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Definitions of continuous improvement

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The process of technology transfer and administration in the last decade has been growing parallel to the process of modernization of the country. Entering to evaluate the effectiveness of these technologies necessarily implies: first reviewing exhaustively the socio-economic context in which they emerge. Likewise, analyze the problems that arise in the implementation process and finally define the fundamental characteristics of its objective or reason for being.

According to the management groups of Japanese companies, the secret of the most successful companies in the world lies in having high quality standards for both their products and their employees. Therefore, total quality control is a philosophy that must be applied at all hierarchical levels in an organization. This implies a continuous improvement process that has no end. This process allows us to visualize a broader horizon, where excellence and innovation will always be sought that will lead entrepreneurs to increase their competitiveness, decrease costs, orienting efforts to satisfy the needs and expectations of customers.

The basis of the success of the improvement process is the adequate establishment of a good quality policy, which can precisely define what is expected by employees; as well as the products or services that are provided to customers. This policy requires the commitment of all the components of the organization.

2. Continuous improvement

It is evident that world trends show how nations are integrated into communities that seek to strengthen each other and merge their cultures. This integration goes beyond free trade agreements, opening of imports and exports, delimitation of unified policies on the private sector and penetrates the daily life of members of society, the practices of organizations and generates substantial changes in the modern man's way of life.

Integration also seeks the consolidation of blocks that aspire to have political, military, and ideological hegemony in the international reordering. The result of this process is a new economic, ideological and political map where the highly competitive countries and therefore privileged in the world market are clearly differentiated.

This panorama shows us clearly how the rules of competitiveness have changed, the breaking of borders in the geographical area, urges a break in mentalities and a series of imperatives that we must attend to if we want to transcend the condition of peripheral country and on the way to developing.

Penetrating this new order implies recognizing the role of knowledge and information as generators of development. Now more than ever it is necessary to assume that the knowledge and who owns the information has power at the business level.

The leading role of knowledge in the growth of the productive sectors is clear. For example, the incorporation of cutting-edge technology, applied knowledge, training and qualification of labor. Likewise, the increasingly specialized levels of division of labor, the highly qualified skills and capacities required for optimal performance, the systematization of business practices converted into management models, new methods and administrative techniques, among others, are indicators of the intimate relationship between knowledge, rational information management and business economic growth.

To carry out this (Continuous) Improvement process both in a specific department and throughout the company, it must be taken into account that said process must be:

  • Economic, that is, it should require less effort than the benefit it brings; and Cumulative, that is, that the improvement that is made allows opening the possibilities of successive improvements while guaranteeing the full use of the new level of performance achieved.


Over time, a series of techniques and tools have been found and put into practice that are currently of fundamental importance for the good management of any organization. Among these techniques or tools we have continuous improvement.

Continuous improvement is a tool that is currently essential for all companies because it allows them to renew the administrative processes they carry out, which makes companies constantly update. Furthermore, it enables organizations to be more efficient and competitive. These strengths will help you stay on the market.

For the application of the improvement it is necessary that in the organization there is good communication between all the organs that comprise it. Employees, too, must be in good rapport with the organization, because they can offer a lot of valuable information to optimally carry out the continuous improvement process.

Continuous Improvement is applied regularly. He allows organizations to integrate new technologies to different processes, which is essential for any organization. Every company must apply the different administrative techniques that exist, it is very important that continuous improvement is included.

Thus, we have Continuous Improvement as a reality in our day and which is already practically essential in any type of organization, private, public, or non-profit. What is at stake is the quality itself with a view to maximum customer satisfaction who is in charge.

But in the company as such, the one in charge is the manager, and if he does not do it taking into account the competitive environment in which he finds himself in a very short time, but instantly, he will be involved in a big problem, which it will degenerate into the very possible extinction of your company.

That is why we must bear in mind that "Manager who falls asleep is carried away by the current", and in the hands of each leader are the tools to avoid a calamity and instead yes, stay in the fight against other companies that are aware global competitiveness, Benchmarking, Total Quality, Reengineering, Just-in-Time approach and Synchronized Operations, and that these are directed to a single purpose that benefits Continuous Improvement for all.

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Definitions of continuous improvement