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Sample minute of a business wellness service

Table of contents:


I. Of the purpose.

1.1 The Welfare Service of the company name, is a non-profit institution, whose function is to promote the improvement of the quality of life of its Members and their charges, providing them with medical, social, recreational and cultural assistance to the extent that your resources allow it.

II. Of the associates

2.1 All persons who with respect to the institution have the quality of officials with an indefinite contract, who, together with expressing their intention to join, accept the rights and duties established by this statute, may be associated with the Welfare Service.

2.2 Members with their incorporation fee and their monthly discount have the right to make use of social and medical benefits in accordance with the regulations that govern it, after the third month of incorporation.

2.3 In order to become a member, it will be necessary to submit an application in which all the data or antecedents indicated in these regulations must be indicated and which will be addressed to the President of the Welfare.

The Board of Directors will hear about this application, which once it has been verified that the applicant meets the incorporation requirements, will proceed to its approval by the absolute majority of its members.

2.4 The partners will have the following rights:

a) Elect and be elected to serve the Executive positions of the Welfare Service.

b) Participate with the right to voice and vote in the General Assemblies.

c) Receive the medical and social benefits granted by the Welfare Service.

d) Present any project or proposal to the study of the Board, which will decide its rejection or inclusion in the table of a General Assembly.

2.5 The obligations of the partners will be:

a) Respect and comply with the statutes, regulations and resolutions of the Board of Directors or General Assemblies.

b) Carry out with zeal and opportunity the positions or commissions entrusted to him.

c) Attend the sessions of the Ordinary or Extraordinary General Assemblies. (Non-attendance without justification will be fined with an additional fee). The justifications must be in writing and may not exceed two in the year.

d) Pay promptly on the dates indicated (until the 10th of each month), the benefits incorporated through agreements with commercial institutions.

2.6 Members who unjustifiably do not comply with the obligations contemplated in the previous point will be suspended in their rights.

Failure to timely cancel benefits such as grocery vouchers, bookstore, etc., will be reason enough to suspend such benefits, until the member catches up with their fees.

When a member does not comply with his obligation to pay in a timely manner, the following will proceed:

a) If it is for the first time: the benefit will be terminated for three months from the date of the last payment.

b) If he repeats: the benefits will be suspended for at least one year and the Company will be notified by letter to facilitate the cancellation of the debt, discounting by payroll.

In all cases, the Board of Directors will inform the next General Assembly regarding the members who are suspended, or their benefit has been cut off.

2.7 Membership is lost:

a) Due to death.

b) By written resignation presented to the board of directors.

c) For ceasing to belong to the company.

d) Due to expulsion based on the following grounds:

  1. For causing serious damage by word of mouth or in writing to the interests of the Welfare Service For arrogantly, without right, the representation of the Institution in order to obtain personal benefits For obtaining or attempting to obtain presentations and benefits, using false documentation or Adulterated In the case of members of the Board of Directors, for exceeding their functions or that in the use of their powers seriously compromise the social and / or economic integrity of the institution.

2.8 The Board of Directors may expel any of the partners by means of resolutions adopted by two-thirds of its members, based on the causes provided in letter (d) of point 2.7.

The charges will be formulated in writing to the affected party who will have a period of 10 days to make his discharges.

If the expulsion was based on the fact that the member obtained benefits using false documents or data, he must reimburse the amounts received, readjusted by the same percentage of variation in the CPI between the month immediately prior to its approval and the month immediately prior. to its restitution.

The member who voluntarily withdraws and requests his reinstatement will be subject to the conditions required by the assembly.

2.9 The member expelled from the welfare service may request his reinstatement to the Board, after a period of 12 months from the date on which he was notified of the sanction, with the Assembly finally deciding in favor or against the reinstatement.

2.10 The member who ceases to belong to the Welfare Service for any reason, will not have the right to a refund of their contributions.

2.11 The circumstances of finding the partner making use of legal holiday, permission, medical leave, pre and post natal, fulfilling a work commission, or other temporary absence that does not mean the suspension or loss of employee of the company, no It exempts you from the obligation to cancel your contributions and commitments that you have contracted with the Welfare Service, thus maintaining the validity of all benefits.

