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Ethical decisions in neuroscience. test


Although the brain is an infinite universe, neural networks are the infinity of galaxies to discover. The purpose of this essay is to highlight the relationship and impact of ethical decisions in neuroscientific research.

Ethical decisions in scientific research are dilemmas that put the researcher on a balance where they question whether the research is good or bad.

"All research, however good its intentions, carries risks" Colin Blakemore.

Neurosciences seek to understand the functioning and structure of the central nervous system, conducting direct studies of the brain and neural substrates.

Key words: Neuroscience, ethical decisions, attitudes.


The brain sciences or neurosciences began their boom from the 20th century. Thanks to the human mind, great discoveries such as theories and laws have been made, but there is a world that is not fully explored and much remains to be known; the human brain.

Definitions for neuroscience:

According to the Royal Spanish Academy of Language (23rd edition, 2014): "it is the science that deals with the nervous system or with each of its specialized aspects and functions"

The Webster's Dictionary defines "a branch (such as neurophysiology) of the life sciences that deals with the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, or molecular biology of nerves and nervous tissue, and especially their relationship to behavior and The learning ". (2017 Edition)

Oxford University Press World of the Body Encyclopedia: Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system in health and disease. This includes anatomy, physiology, chemistry, pharmacology and pathology and the clinical disciplines that have to do with it such as neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and psychology.

From my point of view, neuroscience is the discipline in charge of the total study of the nervous system and when I say total, I mean that it goes from its anatomy and physiology in neural networks, to the reason for human behavior.


In our environment there are rules that have been imposed by society, which govern and qualify our behavior as good or bad, correct or incorrect and what is considered as "fair".

"Not making mistakes is not in the hands of man, but from his mistakes and mistakes the wise and the good learn wisdom for the future" Plutarco. (Manuel, G. (2006). Ethics in Organizations Building Trust. Page 60)

Ethical decisions in scientific research with a focus on neuroscience are made when the researcher evaluates whether his study goes against human dignity, against nature, against the moral law or the law, in addition to taking into account the means of that it will take to reach your goal.

If scientific contributions have certainly been beneficial to society, a limit must be set when human suffering is in the way of demonstrating theories, this is when research must be abandoned.

The contributions of neurosciences in conjunction with neurotechnologies, which are the tools that allow manipulating the nervous system, have resulted in the improvement of the quality of life of those people who suffer from conditions in which therapeutic or surgical intervention is necessary. In order to obtain these techniques, animal experimentation was used to notice the behavior by influencing their nervous system. For years laboratory rats have been used for this type of process, the dilemma comes when you want to check the results obtained in another living being, whether in animals that are not allowed by law for this purpose, even human minds.

Making interventions in the human mind is beneficial to eliminate certain diseases that affect society, but to what extent is it appropriate to influence the brain? The limit that marks decision-making is not to go beyond what is natural.


Advances and contributions in the field of neurosciences go hand in hand with ethics, since this classifies how beneficial or harmful the contribution can be for society. The ability to judge our own actions and classify them as good or bad measure our moral and ethical level, this makes us a better or worse person before a society. The decisions that the researcher makes must always go in favor of human integrity, never overlook this point. Although the development of neurosciences can generate a better quality of life, with their misuse they can also cause major social problems due to alterations in systems.





Manuel, G. (2006). Ethics in Organizations Building Trust. Madrit, Spain: Pearson Educación SA

Ethical decisions in neuroscience. test