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Moral harassment and public administration in Chile


1.- Lack of protection of public employees.

Legalized bullying?

It is a fact worthy of Kafka, that the different officials of the different State divisions are in the most complete defense orphanage when they are the subject of accusations, political persecutions such as the case of Mr.

uadrado, grandson of General Prat, assassinated by the dictatorship, and as it happens with dozens of teachers or professors, Health and Judiciary officials, just to mention some of the State services.

We could point out that there is a proper procedure strictly for the benefit of the infamy of whoever falls into it.

A kind of probity itch is located in the consciousness of the hierarchical superiors and they put the demolition machine to work quickly. The official's background does not matter, his probity qualified for years.


It is enough that one of the hierarchical superiors has some slight anger, annoyance and even a difference of opinion, with the worker to unleash inquisitive anger by way of "summary investigation".

The steps to destroy a career are:

1. Accusing the official of a fault that allows a summary investigation.

2. The summary investigation only allows the accused not to defend himself.

3. The investigation is aimed at refuting everything reported by the accused or investigated.

4. The summary investigation has no other purpose than to appear legal.

5. There is no trial time in this investigation.

6. Nor any act or procedure that resembles the principle of Due Process.

7. The investigator exposes his condemnatory argument without further participation of the investigated.

8. Notified the official investigated of the charge can appeal.

9. This appeal is not accompanied by new background information.

10. The hierarchical superior resolves based on what has been ruled and resolved by the investigator.

11. The official is sanctioned.

As observed in this serious violation of the procedural rights of any person, it occurs daily in all public services in Chile and it is said that around 90% of the cases, the official is punished, including the removal of office.

The following principles of legitimacy or legality can be opposed to such manifestations of arbitrariness:

1. Exact determination of the facts for which he is accused.

2. Principle of the rules of Due Process.

3. Principle of procedural guarantee rules and legality of the procedure.

4. That the accusers do not vote, since they have already issued an opinion.

5. Public investigation stage, necessary for the safety of the accused official.

6. Formalization of charges in due form, clearly established facts and legal grounds.

7. A stage of formal defense.

8. An evidentiary or discharge stage.

9. Respect for Constitutional Guarantees, especially those related to Life and Integrity, Personal and family dignity and Equality before the Law and Equality of Protection before the Law.

10. Option to appear at the defense by himself or by attorney.

11. Procedural fairness, in the sense of not pressuring peers for or against the investigated.

12. Have a real and clear conscience of the facts and the legal violations imputed to the formalized.

13. Advertising option for the investigated.

14. Weigh the evidence and the history at the time of solving.

That is to say, the legislator is not being asked for anything that is not a matter of legal habituality in civilized countries, because if these principles have been respected since ancient times in European or Saxon civilizations, it is not appropriate that in Chile an aberrant is being cradled daily custom of destroying a person based on mere internal domestic "cahuines", which have been studied and analyzed by specialists in the field and have concluded that there is a degree of psychopathic aggression, in those who use and abuse this system to sanction and punish its officials within the institutions of the State or the Public Administration.

We talk about moral harassment.

The legislator needs to take two steps in this regard:

1. Create an investigation and sanction procedure that is in harmony with the steps that the doctrine of infringement processes requires for its legality, in order to safeguard the prestige of the institutions and not divert the matter to limits that do not correspond to the true.

At the same time, protect the official in his essential guarantees, clearly violated in all administrative proceedings.

Moreover, the Constitutional Court should automatically monitor the current regulations and declare it directly contrary to the Constitution, because it is in contradiction with the provisions that treat them. Example: Administrative Statute; Teaching Statute; Organic Code of Courts; Military Code and the various organic norms of the Public services that express this unconstitutional form of punishment processes.

2. A second issue is that there can be no process, for administrative infractions without the due process rules being expressed and this being guaranteed by an external official of the highest hierarchy and who, may well be the Ombudsman, the only capable of facing the immense power of the State manifested by its agents and organs.

We conclude, noting that this situation has left dozens or hundreds of good public officials on the fringes of service to the community, since, in the shrillness of the investigation and punishment procedure, they have been discriminated against, persecuted and removed from their functions. If the matter is studied more carefully, we could conclude that it is a maximum legal aberration that allows for moral harassment, discrimination, and persecution for reasons beyond the functions of the official, such as in the Mr. Cuadrado's case.

Personal dignity, objective of moral harassment.