III. Of the assemblies

3.1 The General Assemblies will be Ordinary and Extraordinary

The Extraordinary General Assemblies will be held each time the board of directors agrees to call them, as deemed necessary for the operation of the institution or each time they request it from the Chairman of the Board in writing, by at least one third of the partners, indicating the or the objectives of the meeting. In these Extraordinary Assemblies, only the matters indicated in the call may be dealt with and any agreement made on other matters will be void.

3.2 The Ordinary General Assemblies will be called by an agreement of the board of directors and if this does not occur for any reason, by the President or when requested by at least one third of the partners.

The summons of the Assemblies will be summoned by means of notices that will be placed in the workplaces, with a minimum anticipation of 10 days to said date.

For Extraordinary Assemblies the anticipation will be 4 days.

3.3 The General Assemblies will be held with the people who come to the meeting. The decisions taken there will be decisive, that is, the agreements will be made by a majority of the partners present. Each partner will have the right to one vote and there will be no proxy vote.

3.4 The deliberations and resolutions adopted must be recorded in a special minute book that will be kept by the secretary.

The minutes will be signed by the President, by the Secretary, or by those who substitute them at the time and also by two assistants designated by the Assembly.

In said minutes, the members attending the Assemblies may stamp the appropriate claims to their rights due to procedural defects related to the summons, constitution and operation of the same.

IV. Of service administration

4.1 The administration of the Welfare Service will be in charge of a Board of Directors composed of six representatives of the partners. Said Board of Directors will be composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer and a Prosecutor. The company may be represented by whomever it deems appropriate, providing services as a cooperator.

The board of directors will last two years in office.

The members of this board of directors must meet the following requirements:

a) Have at least one year of service in the company.

b) Have at least one year of seniority in the Welfare (except at the time of constitution).

c) Not being simultaneously a leader of any other service or recreational organization of the company's workers.

4.2 Of the election of the Board

Once the two-year period of the Board of Directors has expired, in the first Assembly Meeting, the members affiliated with welfare are referred to the opportunity to apply for a managerial position, a nomination of candidates will be made.

4.3 In the absence of voluntary applicants, the Assembly nominates candidates with their approval, and some representatives of the outgoing board may also be nominated, since they have the right to be reelected.

Once the candidates are nominated, the date of the election and the date of the vote count are set. The first six majorities occupy the incumbent positions and together they will decide the position that best suits them.

It is recalled that as stipulated in point 3.3, the resolutions will be adopted by the majority of the attendees with the right to vote.

4.4 The Board of Directors will have the following powers and duties:

a) Direct the Welfare Service and manage its assets.

b) To summon the Ordinary General Assembly and the Extraordinary ones that proceed in accordance with the provisions of these statutes.

c) Draft and submit for the approval of the General Assembly, the regulations that must be issued for the proper functioning of the Service and all those matters and businesses that it deems necessary to submit for deliberation.

d) Comply with the agreements of the General Assemblies.

e) To render an account before the corresponding Ordinary General Assembly, the investment of the funds and the operation of the corporation during the period in which it exercises its functions.

f) Through an annual report, balance or inventory, the performance of the board of directors will be submitted to the approval of the partners.

g) Resolve doubts and controversies that arise due to the application of the statutes and regulations.

h) Resolve applications for admission.

i) Set annually the amount of benefits to be granted in the following period, according to the budget for the year.

j) Approve the conclusion of agreements related to the purposes of the Welfare Service.

4.5 The members of the board of directors must refrain from participating in agreements related to matters that represent a benefit for themselves or for their family group.

In case of non-compliance with the above prohibitions, the Director will be suspended from his position immediately, until it is finally resolved without prejudice to the responsibilities that may arise.

4.6 The board of directors shall meet at least once a month, counting one hour a week (during working hours) for whatever it deems appropriate.

