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Image of the Autonomous University of Northeast in Piedra Negra Mexico


History of Piedras Negras, Coah.

Its origins date back to colonial times, when the mission of San Juan Bautista was the center of population expansion of Río Grande.

In 1850 a group of 34 men commanded by Andrés Zapata, Gaspar Salazar and Antonio Ramírez appeared before Colonel Juan Manuel Maldonado to tell him that they had formed a point in the Piedras Negras pass, on the right of the Rio Grande, in front of Fort Duncan, Texas, naming it new Villa de Herrera, later being called Villa de Piedras Negras.


It is worth mentioning that it was given this name because rich carboniferous metals emerge in this place.

Piedras Negras was officially founded on June 15, 1850, both this first establishment and the subsequent modification to the status of Military Colony, came with regard to the human and jurisdictional resources of the nearby Villa de Guerrero, Coahuila, which due to its importance in the colonial period and in the first years of the Republic played a preponderant role in the geopolitical development of the North of Coahuila and a large part of Texas.


Located to the northeast of the Mexican Republic and being part of the third largest state in the country, Coahuila. Piedras Negras consolidates itself as a municipality that is transforming itself and that guarantees sustained growth prepared to face the challenges of the future.

The municipality of Piedras Negras is located northeast of the state of Coahuila, at coordinates 100 ° 34´ 5 ″ west longitude and 28 ° 43´20 ″ north latitude, at a height of 250 meters above sea level.

It limits the north with the municipality of Jiménez; to the south with those of Nava and Zaragoza, to the northeast with the United States of America and to the west with the mentioned country and the municipalities of Jiménez and Zaragoza. It is divided into 85 locations.

It is located at an approximate distance of 447 km from the state capital


Shield without divisions in which a pile of saber-colored stones are represented, on which an eagle perches in the attitude of taking flight.

On a gold background, these emblems symbolize the two most outstanding events in the history of this city. The blue embroidery with gold letters bears two inscriptions: PIEDRAS NEGRAS and MEXICANIDAD. The embroidery is covered by two flags with the national colors; Two gold moharras stand out at the top; the top is a plume of feathers in sinople and purple colors, representing the indigenous tribes that lived before the conquest. On the left side a stone ax, an obsidian point and a club, and on the right side a spear, a pack and a hilt of a Spanish sword.


Most of the land is flat, previously there were mountains that now form part of the urban area.


From north to northeast flows the Rio Grande, forming the limit of the municipality with the United States of North America.

To the northeast, the San Rodrigo river makes its entrance, which comes from the east of the municipality of Zaragoza; This river flows into the Bravo to the northeast of Piedras Negras, and the San Antonio River comes from the south of the municipality, which comes from Zaragoza to flow to the southeast into the Rio Grande.


In the northwestern, western and southwestern parts there are subtypes of hot-dry climates, and in the north-south and east there are subtypes of temperate semi-dry climates; the average annual temperature is 20 to 22 ° C and the average annual precipitation in the northeast and southeast is 500 to 600 millimeters and in the northwest and southwest is 400 to 500 millimeters, with rainfall in the months of April, May, June, July, August, September, October and rare in November and December; the prevailing winds have a southwest direction with speeds of 19 to 26 km / hr. The frequency of frosts is from 0 to 20 days and hail from one to two days to the northwest of the municipality and from zero to one day to the southeast, south and center.


The distribution of the type of soil influences the variety and concentration of the vegetation, mainly in the desert types such as governor, mesquite, lechuguilla and ocotillo.

There are wild animals such as the coyote, hare, rabbit, deer, wild cat, rat, armadillo, badger and snake.


It does not have natural resources that can be considered wealth.


Two types of soil can be distinguished in the municipality. Xerosol: Soil of light color and poor in organic matter and the subsoil is rich in clay or carbonates, with low susceptibility to erosion. Rendzina: It has a superficial layer rich in organic matter that rests on limestone rock and some material rich in lime, it is clayey and its susceptibility to erosion is moderate.

Regarding land use, most of the municipal territory is used for livestock development, with less extension dedicated to urban areas and agricultural production, which is concentrated on the banks of the Rio Grande.


The total population of the municipality during 1995 was 116,148 inhabitants, a figure that represents 5.34% of the total population of the State and.127% of the nation. During the decade 1970-1980, the municipality had an annual growth rate of 7.19%, estimating that by the year 2000 the population will reach 282,227 inhabitants. The population density is 127.05 inhabitants per square kilometer.

The municipality of Piedras Negras has a young population since 44.64% of its inhabitants belong to the range of 0 to 19 years of age, contrasting with the population of 65 years and over that represents 4.42%, with a proportional distribution between both. sexes. 96.2% of the population is concentrated in urban areas and 3.8% in rural areas.


