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Research for the assembly of a hardware store


It is a company that will be dedicated to the commercialization of Hardware, offering innovative and quality products. It will also offer computer repair and maintenance services. PHOTOPC comes from a similar term used in Mercado libre.com to sell Hardware (PHOTOLR). "LR" was replaced by "PC" as it refers to the sale of computer components.



Our principles are creativity, innovation and quality. They describe the requirement we have to always offer quality products and technological innovation. Always be at the forefront in marketing of computer articles above the competition. It also represents quality in our service, serving the client in a respectful and professional manner.


  • Offer products that the competition does not offer at affordable prices, being of the best quality and with international prestige Be the leading company at the national level in terms of offering innovative and quality products Be distinguished by excellent customer service client.


  • Sales Offer a service based on respect, honesty, professionalism and quality products so that the customer feels satisfied with the service provided and wishes to purchase products from us again Be at the forefront by being the first to offer a new product that goes to market Increase sales month by month. Technical supportOffer speed of service, committing ourselves to make repairs in less than 24 hours for a better use of the client's time. Offer a quick and above all honest diagnosis so that the client can know the real situation in which their computer equipment is located. Personal advice regarding maintenance and repair, seeking that the client understands the diagnosis made to his computer, so that he can make the best decisions Offer low prices on repairs and maintenance Use original and / or better quality products when repaired computer equipment.



1.- At the time of placing your order, the published prices of the products will be respected, unless there is an error by the system or our staff, if the variation is greater than 10%, we will immediately contact our customers to find the best solution that suits both parties.

2.- If your order is placed over the Internet, we will give a period of 24 hours to separate the item from our inventory and wait for the confirmation of payment made through bank deposit / electronic transfer. If after 24 hours the deposit has not been confirmed, the item available in inventory will be located again, so we do not promise to have it in stock after 24 hours.

2nd.- If for any reason the client cannot make the deposit during the 24 hours after placing his order, he must contact by phone or email expressing his interest in the purchase, for which he will be given a period 48 hours extra (for a total of 72 hours from when you placed your order). If after 72 hours the customer has not paid for the item, the sale will be canceled.

3.- All our products are NEW, however some may be called OEM or BULK, this means that they do not come in a sealed box and in many cases they do not have accessories or drivers either. PHOTOPC will clearly notify in its different media when an item is OEM or BULK.

4.- The technical description and photograph of each product will be taken from the official website of the manufacturer and in some cases the photographs will be taken by PHOTOPC. However, due to constant technological evolution, some manufacturers may make changes to their products and therefore the images and descriptions may not correspond to the actual product. PHOTOPC undertakes to update as soon as possible through its different media (mainly the Internet) any change in a product.


1.- We only ship from Monday to Friday. No shipments are made on weekends or holidays.

2.- We deliver to any part of the Mexican Republic. The main parcel used to send the products is Estafeta. Only in the event that it does not have coverage or for some reason the item cannot be shipped, the Multipack and DHL packages will be used.

3.- The shipping price varies according to the destination, the package contracted and the type of delivery time contracted by the customer.

3rd.- It is essential that the customer provides their Postal Code to be able to give an exact shipping quote.

3b.- The types of shipments used are: Land, 2 Days and Next Day.

4.- If the client confirms the deposit or payment before 3:00 pm, their item (s) will be left the same day in the parcel. If the order is greater than 3 items, we do not promise to leave the items in parcels the same day.

5.-We are not responsible if the parcel does not meet the specified delivery time.


  1. All items will have the warranty that the manufacturer mentions. In most cases it is 1 year.All imported items will have a 90-day warranty WITHOUT EXCEPTION. PHOTOPC undertakes to clearly specify when an item is imported. If an item is opened or modified or shows damage such as bumps, falls, the warranty will be invalid. If an item is defective, the customer must return it complete with its respective sales note. If the purchase was made via the Internet, the customer must send the item to our facilities assuming the shipping cost. In the case of imported items, shipping from our facilities to the US store will be at our expense.


Organization Chart for Setting Up a Hardware Store


  1. Do you have a computer at home?



  1. What do you use a computer for?

__Basic Job Applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

__ Graphic / Industrial Design / Video Editing Programs

__Video game

__Navigate in Internet


  1. Have you thought about getting a new computer?



  1. If you bought a new computer, would it be brand or white box (assembled)?


___White box

  1. Have you ever not found a computer component (Hardware) in stores in your city?


__No, I always find what I'm looking for

  1. What components have you not found?

__RAM memories


__Mother boards

__Video cards

__Optical Units


  1. Do you consider that Mexico offers sufficient diversity of both brands and models of computer components (Hardware)?


__No, more brands and models are needed




As already mentioned, our company will dedicate itself to the sale of Hardware. Specifically, it will sell components that are used to build a computer: Cabinets, Hard Drives, Processors, Motherboards, Video Cards, RAM Memories and Monitors. No peripherals will be sold. The most potential at first are Video cards, since there are several brands and models that are not marketed here and consumers have shown great interest in acquiring them.


The people to whom our articles are directed are mainly young people between 14 and 29 years old, since some of our articles are focused on video games, design programs and entertainment in general.

The foregoing, taking into account that the majority of people who play video games are children and young people and that many young people today, not only professionals, are showing interest in manipulating computer programs, among which Graphic Design, Industrial Design and Video editing for what our articles to offer are of great help for a better performance.