The deliberations and agreements of the Board of Directors will be recorded in a special minute book that will be kept by the Secretary. The minutes will be signed by the President and the Secretary.

The director who wants to save his responsibility for any question or agreement, must demand that his opinion be recorded in the minutes.

4.7 The Chairman of the Board is especially responsible for:

a) Preside over the Board meetings and the General Assemblies of Members.

b) Call Ordinary and Extraordinary Assemblies of Partners.

c) Organize the work of the board of directors and propose the general plan of activities of the Service, being empowered to establish priorities in their execution.

d) To ensure compliance with the statutes, regulations and agreements of the institution.

e) Give an account at the corresponding General Ordinary Assembly of members, on behalf of the Board of Directors, of the progress of the institution and its financial status.

f) The other attributions determined by these statutes or entrusted to it by the General Assembly of Members.

4.8 The Vice President shall:

a) Assist and cooperate with the President for the proper functioning of his position, in addition to replacing him when necessary.

4.9 The Secretary shall be responsible for:

a) Keep the file of all the documentation of the institution up to date.

b) Keep a register of Members, prepare Membership Applications and attend to members in their requests.

c) Draft and dispatch all correspondence related to the Institution under his signature and that of the President.

d) Take the minutes of the sessions of the Board of Directors and the General Assemblies, write them and incorporate them before the respective organism pronounces on them, in the respective books, under its signature.

e) Inform the assembly, according to the content of the records, about the inabilities that affect the members of the elected Board.

f) Publish notices by calling the Assembly of Ordinary and Extraordinary Members.

g) Form the table of Board sessions and General Assemblies in agreement with the President.

h) In general, fulfill all the tasks entrusted to it by the Board of Directors, the President, the Bylaws and Regulations, related to their functions.

4.10 The Assistant Secretary will:

a) Assist and cooperate with the Secretary for the proper functioning of his position, in addition to replacing him when necessary.

4.11 The Treasurer shall:

a) Prepare the annual budget for operations.

b) Prepare, analyze, comment and present the Annual Balance of the Service.

c) Make jointly with the President, all payments or cancellations related to the institution, having to sign the necessary documents.

d) Fulfill the tasks and carry out all those functions entrusted to him by the President.

e) Present to the corresponding commissions all the books and documents of the treasury that are requested for their review and control.

f) Present in an extraordinary way a treasury statement, whenever the Board of Directors or the Ordinary General Assembly agrees, a general balance of the entire accounting movement of the respective period.

g) Carry out the correct control of contracts with companies in agreements, signed by the Welfare Service.

h) Maintain the correct control of payments of all partners who make use of said agreements.

i) Deliver, according to the current statutes, the agreement vouchers only to the partners who respect said statutes.

4.12 It will correspond to the Prosecutor:

a) Assist and cooperate with the Treasurer for the proper functioning of his position, in addition to replacing him when necessary.

V. Of the social patrimony

5.1 The Welfare Service will be financed with the following contributions:

a) With the contribution of 0.5% of the taxable salary of the workers on a voluntary basis

b) A contribution granted by the Company that corresponds to 100% of those collected by way of fees.

c) With an incorporation fee to be set annually by the Board of Directors only once, being for the 2005 period equivalent to $ ………… (………….. pesos).

d) With the bonuses or percentages from the agreements that the Welfare Service signs with commercial and industrial firms.

e) With the income, goods or resources that the Welfare Service obtains in any way such as donations, special activities, fines to members or others.

5.2 The funds of the Welfare Service will be deposited in a Two-Person Checking or Savings Account of a commercial bank that the Board of Directors determines and will be held by the Treasurer and the President.

SAW. From the reform to the regulation.

6.1 The amendments to these regulations will be prepared by the Board of Directors, then presented to the Company, and after its approval, they will be presented to the Assembly.

VII. Of the benefits.

7.1 The Welfare Service, according to its budgetary availability, may grant its members and family dependents, benefits, bonuses or complementary economic aid and social services.

7.2 The Welfare Service will request resources from the Company through its Board of Directors to solve problems of a social nature, especially when due to its complexity it requires professional advice.

