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Organization and coordination in the administration

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Because the organization is a part of the administrative process, first you must know and understand what the administration is, hence the reason why you first delve into this topic and then delve into business organization and coordination.

The essence of stewardship is to help organizations foresee for the future by relying on the past without losing sight of the present.

This science, being such a vast area of ​​study, has diverse and multifaceted scholars or analysts who try to define it from a point of view that is consistent with their academic training, which has unleashed countless definitions, however, all and each one of them takes the essentials, what concerns the analyst: while for an engineer the most important thing will be the processes, the efficiency of time and movements; For an accountant the most important thing will be the financial resource and for an administrator the human resource.

For practical purposes, administration can be considered to be the process by which a company develops and executes its activities and operations in an organized manner, applying the principles that together allow it to make the best decisions to exercise control of its assets, commitments and obligations that They will lead you to a position in both national and international markets, or it can be defined as the process of creating, designing and maintaining an environment in which people working or working in groups, efficiently reach selected goals. In context, it can be said that administration is the art of planning, organizing, integrating, directing and controlling each and every one of the functional resources of the company in order to meet the organizational objective. Usually,It refers to the tasks and activities involved in the management of an organization or one of its units, that is, it is to do through others.

Administrative process Planning

According to Rodríguez Valencia, planning is the essence of administration, it is to achieve an objective, a certain goal, that is, it is the cornerstone of the administrative process because it implies knowing the need for action, investigating and analyzing it, for later develop a proposal for action based on research, analysis and finally, make the best decision. (Meggison, 2009, p. 156)

It can be said that planning consists of choosing a course of action and making decisions in advance of the activities to be carried out, that is, it is the essence of when and how, hence the importance of the planning process being carried out rightly. This sequence of steps is mainly composed of the following elements: strategic, tactical and operational planning. The first is done in the long term, the next in the medium term and the last in the short term. Depending on the nature of the organization, a set of aligned plans should be used and taken advantage of for its performance. (Hispavista Blogdiario.com, 2006)

Strategic planning is the path or general guideline that is adopted to reach the proposed objective, drawn up alongside the business vision and mission by diagnosing the external and internal environment of the company in question. The main aspects of strategic planning directly influenced by managers are vision and mission, goals, strategies and resource allocation.

According to (Don Hellriegel, 2005, p. 183), tactical planning implies making specific and concrete decisions regarding what to do, who will do it and how they will do it, in a period less than or equal to one year, in other words, they are action plans with established goals.

Operational planning are the determined means that will be used to achieve action plans and thus achieve immediate goals or specific results. It occurs at the lowest levels of the organization.

The elements of planning are: objectives, policies, rules and regulations, plans, procedures, programs and budgets.


It is the arrangement or technical structure of the relationships that must exist between the functions, levels and activities of the material and human resources / elements of a social organism, in order to achieve maximum efficiency within the stated plans and objectives. (Mercado, 2004, p. 267)

Excellent planning would be useless or of little use if you don't have a modicum of organization. Agree that it is the most suitable to carry out certain tasks or functions based on their aptitudes, training and abilities, taking into account the resources available, among other aspects, expose the importance of the business organization.

The classification of each and every one of the areas of the company, the hierarchy and analysis of positions, the division of labor, the chain of command and the heterogeneous types of departmentalization are some important concepts within the company that it is intended to organize and, therefore, they are some of the functions that are sheltered in this part of the administrative process.


According to (Reyes Ponce, 1996, p. 336) integration is acquiring and modulating the elements / material and human resources that the organization and that planning points out as necessary for the proper functioning of a social organism. Specifically, it can be said that integration refers to looking for the right person for the right position, this is carried out by identifying workforce requirements, inventory of available people, integration (recruitment, selection, hiring, promotion / promotion, assessment, career planning, compensation, and training or skills development)


This facet of the administrative process is more practical than the previous two, planning and organization. Given that at this point we will work on the human factor, those responsible for the area or department, as well as supervisors, managers and other positions that have 2 or more people under their command, must be aware that they work with "human beings" and not with “machines” that perhaps carry out the same or similar functions but are totally different from each other, each with different needs, abilities, aptitudes, knowledge, experiences, dreams and desires, but capable of carrying out any activity that they are entrusted in the best possible way, without forgetting their abilities and limitations and… "in asking this to give", even in the work environment

Among the functions of management are: delegation of activities, communication, leadership, supervision, motivation and decision making.