The Economically Active and Employed Population aged 14 to 29 years was investigated at INEGI, which will be used for our Market research, which is shown on the following page.


Information was obtained from INEGI on the Economically Active and Employed Population aged 14 to 29 years. In the first quarter of 2015, this is what he gave us:

As we can see, the Economically Active and Employed Population from 14 to 29 years old is 14,086,294.

Since the Universe exceeds 100,000, we are going to use the formula for Infinite Populations with a confidence percentage of 90%:

n = z 2 pq = 1.65 2 (.5) (. 5) = 68.5

e 2 .10 2

Therefore we are going to carry out 69 complete surveys


  1. Do you have a computer at home?



  1. What do you use a computer for?

__Basic Job Applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

__ Graphic / Industrial Design / Video Editing Programs

__Video game

__Navigate in Internet


  1. Have you thought about getting a new computer?



  1. If you bought a new computer, would it be brand or white box (assembled)?


___White box

  1. Have you ever not found a computer component (Hardware) in stores in your city?


__No, I always find what I'm looking for

  1. What components have you not found?

__RAM memories


__Mother boards

__Video cards

__Optical Units


  1. Do you consider that Mexico offers sufficient diversity of both brands and models of computer components (Hardware)?


__No, more brands and models are needed


  1. Do you have a computer at home? What do you use a computer for? Have you thought about getting a new computer? If you bought a new computer, would it be brand or white box (assembled)? Have you ever found a computer component (Hardware) in stores in your city? What components have you not found? Do you consider that Mexico offers enough diversity in both brands and models of computer components (Hardware)?


Analysis No.1



What does it offer?

It is a store that mainly offers computer items, both hardware and software, it is established in Monterrey but it is also dedicated to Internet sales through its own Internet page. It offers from individual components (processors, video cards, memories and various computer programs) to the option of selling branded computers (such as Acer) or a whole computer assembled with the same components that it sells.


The store hours are from Monday to Sunday, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Forms of Sale

As already mentioned, the form of sale is through the establishment or facilities where the customer can go on to buy the product they want. Another form of sale is through the telephone and the last one is through its own website that has nationwide coverage.

For the people who are from Monterrey, it also offers payment against Delivery, the merchandise is sent to the customer at his home and he pays upon receipt.



Av. Morones Prieto 1101

Col. Nuevo Repueblo

Monterrey, Nuevo León,

México, CP 64700

Hours: Mon - Sun, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Telephone and Fax:

in Monterrey: 8865-6026

Center of distribution:

Av. León Guzmán 1105

Col. Nuevo Repueblo

Monterrey, Nuevo León,

México, CP 64700

Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Phone and Fax:

Toll free: 01-800-265-6000

in Monterrey: 8865-6000

Analysis No. 2

Store: My PC Com


What does it offer?

It is also a store that sells computer items, both hardware and software. It has several branches in the country and also has its own website that has nationwide coverage. Unlike PC ONLINE, this store has less diversity in terms of the items it offers and many of these items are from "cheap" brands.


The hours of the San Luis Potosí Branch are:

Monday to Friday 10:30 am to 8:00 pm

Saturday 10:30 am to 5:00 pm

Forms of Sale

It has several branches in some cities of the country, so in cases like here in San Luis Potosí, you can go to buy the item directly. It also sells by phone through a National number and finally offers sales through its Internet page which has national coverage.


The Address of the San Luis Potosí Branch is:

Av. National Anthem # 100 Int. 43

Col. Virreyes CP. 78240

San Luis Potosí

Between Niño Artillero and Fray Jose de Arñegui

Qualification / Product Quality

To begin with, this store has a little less variety in the brands and products that it offers to the consumer, unlike PC ONLINE. Several brands that the aforementioned store handles are not handled by MiPCCom. Some of the brands are of good quality but it handles many brands that stand out for being economical and inferior in quality to other brands / products seen in other countries such as the United States. Almost all the brands that this store handles are also offered by PC ONLINE, so the diversity is minimal, the only advantage is that this store gives slightly lower prices on most of its items.

Analysis No. 3



What does it offer?

It is also a store that sells computer items, both hardware and software. It has several branches in the country and also has its own website that has nationwide coverage. Unlike PC ONLINE, this store also has less diversity in terms of some of the items it offers and several of these are from "cheap" brands. In many areas or segments it still offers less product diversity than MiPcCom itself, especially when it comes to the internal parts of the CPU.


The hours at the San Luis Potosí branch are:

Monday to Saturday: 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Sunday: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Forms of Sale

It has several branches in some cities of the country, so in cases like here in San Luis Potosí, you can go to buy the item directly. It also sells by phone and finally offers sales through its website which has nationwide coverage.


The Address of the San Luis Potosí Branch is:

Venustiano Carranza No.120 Local 8

Downtown area

Qualification / Product Quality

It handles good brands and others that stand out more for the economic than for their quality. Some brands and products that it handles are not offered by the other stores analyzed, but in general their diversity is minimal and many of their products are available in other stores, especially, as already mentioned, in the internal parts that make up the CPU.


This research objective was related to the purpose of conducting an investigation that was done through market research analysis questionnaire surveys to achieve the desired research objectives of said topic which gives us the final and desired results this was done through market research.


  • Market research books Internet pages.
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Research for the assembly of a hardware store