NGO study and prevention of violence.

When we face the issue of Human Rights, the concept of dignity of the human person arises almost spontaneously, and we certainly feel that we are working on the knowledge of a perfectly clear topic, on which everyone agrees. Despite this perception, healthy, by the way, the dignity of the human person deserves more than a word and reflection. Clearly, we do not need greater efforts to appreciate, very objectively, that in front of a human person, we find a being different, special and different from everything that exists on the planet.

We grasp, rather than by knowledge, by intuition, that in the other there is something in which we reflect remarkably and that it is not the material or the physical, but, in terms of what multiplied in each independent and unitary being, is proper and common to the same time for all individuals. This is not a value or a measure of being a person. More than that, it is the substance or the essence that belonging to all, is found particularly in each one, giving the person a special character, exclusive of this quality. It would be useless to bring to this brief work the concepts of the Greek philosophers, or the Enlightenment or Modernism, because, more than a logical understanding or a scientific definition, the concept of human dignity,it is a question of conscience formed in thousands of years of knowledge development and the formation of the social conscience of humanity, re-driven in recent decades by the doctrine of human rights.

From Hamurabi to Jesus and Aristotle to the Declaration of the Universal Rights of Man, everything has been added to acquire and develop the concept that the human person protects in himself, the properties that society requires for his survival:

The Right to Dignity.

The origin of the dignity of the person represents another desperate intellectual effort to unravel the mystery of this enigma.

But is it really a problem that we must make strenuous efforts to elucidate? The truth is, no.

The dignity of the person is part of himself, of his essential attributes such as life and physical and mental integrity.

He comes to this world wrapped in it and does not separate under any circumstances, because it is not found in human commerce, it is not transferable, renounceable, disposable and complete. The latter insofar as it cannot be separated, divided or minimized. The dignity of the person is her life. The superior and universal breath that integrates it into the social, geographical and human landscape with all that corresponds to it, by the mere fact of existing.

Our political society recognizes this idea and expresses it in the first article of the Fundamental Letter:

"People are born free and equal in dignity and rights"

In other words, when he comes to life, he brings with him, as an independent being, his own dignity, as well as his own life, and along with it the rights necessary to develop as a person.

Life and Dignity, come to be the same legal asset integrated into the conceptual triad Life, Dignity, Rights.

Without a doubt, there is an intuitive link between Life and Dignity. This has been understood by the legislator when establishing as Constitutional Guarantee the respect and protection of private life and the honor of the person and her family. (Art. 19, N ° 4, CPR). Furthermore, the exercise of any right cannot be conceived if it is not integrated into this essential value of the human person.

Thus, physical and mental integrity cannot be protected by personal dignity. What would be of human life without the corresponding dignity?

Even when we see in the third world towns and in the different imperial capitals how life and the physical and mental integration of the human being are corroded by social vices: misery, drugs, prostitution, alcoholism. How can each of the rights established as Man's own in the International Statute be appreciable in its true dimension?

Honor and personal and family private life is largely the legislative response to the recognition of the dignity of the person along with the right to life and physical and mental integrity.

These are known within the very personal rights, in as much, they integrate the notion of person as a physical and somatic entity, so they deserve a notoriously careful protection on the part of the constituent, integrating the law and the protection of private and public life and the honor of the person as of his family.

Jurisprudence has not been less demanding.

This is demonstrated in the ruling of the ECS, of June 15, 1993, role 21053, which expresses "… respect for private life, dignity and honor of the human person and the family constitute values ​​of such hierarchy and transcendence that political society is organized precisely to preserve and defend them, so that no conception of the common good that allows their sacrifice can be admitted, nor make such sacrifice a means for another constitutional guarantee to prevail. "

In other words, even assuming the loss of the beauty of expression for the benefit of emphasis, society is organized in the State to preserve and defend the right to privacy, dignity and honor of the human person and his family.

Any violation of these personal rights undermines the nature of the State, its organizations, its agents, and even individuals, since it breaks with the specific purposes of the supra-individual entity, corroding the bases for which it was created.

The Chilean State and its agents, on many occasions, have violated personal rights.

An example of this is the situation experienced by FAS, who when requesting the Civil Registry and Identification service to terminate a paper inscription that made him appear as heir to a person who was not his father, the Service, not only denied the solution. peaceful of the irregularity, but it removed for more than six months the total identity of this person, remaining by virtue of a vicious administrative act, without legal identity for that period.

