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Basic human resource concepts

Table of contents:


General principles

I. Multivariate Character of the Human Resources Administration, is an interdisciplinary area that encompasses concepts of:

  1. Psychology (Study of productivity and development in people) Labor law (to prevent events) Occupational medicine (care of the employee medically) Sociology (the social aspect greatly influences work) Administration (looking at the people responsible for promotion) Economy (RH must minimize costs and maximize productivity) Industrial Engineering and Safety (seek the well-being, hygiene and safety of personnel)

II. Contingency character, depends on the situation of the Company

  1. Environment (it is vital for employee satisfaction) Current policies (view them to change, modify or eliminate them) Administrative Philosophy (it is necessary to know and explain it) Quality and Quantity of Available Resources (know how many employees are needed, and with what characteristics and qualities.

III. The HR Administration as a subsystem, Company = System; RH = a subsystem

  1. Feeding of RH.: Recruitment; selection; recruitment. (Feed the company with the best in the market. Application of HR.: Integration; evaluation of responsibilities. (Integrate philosophy through induction courses, etc.). Maintenance of HR.: Entertainment; promotions. Control of HR: Inventory HR; records; audits.

Company challenges

  1. DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES (To know who to hire, more stable people) UNEMPLOYMENT (What is due, what is happening in the area) GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS (Know them to know about new technology and sciences) INDUSTRIALIZATION (Structure and modernity required) SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (Reduce prices from time to time, help in a certain way) CHALLENGES OF THE FUTURE (What we want to do, where we are going ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION (Take care of it, do something to remedy) AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION (Because we depend on it) INFLATION (Money loses value, and the employee is affected) WORKFORCE(Minimize employee costs, searching in the area) EDUCATION AND TRAINING (Have a good relationship with Educational Institutions)

What does Human Resources administration consist of?

  1. It is the area of ​​administration related to all aspects of personnel, recruiting, selecting, developing, advising and rewarding employees; act as a liaison with the unions and manage other welfare matters. It is the planning, organization, direction and control of the achievement, development, remuneration, integration and maintenance of people in order to contribute to the company. ES LA PLANEACIÓN, ORGANIZACIÓN, DIRECTION AND CONTROL OF THE PROCESSES OF ENDOWMENT, REMUNERATION, TRAINING, EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE, NEGOTIATION OF THE COLLECTIVE CONTRACT AND GUIDE OF THE HR, ALSO FOR EACH DEPARTMENT IN ORDER TO SATISFY THE INTERESTS OF THOSE WHO RECEIVE THE SERVICE AND SATISFY THE NECESSARY PERSONS.

Objectives of the Human Resources Administration

Personnel Administration refers to the Planning of HR to the RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, ADMINISTRATION OF WAGES, TRAINING, LABOR RELATIONS, HYGIENE AND SAFETY in Organizations.


  1. Regulate in a fair and technical way the different phases of the Labor Relations of an Organization. Achieve that the personnel at the Service of the Social Organism work to achieve the Organizations Objectives. Provide the Organization with an efficient Workforce for the satisfaction of its plans and objectives. Increase the Productivity of the staff to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of the management. Coordinate the effort of the work groups to provide unity of action in the achievement of common objectives. Satisfy minimum requirements of workers' well-being to create satisfactory working conditions. Reach the highest level of realization of the worker as the employer. Solve problems effectively, before, during and after the employment relationship.

Characteristics of Human Resources

People spend most of it in Organizations working in the production of goods and services; the more numerous these are, the more complex it becomes.

There are characteristics such as:

  1. They cannot be the patrimony of the Organization unlike other types of Resources. Knowledge, experience, skills, etc. They are personal assets. The activities of people in Organizations are voluntary, the organization must have the best effort of the staff and achieve the Organizational objectives. The experiences, knowledge are intangible and are manifested by the behavior of employees in the organization HRs can be honed through training and development HRs are rare. This is because not all staff possess the same capabilities, skills, and knowledge.

Position of the personnel department

Currently, due to the extension that the HR Department has, since it covers all categories, it must be given a place of FIRST IMPORTANCE.

Most often, the Personnel Department reports directly to the GENERAL MANAGEMENT OR GENERAL MANAGEMENT, thus remaining on the same plane as the managers of the Company's main divisions.