Based on (Reyes Ponce, 1996, p. 440) control is the measurement, collation or verification of current and past results in relation to those expected, either totally or partially, in order to correct, improve and formulate new plans It can also be determined to what extent organizational or departmental objectives were met, that is, it is the establishment of standards, performance measurement and the application of the pertinent corrections.

The control process requires three basic steps regardless of its purpose and they are: establishment of standards, performance measurement and correction of variations with respect to standards and plans.

(Weinhrich, 1998) By requiring a certain degree of observation and because the administrator has a diversity of activities and functions to perform, he sees the need to establish critical points or limiting factors of operations, known as point control principles. critical so feedback turns out to be of utmost importance. For the control to be effective, it must control the appropriate activities, be timely, cost-effective, accurate, and acceptable to all involved. There are three types of control: concurrent or pilot, preventive or maintenance, and corrective.

The company

Definition of the concept

According to (Chiavenato, 1988, p. 15) the company is defined as a social organization that uses a great variety of resources to achieve the objectives set in planning. Unquestionably, this axiom may seem simple, but it encompasses the structural elements of the concept: the diversity of organizational resources (human, economic, infrastructure), united under a specific ideology that pursues a specific purpose.

Ideology is embodied in the philosophy, vision and mission of each organization. They are the guidelines that make it unique and that guide it in each of its actions. Resources can be modified, but a company will not change if this foundation is not altered. As (Riberiro) says: if a company moves, modifies its product or changes personnel without modifying its ideology, the same company subsists. The organization will only change when its conversational structure changes.

Classification of companies

A company defines its personality based on elements such as philosophy, company name and the style of projecting itself within the field in which it works. There are different types of companies, so classifying them can be tedious, however it is necessary to do so to be clear about the line that is followed and understand the way in which it works, its organization and coordination, in such a way that there are eight classifications: by the origin of its capital, by the economic sector, by its size, by the social function, by the conformation of its capital, by the payment of taxes, by the form of exploitation and by the number of owners.

Organizational design

Organizational principles

According to (Mercado, 2004) the success of the organization rests on the observance and execution of its principles, which have been developed to the point of being considered infallible, however, these are not taken as absolute truths but they are of great help and are mentioned below:

Principle of unity of objectives, an organizational structure is effective if it recognizes and allows staff to contribute to the achievement of business objectives. (Weinhrich, 1998, p. 361)

Principle of analysis, focuses on carrying out a complete analysis of the situation with the intention of knowing all the elements that make up "the problem" and in this way assigning its relative value to each part; it relates to decision making.

Principle of simplicity, activities and functions that are not used or that are not absolutely necessary for the functionality of the company should be excluded and those that are certainly useful, fruitful and that can be conducted in the most natural and simple way possible, which He will refuse the duplication of positions.

Principle of functionality, the more obvious the definition of the expected results for the functions and activities to be carried out, the organizational authority and the increase in inter-departmental relationships, the greater and sooner the results observed in compliance with the objectives.

Principle of departmentalization, the various areas or departments into which the company will be divided internally and assign the respective functions to each of them must be clearly specified, subsequently a logical and detailed manual of them will be made in order that each operation to be carried out is effective and efficient.

Principle of the definition of positions, must be delimited and defined in writing and make known to all personnel the activities and responsibilities that concern each position, (Reyes Ponce, 1996, p. 285)

Principle of authority-responsibility balance, responsibility for actions should not be greater or less than that implied by the delegated authority. When a task, job, function or any activity is delegated, a responsibility is transferred, but at the same time the same degree of authority is had and must be transferred, but the manager is responsible for the success or failure of the delegated task.

Principle of specialization, the more the work is divided, the more limited and specific is the task performed, greater precision, efficiency, and dexterity are obtained since if one specializes in a particular point, it is more efficient than if it is required to cover the whole, in such a way that with "specialization" what is really intended is the search for perfection and knowledge.

Principle of the unit of command or section of control, for each function / activity there should be only one command, that is, a single supervisor / boss.

Principle of the division of labor, it is related to specialization and its aim is to achieve greater results with less effort.