This is the right of habeas data, that is, the right to demand from the State the antecedents of life and the correction of the existing ones, a matter that is found in the concept of dignity that we analyze.

From here we can point out that the qualification of human person resides in the collective need to gather the equals with the purpose of protecting and developing the capacities of the individual, in function of themselves and of society. One cannot understand the isolated man, just as one cannot understand rejecting the individual for his lesser capacity.

All of them, in their globality, achieve the maximization of the common good, both materially and ethically, essential elements for the survival and recognition of the individual as the basis of society, that is, as a person.

The dignity of the person is objectified and made palpable and is recognized by law as the element that structures the essence of the individual, in which all of society has its central column.

The plague of the 21st century

But man is always affected by social ills, derived from the mistaken conception of what man himself is and what his East is. Today more than ever the peoples of the five continents are convulsed with warlike conflicts in which humanity is bleeding slowly, almost imperceptibly, but at a safe pace. Misery also attacks more than 2,800 million human beings who are struggling in the most appalling hunger. Plagues and diseases such as HIV, are the torture of African and Asian societies and the wars of predation promoted by de facto entities, attack the dignity of the human person as never seen, even in the darkest times of the Inquisition.

This is not all. It has been detected for years, as man, the wolf of man, discovers new and sinister forms of destruction in the home, businesses and schools.

Moral harassment, Intra-family Violence and School Harassment are part of this new perversion that breaks into peace and social tranquility. Chile has the sad record of 75% of abused children; more than fifty couples murdered by those who must live in harmony in the construction of a home and, more than a third of the active mass of Morally Harassed workers. All this provides eloquent figures such as the fact that more than 40% of Chilean citizens are under depression because of these ills.

Not yet evaluating that the stalkers by essence have undeniable psychopathic characteristics, because, they act on the basis of an ephemeral and temporary power, driven by their own mental defects.

The dignity of the human person, man, woman or child, has been attacked by psychological violence, in addition to physical violence, but we are interested in unraveling the former, since it is one that moves in almost invisible spheres, leaving behind a sort of valley of the fallen, formed by hundreds of people who over time have seen their lives and that of their family destroyed, as an immediate effect of the persecution and harassment suffered in their functions and jobs, whether by their superiors hierarchical or by their own peers.

Moral harassment slips through the offices of companies and public services like a snake, stealthy and creeping, capable of dealing permanent blows to the dignity of the person, in a senseless persecution, without cause or for trivial or insignificant reasons, but that before the psychopath they translate into a feast of opportunities to destroy, overwhelm, discriminate, harass, offend, mistreat, allowing themselves in a more or less short time, six months as Dr. H. Leinzman points out, for which he understands as characteristic, or less in the case of our idiosyncrasy, violent and direct, at the end of which the harassed is in an unfortunate state of mental health, which in some cases has produced suicide. The attack is so serious that it isolates and isolates the individual victim and on many occasions,he takes refuge in himself, increasing his suffering, what the psychopath is, precisely, what he seeks.

If we were in a solidary social system, many hands would be extended to the affected. But, our society loses in charity what it gains in pride, and they tend to sense the fear that the harasser causes, leaving the victim alone. It is what is observed and verified in real spaces. Especially in the state services or in its organs, affected by the sectarianism of groups and brotherhoods. A dramatic example is described by the journalist Oriana Zorrilla in her work "When the State Punishes", a reflection of what is happening throughout our country.

In this way we have made an approach to the concept of human dignity, and to the purposes of moral harassment, psychoterrorism or mobbing, with the aim that workers, parents and authorities, keep in

mind what is called the "plague of the 21st century", and inequities that affect people and the most essential of Human Rights are avoided: the life of the person and his dignity as such.

1. An opprobrious reality.

If we only observe the violent behaviors in the Schools and Colleges alluded to by the press, we will realize that in Chile, teachers suffer moral harassment at work, but at the same time they are unprotected against the violent actions of students, parents or administrative and "Holders".

For those who do not know the meanings of the subject "holder" is that person, natural or legal, who has obtained authorization to administer education as a company.

The subject is worrisome since the definition of teacher or professor implies giving students: knowledge, skills and values. Then the following question arises: How can a teacher be in a position to deliver values, if he does not respect fundamental rights? The answer from all points of view is going to be negative.

