; The redesign of organizational structures or the reinvention of these structures, as John Naisbitt rightly points out, will be a necessity, a resounding change in the way we work.

In 1950 humanity had 287 thousand scientists and researchers in all branches of science and technology. In 1998 humanity had 11,782 thousand scientists and researchers who, thanks to the power of computers, 111,782 thousand scientists from 1950, science and technology are radically changing life and business. The total knowledge of humanity is doubling every three years, all these events caused a radical change in the world that we know as globalization and that is based on organizational learning and productive growth, which raises quality and lowers costs., but this is only possible through the individual work of the people who make up the organization, because the ability to learn is a behavior and a human characteristic, and they are people, that is,each individual, the one who can add superior value, who can create the power of knowledge and intellectual capital that has become the main asset of 21st century companies.

Today's world reveals a series of new paradigms:

to. Today a computer chip can perform sorts in billionths of a second.

b. With the push of a button, email travels anywhere on earth and can be reached in a few minutes.

c. One billion people are watching a sporting event at the same time, such as the World Cup in the city of Paris in the summer of 1998 and the Korea - Japan in 2002.

d. In a home without cable, or satellite dish, 12 television channels are seen with all the information in the world, but in a home connected through cable, up to 87 channels can be seen in different languages, and specialized in different subjects of knowledge. such as meteorology, finance, sports, cinema, entertainment, politics, religion, education, science, technology, art, operatic and symphonic music etc.

and. Every day 3 million people travel by plane and more than 500 million people throughout a year.

F. Each year 150 million people are born, the equivalent of the entire population of England and the entire population of France in a single year.

g. 3 out of 10 people in the United States use a cell phone and telephone daily by cell phone and can be located in any part or city of the United States and be easily reached.

h. 100 million people have access to the Internet and with it to libraries, newspapers, magazines, universities, multimedia, scientific information, markets through the Internet and 1000 more options, they can write a love letter and meet through the Internet, make a whole romance, maintaining a long friendship, knowing things that you do not even imagine exist that is the magic of the highways of knowledge and information that are bringing people closer and edifying humanity in such an advanced way that they are causing the Universities, academies and schools become obsolete unless they find a mission, that of forming values, attitudes and habits in people, instead of giving formal and serious knowledge around a subject;it is easier to learn online than to learn at school; You have access to many more options than in the classrooms of a single university.

i. The bombardment of information will get worse every time, getting older, a 5-year-old child, simply by turning on his television, has, according to the Rockefeler Center in New York, 87 times more information than an adult who would have lived in it. year 1900.

j. 2000 million people see the fashionable film in the cinema in the 3 months immediately after its production in any part of the world, simultaneously and in more than 70 languages ​​the films produced by Hollywood are being seen, the world is truly globalized, truly unified, people share information so quickly that the information becomes obsolete almost the moment it is produced.

Only those who do not want to be informed will not use all these tools that technology puts at our fingertips. The inhabitants of our planet have a great opportunity to transcend in the age of knowledge. Let's take advantage. Thanks Science and Technology.

Economic and organizational implications of the knowledge age