Principle of direction-control balance, authority is delegated and, however, responsibility is shared, it means that the superior boss (delegator) must direct and control the subordinate (delegate), in such a way that together they form a single will and its activity is coordinated and efficient.

There are several recognized advantages of the organization. Some of them are: knowing in advance the activities to be carried out in each position; who is who within the company, that is, each element knows its place within the organizational entity at the hierarchical level; allows the specialization of activities; the delegation of activities is facilitated or, rather, expected. With the sum of all these elements, the efficiency in the processes is obtained.

Because the essence of the organization -as a process- is ordering, it aims to prepare the company from its foundations. Roughly, you can achieve this by analyzing your functions, processes, products, geographical areas, by matrix, by project and by clients. This depends on both the needs and the characteristics of the company; size, turn and degree of specialization among others.

An essential tool within any organization is the organization chart or “diagrammed organizational structure”. Because it indicates interdepartmental relationships along the main lines of authority. It must be visible and known to all personnel.

Once all the above has been considered, it can be considered that the company is ready to start functions, the next step is to acquire human resources, which will be achieved through integration.

Differentiation or integration

The process by which the administration creates jobs and relationships is called "organization design", which quite simply implies the decisions and actions-functions that result in a structure, which is called an organization chart, which is basically a diagram that illustrates the reporting lines between units-areas and people within the organization, it normally reveals the way in which the company is organized, which can be by differentiation or integration. Whereas differentiation implies that the organization is composed of various units that work on specialized tasks-functions that use different working methods and therefore require employees with unique competencies; integration denotes that the various units-areas or departments must collaborate with each other,in other words, they must meet constantly to coordinate the work. (Don Hellriegel, 2005, p. 300)

The numerous tasks faced by a multinational or a large company lead it to seek specialization and therefore the division of labor, which implies that the activities of the company are divided into small tasks, each person faces their own problems and therefore each who must solve them in their own way. The division of labor and specialization are proportional to the size of the organization, as the complexity of activities would be overwhelming for anyone.

Reasons for its effectiveness: the person is trained in a single activity, that is, training is easier, it leads to the invention of equipment / machinery to make the production process more efficient. (Meggison, 2009, p. 261)

Negative consequences: fatigue, monotony and lack of motivation that affect efficiency.


As companies or organizations differentiate their designs, managers must become interested in integration issues. An organization, no matter how large or small, is more than the sum of its parts; it is an integration of its parts. Because dissimilar units are part of the organization in general, some degree of coordination between them is necessary for the company to be effective. (Don Hellriegel, 2005, p. 300)

In addition to the organization of the organizational structure, the structure itself must be analyzed, which can be horizontal or vertical. The structure to be implemented will depend on the type of company. A vertical structure often depends on its past, its decision-making, political biases, external participants and even external circumstances, hence this type of structure serves as a “compass” to guide decision-making activities. of employees; On the other hand, a horizontal structure is used in organizations that are too large and complex to be divided into smaller units called departments.

Vertical layout

As companies grow and age they tend to become more bureaucratic, however if they are well targeted they can be effective as they provide order and guidance. (Meggison, 2009). The five aspects of vertical design companies are:

  1. Hierarchy, shows the levels of administration or the relationships between the levels of the company. (Don Hellriegel, 2005, p. 301) Scope of control or section of the administration, is the number of employees that a person is in charge of. Wider scopes of control create a flatter organization with fewer hierarchical levels. There is not an “adequate” number of subordinates in charge of a boss, manager or supervisor, but the main factors are: the competence of the manager and the employee, the similarity or unevenness of the tasks being supervised, geographical proximity, complexity of functions, the frequency of new problems in the manager's department, and the degree of clear operating standards. (Don Hellriegel, 2005, p. 301), (Meggison, 2009, p. 263) Authority, responsibility and formality. The authority,It is the tragacanth that holds the parties vertically and horizontally together because in addition to having the right to make decisions, it implies responsibility and formality to act. Responsibility is the duty and obligation of an employee to abide by the instructions given on the execution of an assigned task. Formality is the superior's expectation that the subordinate will accept credit for the assigned task or, failing that, responsibility / guilt for a bad job. Formality is the point at which authority and responsibility converge and is essential for optimal performance. Delegation is the process of giving authority to a person or group of people to make decisions and act accordingly. This begins when the design of the organization is established and the work is divided,It must occur in conjunction with the assignment of responsibilities, since responsibility and authority are delegated to accomplish the assigned task. To achieve effective delegation, goals and standards must be established, ensuring clarity (feedback) of the order given, participation and motivation, waiting for the work to be completed, providing adequate training; The main barrier to delegation is the superior's ability to delegate, that is, the fear that they will do things wrong or worse, that they will do things so well that they overshadow them Centralization and decentralization, these indicate where decisions are made and how its name indicates it,centralization is the concentration of authority at the top of the organization or department and decentralization is the delegation of authority to employees or departments at a lower hierarchical level. The factors that can affect the company's decision to be centralized or decentralized are: decision costs, uniformity of policies, levels of competition, control mechanisms, and environmental influences.