2. Who hires teachers?

In Chile there are two sources of employment for teachers: The State through tax or municipal education; and individuals who bear the name of supporters, who must act "non-profit" in the administration of this activity.

But this is not so. Corporations and individuals flourish at the expense of low-paid teacher work and, in order to maximize profits, ignore all kinds of constraints that teachers suffer. Let's look at some examples: A university charges approximately $ 150,000 per month ($ US = 535 approx.), And a professor earns around $ 500,000 for a course of approximately forty hours, that is, he pays with less than the income obtained by 4 students. Let's not say the remuneration luck of the primary teachers whose salaries exceed that sum… for full time!

The written press and TV in the past year have been communicating from time to time the terrible situation of moral harassment in the work of teachers at all levels. Indeed, there have been known facts in which primary teachers have been attacked by parents, parents or by the students themselves: “The aggression that occurred at the Nuevos Castaños school in the Maipú district affected teacher Jacqueline Cortéz, who after not signing in accordance His pay sheet was brutally beaten by the director of the establishment,

Horacio Henríquez Fuentes, who had threatened and beaten two other teachers on two previous occasions for claiming unfair discounts on their salaries.

Sunday November 13, 2005 ”(google)

Another case:

Jorge Pavez, President of the Colegio Profesores:

"Teachers do not have space to denounce the aggressions of the students"

Don Jorge, has the College of Teachers made any diagnosis on the subject of attacks on teachers?

The truth is that we, in the national assemblies that bring together teachers from all over the country, have been systematically receiving many complaints that reveal that the problem of aggression towards teachers is a reality.

Reality itself manifests itself thus, according to a survey by the Ministry of Education:

"Main Results of the Study

In all types of educational establishments there were acts of violence during 2005.

35% of students and 52% of teachers perceived aggression as a high-frequency event (every day or at least once a week).

The data reveals that a significant percentage of the students who were attacked also attack.

45% of the students indicated having been attacked and, in turn, 38% declared that they were aggressors.

Psychological assaults (ignoring, name calling or scribbling, teasing, disqualification, yelling, and ill-intentioned rumors) were the most frequent. These occurred among students, in men more than in women, between 10 and 13 years old, and in spaces of free movement of the educational establishment.

96% of students and teachers perceived psychological aggression in the educational establishment.

61% of teachers and 83% of students perceived physical assaults.

32% of teachers and 53% of students perceived acts of discrimination.

Of the universe of students 45% declared that they were attacked

Mostly by another student (38%) and through psychological violence (43%).

30% of students declared physical assault.

In relation to the teachers consulted, 32% said they had been attacked.

24% stated that the aggressor was a student and mostly through psychological assaults (45%).

Only 2% acknowledged that they suffered physical violence.

For the students, the main reasons for attacking were:

Defense (36%)

The game (15%) ”

These antecedents and the knowledge of what is happening in the Schools make us see a background reality, hidden or concealed by the authorities in charge of enforcing the labor order that governs education workers.

3. What is the significance?

The results of the investigations allow us to appreciate that the teachers and teachers are unprotected in the exercise of their functions, which by their nature, from one point of view, fundamental for the formative and moral development of the students, and from another, essential in the constitution of the bases of a solid society and alien to violence, they degenerate into a weak transmission of knowledge and zero moral formation.

4. Politics and teachers.

The educational companies, wrongly called corporations, adopt a segmented and dogmatic vision of the world and of reality. It is understood that if there is a confessional college or university, its teachers must exercise their functions according to this "guideline", absolutely missing the rare privilege of pluralism in education. This is transferred to tax education, since the supporters are the Municipal Educational Corporations that obey the mandates of the Mayor, many of whom have been enriched through industry, agriculture and commerce and have no cultural training to guide democratic, pluralistic and anti-discrimination education in which our students must be trained.

On the contrary, from these same watchtowers of command arise pressure, harassment, actions of moral harassment and all forms of violent and aggressive behavior that slowly deforms the root of education, giving our children anti-values, precisely those who They are necessary to accept a discriminatory, elitist society, submitted in thought and action to the most dire factors for a healthy society.

Moral harassment of teachers is one of the cruelest ways of attacking the moral sense of society, since this sector represents the enlightened consciousness of every nation and its religious, political, academic, ethnic and other diversity, is welcomed in the life and personal characteristics of each educator, which ensures that within education the virtues of tolerance and respect for the other are kept alive, necessary conditions for a good development free of violence.