  1. Selection of Personnel Training Simplification of Operations Mobility of Personnel Merit Qualification Suggestions Promotions Post Valuation Industrial Hygiene and Safety Complaint System Discipline Service to Personnel


  • The administration of RH presents various modalities regarding its name; the most common are:
  • Personnel Management Labor Relations Industrial Relations Human Relations at work Personnel Administration Human Resources Administration


Why is there a need to have a Human Resources department?

  • Importance of the RH (it is necessary to give attention to the people) Specialized Support to the Company (it is possible to deduce from the salaries for example) Organizational Complexity of the Company (it is necessary to know what are the needs of the company) Regulatory Complexity Laws- Norms-Regulation (Know the laws and policies of the Company) Need for Coordination and Consistency in the application of norms, etc. (All companies must have rules, but consider the Company and the People.

Importance of HR administration

  1. It seeks to harmonize individual and organizational interest. It tends to find a basis for cooperation. It enables productivity and personal and organizational progress to be achieved.


Everyone has the right to decent work and social / affection.


No person may be prevented from dedicating himself to the profession he wishes, unless he has a legal problem.


WORKER: Natural person who lends to another, physical or moral, a subordinate personal work.


EMPLOYER: It is the physical or moral person who uses the services of one or several workers.


Administrators, directors, managers and other persons who exercise functions of the company, will be considered representatives of the employer, have obligations in their relations with the worker.

Principles for a new work culture

Good faith and loyalty between the parties (worker-employer) are indispensable principles for the proper development of labor relations.

VALUE ADDED. The employer must have the best performance of his workers, which will allow him to increase productivity, competitiveness and obtain an added value that benefits the company. Your workforce and society in general.

INTEGRATION. Workers must assume their responsibility at work; preserve the assets of the company; respect all your colleagues to the management staff and maintain an attitude of dialogue with all members of the company.

RULES. Employers must privilege respect and good treatment of workers; remunerate with a remunerative salary according to the law; provide them with adequate training; meet their social security obligations and seek efficient resource management.

Unions and employers' associations must conduct themselves in accordance with the law; ensure the improvement and defense of the interests of its associates and maintain an attitude of dialogue and respect.

They must agree on remuneration and benefits that meet the normal needs of a head of the family in the material, social and cultural order.


  • It seeks to promote in workers and entrepreneurs the revaluation of human work, granting it the dignity that corresponds to it as a means to satisfy the material, social and cultural needs of each employee and their families.
  • Stimulate the creation of employees and preserve existing ones, through the national use of available resources and generation in the company of a greater capacity for forecasting and adapting to change.
  • Provide fair levels of remuneration, which promote the development of productivity, competitiveness and reward both individual and group effort within the company.
  • Promote the training of workers and employers as a permanent and systematic process throughout their active lives.
  • Consolidate dialogue and agreement as the ideal methods for worker-employer relations to develop in a climate of harmony.

Human Resources Planning

It is a technique to systematically determine the supply and demand for employees that an organization will have.


  • Improve the use of RH. (the person in the right place) Allow the efforts of the personnel department to coincide with the overall objectives of the Organization. (Seek to fill positions with people who meet the same profile.) Economize hiring. (When high turnover, there are losses) Expand the personnel database, to support other changes. (to get to know the employee) Assist in the coordination of various programs such as obtaining better levels of productivity through the contribution of more trained personnel. (Evaluate the staff and monitor each employee to see their development in the company.)



  • Informal Decisions (based on the judgments of those in the know) Formal investigation by experts (managers are studied who are the experts) Delphi technique (presented to a group of managers between 5 and 15 of them, the question What would change your staffing needs over the next year? each answers, shares ideas, and votes for the top 3 or 5 answers.)


  • Extrapolation (involves the extension of exchange rates from the past to the future) Indexation (method to estimate future recruitment needs by relating job growth to some index. An example is the relationship of production employees to sales.)Statistic analysis. (They offset the changes in the root causes of demand.)