  • AGRICULTURE Of the crops, the production of wheat, corn, forages and walnuts stands out. LIVESTOCK Bovine cattle are raised for log meat and for milk, goats, pigs and sheep. INDUSTRY The maquiladora industry predominates in the branches of assembly of machinery and equipment, electrical, electronic and accessories. Also the manufacturing industry of clothing, non-metallic mineral products, manufacture and assembly of machinery and equipment; preparation of food products and transformation of chemical products. MINING There are deposits of coal and natural gas. P1SCICULTURE It is specified for small exploitations susceptible to increase, since it has the Rio Grande. TOURISMIn Piedras Negras there are some tourist walks such as El Moral park; groves and grills in Villa de Fuente, it has a municipal auditorium, a culture house, the only history museum on the border, a handicraft house and a popular market. The "feri-Expo", livestock, industrial and artisan exhibition, is held the second week of August of each year, has services that are provided to tourism such as travel and car rental agencies, hotels, restaurants, and handicraft shops.

By 1995 the municipality had 20 lodging establishments and 4 travel agencies.

  • TRADE This activity revolves around the sale of food, beverages and work products, clothing and articles for personal use; Home furniture; self-service stores and specialized departments by merchandise lines; gases, fuels and lubricants; raw materials, materials and auxiliaries; machinery, equipment and instruments; appliances, tools, spare parts and accessories; real estate, transportation equipment, spare parts and accessories. SERVICESThe municipality has the services of financial and insurance institutions; of mercantile, professional, civic, political, labor and religious groups; professionals and technicians; of preparation and sale of food and beverages, recreational and entertainment; personal, home and diverse, teaching, scientific research and cultural dissemination, medical, social assistance and veterinarians.


The Universidad Autónoma del Noreste, Piedras Negras Coahuila campus, was founded in 1978, bearing the name at that time of El Colegio de las Ameritas located in the Mundo Nuevo neighborhood, directed by Professor Homero Jiménez García and Higinio González Calderón.

This school had two shifts (day and night) at the beginning, counting on the races:

Degree in human resources

Bachelor of Organizational Law

Master in sciences of the education

Bachelor of Agricultural Administration

Degree in public accounting

As well as it had Preparatory since its foundation.

Due to the fact that the facilities at that time were not good enough, the decision was made to change the location of the university for which it was necessary to carry out activities in 1985 for fundraising and thus achieve the purchase of a new land.. However, it was thanks to the municipal president Humberto Uribe Flores, that this was achieved.

The following address was in charge of Mr. José Raúl García

Treviño received help for the construction of the facilities from Mr. Alberto Murillo Altos and Mr. Salomón Camahi, both from the MICARE company in the company of the architect German Robles Gil.

Within the history of the Autonomous University of the Northeast we want to mention the directors who have passed through this institution:

Lic. Jorge Mainero.

Lic. Antonio Zertuche.

Lic. Heudiel Baroa.

Lic. Beatriz de la Peña.

Lic. José Raúl García Treviño.

Lic. Rosa Martha Jiménez.

Ing. Pedro Villarreal.

The Autonomous University of the Northeast Piedras Negras Coah campus. It has been characterized by its various projects, despite its short history, these projects are:

♦ Help for victims.

♦ From North to South, to name a few.

Approach to the subject.

The Northeast Autonomous University has been among many criticisms of its study system, whether it is convenient or not, in short, a number of criticisms, of which some are in favor and others against.

Thus, students of the career of Bachelor of Psychology have been given the task of actually obtaining a direct opinion of the community, (high schools, UANE students, the general public and some local companies), to realize that so true or false are the criticisms of the Universidad Autónoma del Noreste.


Piedras Negras Coahuila, border city on December 14, 2005. We have carried out a field investigation about the image of the Universidad Autónoma del Noreste (Piedras Negras Coah campus) in our community, conducting surveys at different high schools (CBTis, UA de C, UAPN) and local companies (RASSINI, FASCO motors, ACSA, etc.) as well as we go to shopping centers (second-rate stores, blockbuster), as well as using many of the concepts and methods of the Descriptive Statistics subject, the which will be seen for the duration of the project.


Our objective is to know and show what the community, high school students and students of the UANE of Piedras Negras think about our own university, how they rate their academic level, how they see the facilities comparing them with those of other universities, everything this in order to provide more information to our Directors and thus improve the academic level and its structural image.

In order to know the opinion of the community, the following surveys were carried out and applied, which varied according to the respondent.

Survey for high school students and people in Gral.

I.- Do you know what UANE is?

1 Yes 2 No

II.- Do you know where it is located?

1 Yes 2 No

III.- How did you find out about her?

1 Family 2 Radio 3 Brochures 4 Newspapers 5 Do not know

IV.- Do you know the system it operates?

