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The image in sales management


In human relationships there is always a reciprocal evaluation.

Even when we are not totally and permanently aware of it, this is the case in every relationship between people and in the sale it acquires a transcendental importance.

This happens with each of our daily sales actions with our interviewees who are permanently rating us, forming an image that tells them what the company, the products or services and brands we represent is like.

It is not to be alarmed, especially if we are playing a true and efficient professional role, backed by a management that meets our appropriate profile for the position and, very especially, by the training we have received in the company to develop an efficient activity of which vital income for the subsistence and development of the organization arises.

What is the image we want to convey?

This is the dilemma that the management of every organization that wishes to orient itself towards a successful sales management must consider.

The greater clarity with which this is defined by your CEOs will directly contribute to the consequences that arise from applying it in the selection and training of your sales representatives.

In traditional management structures, and given a lack of definition, the result that is obtained is usually as disparate as the different profiles of its representatives to the sales team in the absence of an ideal profile that contributes in this regard.

How is this image of us formed in our clients?

Since we first contacted each other, whether by phone, in person or by other means of communication, in the mind of our new potential buyer, perceptions about what we do, express, gesture, etc., are produced in the mind.

The consequence that each one of our behaviors generates, according to their quality, ubiquity, efficiency and effectiveness, when perceived by our interviewee, he / she registers them in his mind under "certain proper synthesis labels" according to the positive, dazzling, efficient, trustworthy, etc., in which you have perceived them on such occasions.

That label or label assigned to us by each interviewee represents the image that has been formed of us and will be recorded in their immediate memory (RAM) or in other mediated records (hard disk) of their mind, sensibly conditioning what we can achieve with them in the future in our sales management.

Accordingly, we are faced with two dilemmas to resolve regarding the most effective characteristics that a profile must have to better contribute to the sales results that are pursued through management.

What the current or potential customer expects from the seller

In our days, each potential buyer is very clear about what they want to acquire due to the rich information they obtain from different sources (Internet, references from others, their own and other's experiences, specialized graphic media, etc.).

Due to this new reality, it is not surprising that a potential buyer has more knowledge than the traditional seller.

However, every time someone is about to buy so much to satisfy a need or solve a problem with their knowledge, they hope to find a specialist who will help them make their best decision.

Therefore, if we stop to think and define how the ideal profile of each salesperson in the team should be to achieve the success of the sales management of our products and services, it would be the first successful step on a path of success that will lead us towards success.

Once the best potential sellers are incorporated, they must be individually trained (Initial Training) with the best knowledge of the products and services that they will offer and also those of the competition; Provide them with tools to conduct interviews (Professional Sales Techniques) and the appropriate formula to generate maximum productivity (Effective Management Method), accompany them during the first stage of management to perfect the application of what they have learned (Professional Management) and permanently strengthen them.

By keeping in mind the following essential aspects, it will contribute significantly to this purpose, so that each seller comes to perceive himself as a true specialist in the subject and in its management.

1. Suitability. This expression represents the essential aspect of a professional salesperson. It means the wealth of knowledge you have regarding your own products or services and your competition in direct relation to the satisfaction or solution they provide for the needs or problems that current and potential buyers have.

This strength is not acquired through poses but through deeds. Each expression, its content and form, backed by a solid and deep knowledge, is the only thing that can convey an image of trust so important that it is perceived when the sales representative advises, recommends or suggests the best alternative or alternatives that your interviewee requires..

The correct selection of thematic contents to include in the initial training of said representatives is the only one that allows the organization to ensure that the desired image, both in its form and in its essence, can be achieved.

2. The profile regarding what it represents and sells. Herein lies one of the most widespread errors in traditional sales management that arises when a representative is incorporated and put into office without having a correspondence with what the company wants to transmit with its management in the market.

When there is an "ideal profile" in the organization, there is a highly effective tool for the selection and incorporation process of its best salespeople, which will allow generating a profitable investment in their initial and continuous training throughout the time in which belong to the team.


Every sale is always resolved between people.

Every time we are ready to buy, investing our money in what we need or require to solve a problem, we want to do it with total security.

This is where the image we transmit is essential since our presence, the authority on the subject, the clarity and accuracy of each argument play such a role that it will significantly contribute to finalizing each sales closing.

Finally, let us bear in mind that all the desires that do not materialize, simply remain in expressions that end up being a mere set of "good intentions."

When these desires to have the best image in sales management are duly converted into successful facts, a virtuous process begins that generates quality results and in such quantity that it exceeds the best forecasts in terms of current and future income, provided that the management continues to be deepened and perfected.


Professional Sales Management Consulting Professional Sales Course © in your company E-book Keys to a successful sale ©

E-book: Professional Sales © and Professional Retail Sales © Special Report: Prospecting © Special Report: Professional Sales Techniques ©.

© Copyright 2010, by Martín E. Heller

The image in sales management