5. Modes of Moral Harassment of teachers.

In our opinion, there are several ways or forms of how moral harassment of teachers is manifested:

1. From the employer's point of view, it is still the most common and perverse, since it adopts a situation of psychological terror that has been maintained for a long time. In this type of harassment are the Municipal Educational Corporations as well as the private educational Corporations, that is, the “famous” supporters.

2. Teachers also suffer moral harassment from parents and guardians, who, making use of their oversight capacity, have made unfounded accusations a sport, bearing in mind that teachers are practically unable to defend themselves.

3. The grotesque situation reaches its peak when it is the same students who mistreat their teachers and promote a form of bullying that is generally not considered by the administration of educational establishments, since these give greater importance to income than the student. generates that to your faculty.

6. Conclusion

We conclude these words by noting that the educational system in Chile has adopted, since the loss of the Principle of the Teaching State, discriminatory forms, not only against students, but also and very especially against teachers, professors, or teachers, creating conditions of personal dissatisfaction, of loss of enthusiasm in the exercise of their functions that acquire the highest importance in any society and of physical and psychological insecurity, because, Chile today does not provide teachers with enough tools to deliver a plural, democratic education, scientific and humanistic.

Labor stress in the gendarmerie.

Professor Muñoz A.

1. General Findings.

The knowledge derived from having closely shared with the work of the Gendarmerie (Chile) officials, forces me to point out from a distant point of view to that task, what are the weaknesses of the Chilean prison system with respect to the workers of the State whose The job is to take care of, protect and keep the discipline of hundreds of thousands of detainees and prisoners for conduct contrary to the law, many of whom are in custody, as a precautionary measure, and others serving sentences.

Recently in Chile the system of the criminal process has changed, leaving the backward concept of criminal justice, which obliged to establish a presumption of guilt regarding all accused, and entering the new system whose maximum value refers to the recognition that all accused they are persons, and therefore their essential rights must be respected, amen, innocence is presumed, unless guilt is proven. This is an immense achievement of criminal doctrine in modern life.

However, it has been shown that this system cannot work only on the basis of the transformation of the procedures, but rather that it requires a series of innovations that really allow the procedural reforms to be carried out. An example of this has been the need to implement research systems; crime laboratories; training of judges and prosecutors, reform of working methods and modernization elements of the police, etc., etc. Many others that it would be long to list, but that must be understood as a globality of changes that have come gradually, also changing the legal culture of the population, which is, in my opinion, the greatest achievement:

Cultural change.

However, there is a sector of greater importance that has not been touched by the magic wand of criminal procedural reforms, preventing the benefits of the modernity of the new system from reaching a significant number of people, those who work with the accused and convicted, inside prison establishments.

To speak of the Chilean Gendarmerie is to speak of hundreds of workers whose work is not recognized by the State or by Society, since the strict regulations that apply to them and the working conditions constitute an important source of pressure, to the point that From time to time we observe the press alerts reporting irregularities in the personal lives of Gendarmerie workers, such as in the workplace.

Let us say that only recently has a concern for this human group begun in relation to the problems of personal security, on which the Life and the Integrity, physical and mental, of its members depend.

The Executive has delivered a project to penalize attacks on the person, physical and psychic, threats, and any order of crimes that may affect these officials in the performance of their tasks.

2. Origin of the problems in the Gendarmerie.

Good faith in the appreciation of people forces us to establish that gendarmerie officials are honest. This has also been demonstrated by the long and sacrificed history of the hundreds of officials of different rank who carry out these difficult functions. For this reason, it should be noted what, in our opinion, are some of the problems that affect the integrity of these people.

In the first place, we must make it clear that the total number of inmates in 2003 amounted to 36,331 people.

Of this number, 19,965 correspond to convicted persons; 14,178 to those processed pending the court ruling and 1,799 to detainees. In addition, of the 36,331 people deprived of liberty, 34,060 were male and 438 were minors. With a rate of 237 prisoners for every 100,000 inhabitants.

Which puts us, in percentage terms, in the first places in the contest of nations.

Reaching the level of recidivism, approximately 70%, which proves that there is no possible rehabilitation in the Chilean prison system.

The annual average growth rates are 6.5% for the period 1995 to 2000, reaching annual variations of 16% (measured between December 1998 and December 1999). Apart from the above, that same year the total population served by the Gendarmerie was 66,521 people.