1 Yes 2 No

V.- Do you like it?

1Yes 2 No 3 more or less 4 Does not know

VI.- Do you know their fees?

1 Yes 2 No

VII.- How do you get your tuition?

1 Good 2 Fair 3 Bad 4 Don't know them

VIII.- Are they accessible to you?

1 YES 2 No 3 more or less 4 Does not know

IX.- Do you like its facilities?

1Yes 2 No 3 more or less 4 Does not know

X.- How do you rate your facilities?

1 Good 2 Fair 3 Bad 4 Don't know them

XI.- How many relatives or acquaintances do you have at UANE?

1 2 3 Or more 4 None

XII.- What is your opinion of UANE?

1 Good 2 Fair 3 Bad 4 Don't know them

XIII.- What opinion do your known siblings or relatives have?

1 Good 2 Fair 3 Bad 4 Don't know them

XIV.- Based on the following institutions, at what level would you accommodate the UANE (mark the _UANE with a number according to the position in which you place it)?


XV.- How do you consider the environment of the UANE?

1 Good 2 Fair 3 Bad 4 Don't know them

Survey for UANE students

I.- What image have you obtained from UANE since you entered this institution?

  • Excellent Good Fair Bad

II.- How do you rate the academic level of the UANE?

  • Excellent Good Fair Bad

III.- What were your academic options before entering the UANE? 1 ITPN.

  • UA de CUTNCUAPNOtros (out of town)

IV.- What was the reason for your admission to UANE?

  • Academic prestige Because it is the only one in PN that has the career I want Because it was my last option Because I liked it Because of class schedules Because of its Scholarship program Because my friends study here

V.- What grade do you give your teachers in terms of knowledge (scale of 1-10)?

VI.- With what academic level do you think you will graduate from UANE (110 scale)?

VII.- How do you rate your facilities?

  • Excellent Good Regular Bad

VIII.-In your opinion, what do you think UANE is lacking?

  • Better facilitiesBetter academic levelProfessor with better preparationOther system of studiesMore careersOther schedulesBetter real estateOther tuition fees

IX.-If you have a friend who enrolled in another institution, why didn't he enroll in UANE?

  • Because the UANE does not offer the degree that he / she does not offer the degree he was looking for Because the tuition fees are not accessible to him He did not like the academic model He did not like the image or the prestige He did not like the facilities Because he does not know the UANE Because of the schedules

Survey for the labor sector.

I.- Do you have employees graduated from UANE?

II.- How many?

III.- What other universities are there?

IV.- What is your performance on a scale of 1-10?

V.- What is the academic level of the UANE?

VI.- What do you think UANE graduates need?

More practice More theory Nothing Both

VII.-On the scale of 1-10, how do you consider UANE, in terms of the academic system?

VIII.- From which universities are more graduates hired?

IX.-In your company, those who occupy the managerial positions. What school do they graduate from?

X.- Do UANE graduates occupy the positions they request?

The objective of knowing the image of UANE was only achieved with the help of the surveys carried out and concepts learned in the field of descriptive statistics.

Here are the concepts and results of the surveys.

Statistics is a collection of methods for planning experiments, obtaining data, and then organizing, summarizing, presenting, analyzing, interpreting, and reaching conclusions based on that data.

A Frequency Table lists categories (or classes) of scores, along with counts (or frequencies) of the number of scores that fall in each category.

Examples of frequency tables

Institutions Frequency
CBTis. 38
UA de C. 35
Blockbuster twenty
Com centers. 3. 4
Institution Frequency

The elaboration of a frequency table is carried out as follows.

Step 1.- Decide how many classes your frequency table will contain. As a guideline, the number of classes should be between 5 and 20.

Step 2.- Determine the class width by dividing the interval by the number of classes (the interval is the difference between the highest and the lowest score) and round the result up to an approximate number.

Step 3.- Select as lower limit of the first class, either the lowest score or a convenient value a little less than the lowest score.

Step 4.- Add the class width to the starting point to obtain the lower limit of the second class.

Step 5.- I list the lower class limits in a vertical column and write down the upper class limits, which should be easy to identify at this point.

Step # 6 - Plot each score with a tick in the appropriate class, and then use the ticks (grouped 5 by 5) to determine the total frequency for each class.

Throughout the project, other frequency tables will be shown that will accompany the graphs.

In some frequency tables data such as:

Class limits

The lower class limits are the smallest numbers that can belong to each of the different classes.

The upper class limits are the largest numbers that can belong to each of the different classes.

Ratings No. of students
6.0-6.7 one
6.8-7.5 6
7.6-8.3 twenty
8.4-9.1 twenty
9.2-10 7

Example. In the frequency table at the top, the lower class limits would be 6.0, 6.8, 7.6, 8.4, and 9.2, while the lower class limits would be numbers 6.7, 7.5, 8.3, 9.1, and 10.