The concept of power has been considered more broadly than that of authority, the latter being understood as a special case of power. (ESTUDIOS. Philosophy-history-letters, 1993), but in the work environment they become confused, being that they are different but they go hand in hand since according to (Meggison, 2009, p. 294) authority is the right to order others to act or not to act with the ideal of achieving certain goals or objectives, while power is the ability to influence individuals, groups, events or decisions. So, authority does not imply that subordinates obey the manager, it requires the power of the position to do so and vice versa.

Like authority and power, obligation and responsibility become confused and not only in the business environment, but also in the personal. Obligation is that task that a certain person is obliged to do, while responsibility is the moral commitment to carry out a certain activity, it is important that the manager is able to differentiate why the subordinate carries out the assigned task, and of This way you can determine if the person is suitable and reliable for the position or for activities to be delegated to him. When a responsibility is delegated, it must be accompanied by the same degree of authority, power, obligation and responsibility to carry out the assigned task.

Horizontal design or departmentalization

The departmentalization or division of the company into various work areas can be based on its functions, product, geographic area, by clients, by process, by project and by matrix, it is important to note that a large part of the organizations use an approach contingency for departmentalization, that is, they use more than one of the approaches mentioned below in their organization. (Meggison, 2009, p. 305)

  1. Design or functional departmentalization, according to (Meggison, 2009, p. 306), groups common functions or similar activities to form an organizational unit, in such a way that all the people who carry out similar activities are grouped into a single section or area. Its main advantages or benefits are the efficiency generated as a result of specialization, it rules out the duplication of functions, personnel and equipment, it expands career development and promotes training within the functional area, it allows the exchange of experiences, it encourages technical decision-making of high quality; its disadvantages, inadequate communication between different departments or areas, conflicts over product priorities, focusing on departmental issues and goals rather than organizational ones, and training myopic managers.(Don Hellriegel, 2005) Design or departmentalization by product or divisional structure, means that all the functions-tasks that contribute to a product are organized under a manager or according to (Meggison, 2009, p. 273) is to opt for the mini -smaller, semi-autonomous organizations built around specific products, each with its own functional activities. According to (Don Hellriegel, 2005, p. 307) they divide the organization into various autonomous units responsible for the development, production and sale of their own products and services to their own markets. Each product-service has its own functional specialists and necessary resources, therefore decentralization is promoted by adapting functional activities to the requirements of the product in question.Its benefits are that it allows rapid changes and visibility in the production line, it fosters concern for customer demand, clearly defines the responsibilities of each product line and develops managers capable of thinking through functional lines and its disadvantages are: no It allows the efficient use of skills or resources, nor does it promote the coordination of activities between the various production lines, on the other hand, it creates conflicts in the allocation of resources to each one of them and limits career mobility., is the concentration of activities based on their location, that is, to the places / areas where they are located. The practices and procedures and standards may vary according to the idiosyncrasies of the geographic area in question. Benefits,have the facilities and equipment necessary for production and distribution in place, be able to solve problems in the area, bring production closer to suppliers; disadvantages, each area carries out its own functions, so to some extent there is duplication of functions, conflict between the goals of each locality and the organizational ones. Network design or virtual organization, subcontracts some or many of its operations to other companies and coordinates them to achieve specific goals. It refers to the fact that contacts and work relationships on the network are facilitated by electronic means, as well as through personal meetings. Organizing as a network enables the organization to compete based on speed and the ability to transfer knowledge quickly. Benefits,The company brings together its own value and knowledge, which avoids subcontracting, allows managers to focus on their activities and promotes the delegation of activities, brings together people with different backgrounds and ideas in the same project, companies can work with a wide range of suppliers, customers and other different organizations. Disadvantages, other organizations cannot meet the established deadlines, managers must supervise the work in other organizations and therefore the lines of authority, responsibility and formality are not very clear, so projects are delayed and become Costly Departmentalization by process or equipment, is the grouping of activities that focuses on the production processes or equipment.This type of departmentalization is advantageous when the machinery requires a certain degree of specialization or production should never stop because it is very expensive. Hybrids are departmentalization by project and by matrix. The D. per project involves the formation of teams of independent specialists of limited duration, necessary to achieve a specific goal. The D. by matrix is ​​similar to d. per project, but the manager has no line authority over the members of the project group. The organization of this manager is super-imposed on various functional departments, giving the impression of a matrix. (Meggison, 2009, p. 278)per project involves the formation of teams of independent specialists of limited duration, necessary to achieve a specific goal. The D. by matrix is ​​similar to d. per project, but the manager has no line authority over the members of the project group. The organization of this manager is super-imposed on various functional departments, giving the impression of a matrix. (Meggison, 2009, p. 278)per project involves the formation of teams of independent specialists of limited duration, necessary to achieve a specific goal. The D. by matrix is ​​similar to d. per project, but the manager has no line authority over the members of the project group. The organization of this manager is super-imposed on various functional departments, giving the impression of a matrix. (Meggison, 2009, p. 278)