A very main consequence of this increase in prison population growth is observed in the inhuman overcrowding state of the prisons, which far exceeds fifty percent of its normal capacity for confinement.

What is one of the reasons this occurs?

The specific fact that the deprivation of liberty is used as a control tool not only in those who have been subject to a final sentence that condemns them to a custodial sentence, but also those in whom, even though the presumption of innocence still prevails In their favor, the court or the prosecutor consider that freedom constitutes a danger either to the security of society, the victim, the investigation, or to avoid a possible escape.

This itching of severity is not consistent with the certain possibility that while the formalized person can fulfill his condition of deprived of liberty, in some cases where it is prudent and advisable to allow it, in the sphere of his own home, then, it must also be understood that Deprivation of liberty refers to only one aspect of essential rights, but not all.

In this order of ideas, you are not limited to the exercise of sharing with your family; to their right to the privacy of their family and marital relationships, to the possibilities of work, expression, reunion, etc.

3. Infrastructure and human problem.

Academics from the Diego Portales University have warned of serious problems in the Gendarmerie, pointing out that today there are about 9,000 gendarmes for 40,000 inmates. This increase in remuneration produced a reduction in remuneration in a rigid budgetary system. If they previously earned 300,000 pesos, the new officials are earning 200,000 pesos.

The gendarmes also accuse mistreatment of their superiors.

But the system does not want to recognize the weaknesses inherent in irregularities that are old and cannot be attributed to anything but state laziness that amounts to more than half a century.

4. Consequences on the human factor.

The work of the gendarme is linked to the surveillance, control and discipline of hundreds of inmates, most of whom are there for acts damaging to society, being elements of high danger and aggressiveness.

The circumstance that young men and women are limited in their physio-psychological and human expressions for a long time cannot be understood in any other way, without other self-respect activity than "making the line" hour after hour and day by day, that is, walking round trip in the same direction, in hundreds of steps without sense and without destination.

The prisoner increases in this way, and in an interrelation of permanent exhaustion, due to the lack of means, space and methods, his levels in themselves are high and that in an environment of permanent violence skyrocket.

In this closed and sordid world, the gendarme is but one more inmate. You must always be alert to attack or assault. Generally, it happens that they are injured by the inmates, who to date do not suffer other indifferent sanctions than the same as any citizen in civil life.

The gendarme learns to forget the outside world and in the necessary process of forgetting, essential to concentrate on its task of surveillance and control, it also learns to suspect an attack, permanently suffering the possibility of being attacked. This, in itself, is a stressful and deforming situation, which often does not end upon release from prison. At the time of functions, he ends up disfiguring the official humanely and taking him to the maximum degrees of mistrust in all the activities of his life outside the gendarmerie service, even in his own home.

Officials are aggravated by this stress situation due to the excess of working hours, in some cases, terrible shifts in which the gendarme spends 24 hours. Without being able to leave the prison establishment. The question is, is the jailer's situation humane? When, in short, society and the State are collecting the delinquent's social debt and excessively punishing those who must take care of it and control it.

It is not difficult to intuit that the gendarme will get frustrated soon after walking in its functions. It will be very easy to manage to win the self-respect and to trip him in his honesty. It is necessary that the State and Society do not play with human weakness, taking to the extreme of the demands the work of individuals who are poorly paid, at least not according to the function they perform. Poorly considered, permanently attacked, subject to suspicion by the accused and prosecuted themselves, and permanently demanded by their superiors.

If we assume that a collective transportation driver cannot work more than five hours in a row, for the safety of the people he carries in his vehicle, we cannot imagine that a gendarme could work four hours in a row in a function that risks his life and integrity, and that due to the nature of his work, he must interact daily with hundreds of men punished for crimes, some of them horrifying.

For this reason it appears understandable, although not justifiable, the suicides of gendarmes; attacks on detainees and prosecutions, attacks on officials themselves; occasional outbursts of corruption, family problems stemming from overwork and low pay. Elements all of them, which lead to any normal individual, to lack of control, anguish, despair, panic, behavioral fear and anger with others and with himself.

It is the stress of this sector of men and women who, due to the accomplishment of an absolutely necessary task for society, are over-demanded, poorly paid, and their role is not recognized as appropriate, and they do not meet the requirements that, as workers, have a dignified and friendly environment for their development as people.

Moral harassment and public administration in Chile