From the frequency tables you can also get the class boundaries, which are numbers used to separate the classes, but without the spaces created by the class boundaries. Boundaries are obtained as follows: determine the size of the space between the upper limit of one class and the lower limit of the next class.

Add half of that amount to each upper class limit to get the upper class boundaries, subtract half of that amount to each lower class limit to get the lower class boundaries.

Ratings No. of students
6.0-7.5 one
6.8-7.5 6
7.6-8.3 twenty
8.4-9.1 twenty
9.2-10 7

According to the previous frequency table, the upper class boundaries would be: 6.75, 7.55, 8.35, 9.15, and 10.5; while the lower class boundaries would be: 5.95, 6.75, 7.55, 8.35, and 9.15.

In statistics, after the information is collected, it is subjected to a torture process in which the data is manipulated at will, all to obtain the desired information, however, the information cannot be manipulated in exaggeration because if it were not, it would lose truthfulness, and the only thing we would get would be pure lies which would no longer be in reality

Also in descriptive statistics concepts such as class mark were seen, which is also seen in some frequency tables, some are mentioned since not all frequency tables are the same.

The class marks are the midpoints of the classes. Each class mark can be calculated by adding the lower class limit to the corresponding upper class limit and dividing the sum by two.

Suppose that a class we have is 6.0-7.5, our class mark would be 6.75

The class width is the difference between two consecutive upper class limits or between two consecutive lower class limits. Example. There are class limits 6.0 and 6.8, the class width would be.8.

As we know, statistics are full of data. And this data will be seen throughout the project.

And …… what are these data?

The data is varied and these can be:

Quantitative data, which consists of numbers that represent counts or measurements.

A clear example of this is the number of surveys that were conducted by us, or the number of responses that a question has. The number itself is the quantitative data.

Qualitative (or categorical or attribute data) can be divided into different categories that are divided by some non-numerical characteristic.

The appropriate example for this definition is the fact that some students to whom a survey was applied belong to X high school while others belong to Y high school. Their category would be the high school to which they belong.

Discrete data is obtained from a finite number of possible values ​​or from a number of possible values ​​that can be counted.

For this definition we have the example of the total number of questions that each of our surveys had, which were 15, 9, and 9.

Another common way to classify data is to use some levels of measurement.

The nominal measurement level is characterized by data consisting exclusively of names, labels, or categories. The data cannot be arranged according to the ordering scheme (low high).

For example, certain questions in our survey had as response options only:

If not

Ordinal measurement level. It involves data that can be arranged in some order, but it is not possible to determine differences between the data values, or such differences grow in significance.

For example the answers




Ratio measurement level. It is the interval measurement level modified to include the starting point or inherent zero.

For values ​​at this level, both the differences and the reasons have meaning.

Example. The general grade given to teachers during an assessment can range from 0 to 10 on a scale of 0 to 10.

In statistics, some of the most common concepts are population and sample, which in turn can be divided into different types of samples.

A population is the complete collection of all items (personal scores, measurements, etc.). That they are going to study.

For example, schools were the populations where we went to administer our survey.

Populations that were taken into account for the application of surveys.

A sample is a subset of items drawn from a population.

As an example, the classrooms of the students are samples since they belong to a population (UANE or other high schools).

Below are graphs which were made with the data obtained from the surveys. The first 8 graphs refer to responses given by samples since only some classrooms and high school students were taken.

(See PDF)


At the end of the project, thanks to the application of surveys, the use of concepts and the use of the Minitab program, both learned in the field of Descriptive Statistics, we have obtained valuable data that gives us a very clear image of what the Piedras Negras community thinks about the Autonomous University of the Northeast in general.

This image is somewhat similar to what was expected, since they had it in a concept of a university of dubious quality, and well the data that was collected through the application of surveys cleared us of uncertainty, whether it was true or false that criticism not very good about UANE.

So now the most important thing is not knowing what image we have in these moments because we already know it, now is the time to start improving in all possible aspects, although we must be aware that this was only achieved with the collaboration of both the students as well as the professors, graduates, teachers, in short, all those who are part of this institution.

It would not be entirely pleasant if, even knowing how the university is classified, we do not commit ourselves to making a change that will ultimately be beneficial for everyone, because for those who graduate, the doors will open more easily no matter where they touch them; Well, the university will find benefit from the fact that it will be even more requested.


  • Triola, Mario F. Elementary Statistics, seventh edition. pp. 1-219. ADDYSON WESLEY LONGMAN, Mexico, 2000


  • http://dns2.comuni-k.com/explora/piedrasn/historia%20pn.htm
Download the original file

Image of the Autonomous University of Northeast in Piedra Negra Mexico