  • Budget and planning analysis (A department budget study reveals financial authorizations for more employees. These data plus extrapolations of changes in the workforce can provide short-term estimates.) it requires comparing with firms that already carry out similar operations in order to estimate the needs of RH) Computer models. (These are a series of mathematical formulas that simultaneously use extrapolation, indexing, study results, and estimates of labor force changes in order to calculate future HR needs)



  • Economic factors (recessions, demand, etc.) Social, political and legal elements (permits, etc.) Technological changes (without knowledge it is more difficult) Competition (offering attractive positions, salaries and benefits)


  • Strategic plans Budgets Sales and production forecasts New operations, lines and products Reorganization and design of positions


  • Retirements Waivers Dismissals Death Licenses

Personnel policies, work regulations, job analysis

  1. They seek to condition the scope of the objectives and the performance of the functions of the Personnel Department (eg. Hours, badges, hours of attention to the public, etc.). They are established rules to govern functions and ensure that they are carried out according to the objectives. desired. (Eg After 15 minutes it is absence, or, absence from work = suspension.) They constitute Administrative Guidance for the employees They are action guides (the way in which the employees and bosses should behave.)


  • 1. Regarding the level of Organizational structure
  1. General Company Policies. (those intended for all people who work in the company, eg men with short hair) Administrative Policies. (Specific orientation to the executives by departments, Eg. Guards raise report every 8 hrs.) Operational Policies. (Orientation to specific functions, eg machinery operators turn machines on twice a day.) Functional policies. (Orientation to specialized personnel, specifically for events.)
  • 2. As for the content.
  1. Of admission. (to admit staff. Eg. Not married women / not minors.) Health. (Ex. People with heart disease, not passing the exam.) Training. (Eg Certain professional characteristics to carry out certain functions or activities.) Security. (Eg Helmet / clothing / way of using machinery.) Of wages. (Eg the government increases wages, the company automatically raises wages.)

It is important that Human Resources promote staff. There is also a potential replacement format for different reasons: Dismissal, retirement, job change, etc.


It is a set of mandatory provisions for workers and employers in the development of jobs in a company or establishment. (Ex. The company works 24 hours.)

What does a work regulation contain?

  1. Hours of entry, exit, food and rest. Place of the working day. Days of cleaning and maintenance. Days and places of payment. Norms for work risks and first aid. Rules for unhealthy and dangerous work. Protection of pregnant workers. Time and manner in which workers must submit to medical exams. Permits and licenses. Disciplinary provisions and procedures for their application: the suspension may not exceed 8 days. The worker will have the right to be heard before applying the sanction. Safety Standards.

Who makes the work regulations?

  • A representative of the workers and employers. Deposit it before the conciliation and arbitration board. There will be no legal effect of provisions that contradict the federal labor law. The workers or the employer may request at any time the revision of the regulation. The regulation will take effect from the date of your deposit. It must be printed and distributed among the workers. It must be fixed in the most visible places of the establishment.

It is very important to do a job analysis, to visualize what the employee is doing and if it meets the characteristics that the company requires. Know if there is a need for the position, and if such exists, then look for the characteristics of the position, establish the skills and qualities that the person who will fill the position must have; visualize the workload, if it is a lot or a little; and define the place, hierarchical that it will occupy; knowing what skills and knowledge the person who will occupy the position must have. Following all the steps, a Job Description is obtained.


It consists of obtaining, evaluating and organizing information about the positions of a company. The job analyst performs this function.

It is noteworthy that this function has the goal of analyzing each job and not the people who perform it.

The information obtained on each position is of essential importance for the personnel departments and the Company in general. If there is a lack of an adequate information system. Decision makers will not, for example, be able to find candidates who meet the necessary characteristics for a position, nor will they be able to set salary levels according to the market.


A job description is a written explanation of the duties, working conditions, and other relevant aspects of a specific position. All forms for job descriptions must be in the same format within the company; Even if the posts are at different levels, relevant characteristics may be required, but it is essential that you follow the same general structure to preserve the comparability of the data.


  • Everything related to the Internal Work Regulations is found in Chapter Five of the Seventh Title of the Federal Labor Law (arts. 422 to 425.) Human Resources Administration, Sherman Bohlender, Human Resources Administration, Fernando Arias Galicia.Total administration for organizations of the third millennium, Carlos Reza Trocino, Ed. PAE
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Basic human resource concepts