I. Social care, Propose and develop preventive and curative actions to avoid or solve problems of a social, personal and family type, especially when, due to its complexity, it requires professional advice ”.

Specific objectives:

  1. Timely address the socio-economic situations that may affect the user Permanently detect the needs and interests of the members Promote proactive management that includes the design and implementation of preventive, development and curative programs Maintain permanent coordination with the different units of the Municipality in Institutions external to the organization Rationally manage available resources.

These objectives will be met through the use of professional methods, such as individual case social service, group social service, social research and administration, in order to guide and advise workers in situations of housing, work, health and problems of family order and its derivation in the cases that correspond to the public or private social network.


a) Prepare, implement and evaluate specific social programs and projects according to the needs and interests of members.

b) Establish agreements with institutions and companies aimed at generating benefits for users.

Rules to Follow:

  1. In view of the fact that social cases require a longer time of attention than routine consultations, care of this type must be arranged with a date and time between the worker and the Welfare Service. (Personnel in charge) In order to protect the integrity of the worker and her family, social cases must be treated with maximum privacy, a responsibility that must be shared by the direct leadership of the worker and the Welfare Service, in addition this constitutes a. principle of professional ethics.

The main problems addressed by this service are:

a) Economic problems: inadequate management of the family budget.

b) Housing problems: social report for fiscal house by exception and extension in cases of real urgency, guidance for application to housing plans, guidance for housing savings.

c) Human relationship problems: breach of parental roles, intra-family violence, marital dysfunction, among others. This type of problem will be addressed through a diagnosis, its respective intervention proposal, which will be determined in conjunction with the user and their family group when appropriate.

d) Health problems: channel financial subsidies, user-office relationship.

e) Social security problems.

f) Other interventions: social reports to obtain extra-institutional benefits, scholarships, university credits, school fees, request for family allowance, compensation fund bonds, among others.

g) Develop actions in order to improve staff activities, working conditions, worker-employer relations and the quality of staff, this has to do with the motivation of workers.

h) Another issue that would be of great interest to the community and that probably does not exist information, is about the Criminal Procedure Reform, moreover, currently it is necessary for the community to become aware of and be informed of the new mechanisms to operate from the Chilean Justice and for its prompt construction in said commune.

  • Based on the foregoing and after contacting the workers and / or representatives (unions), new guidelines for action may be established.

II. Economic subsidies, economic subsidies are granted by the Welfare Service and will aim to help the worker to overcome a critical socioeconomic situation caused by an unforeseen event of a fortuitous nature, therefore the true capacity of the family group must be correctly evaluated to face this situation generated with its own resources and weigh the causes that qualify it as critical.

This subsidy may not exceed an amount per person of 15 development units (UF), given only once in the course of a year.

To access this benefit, the worker must approach the Welfare Service giving knowledge of the facts and then be verified in the field by the social worker or another suitable professional, through home visits. Subsequently, it will be evaluated together with the Board of Directors and it will be decided who is granted such benefit.

  • Causes of benefit allocation:

a) accidents or very serious illness with very serious consequences in the people of the family group.

b) Natural disasters (fire, flood and collapse) that affect the home where the family group resides.

III. Medical bonus

For medical, dental, optical and exam expenses, the amount of $ 20,000 per justified member will be awarded once a year with health bonuses, copayments from Isapres or Fonasa.

IV. School Voucher

It will be paid against the registration payment document or Regular Student Certificate for Technical, Professional Institutes and / or University. The sum of $ ……………. (……….pesos).

The children of members who are studying in Basic, Middle or Technical, Professional and / or University Institutes will be entitled to this bonus.

Members who are in the capacity of Student - Worker will also have the right.

V. Christmas Bonus

The Welfare Service, adjusting to its budgetary availability, will grant a Christmas bonus to its members in the month of December of each year of $ ……………. (……….pesos). The payment of said bonus will be made between the 15th and the 20th of the same month.

Welfare service

Company ………………….

Valid from

March 2005

Sample minute of a business wellness service