Organization charts or flow charts

Unfortunately, the use of organization charts is a practice that is not widely used by many organizations, especially by micro, small or medium-sized companies. Its importance lies in the fact that at the time of its elaboration an analysis and diagnosis of positions must be carried out, of the company's conditions, the responsibility and authority of the members within the organization and the place they occupy are clearly established. in it, that is, functions and duties are specified, which in the long run allows greater control. (Mercado, 2004, p. 281)

The organization charts are complemented by the manuals and based on (Mercado, 2004, p. 306) it can be defined as the structure of authority relationships, which attributes the right to carry out certain functions such as delegation of functions and decision making. On the other hand, people grant authority based on rank, knowledge, reputation, esteem they enjoy, etc. Authority in every organization flows from the top down.

Based on the above, the nature of the authority can be diagrammed or classified as: linear or military, functional, linear and staff (staff) and by committees

Classification of authority in the organization

Linear or military

It is the oldest type of organization, here the director or department head is in charge only of the activities that are in charge only of the activities that are directly under his jurisdiction, and he is only responsible to the person who is directly over him. (Mercado, 2004, p. 308)


  • It is simple, so it is easy for all employees to understand, Each position has its authority defined and therefore its responsibility, One or more employees are responsible to a single boss, It facilitates communication between the various hierarchies. Disadvantages: Overloading superior bosses, so they cannot attend to all the aspects that are presented to them, Coordination and cooperation are not easily achieved, It does not allow specialization, Little time to carry out all orders.

Functional type

It allows the specialist in a certain area to reinforce his managers in a limited and clearly defined field of authority, the specialist has the function of planning, preparing and executing his own plans, being responsible for the results. In this type of organization, each person, except those at higher levels, has to deal with different supervisors, each of whom is a specialist in their area. (Mercado, 2004, p. 308)


  • The supervisor spends all his time directing and carrying out a kind of activity. There is specialization of functions. Disadvantages: Due to specialization, training with projection and therefore initiative is neglected, Because there is more than one supervisor, discipline is broken, The change or transfer of supervisors creates conflicts and eliminates responsibilities.

STAFF linear type

Based on (Mercado, 2004, p. 309) it is an organization in which the director has a team of directors without direct authority over the employees, who investigate, inform and advise the executive; But the stream of authority and responsibility is the same as in linear responsibility: it is restricted to your own department.


  • A satisfactory division of labor is achieved without sacrificing too many individuals in control operations, There is greater flexibility in the organization, Line units can be coordinated and improved, through functional and advisory activities Line managers focus more in their activities, There is a trend towards specialization, It retains authority and responsibility in a single line The staff departments coordinate


  • Staff views can cause friction Staff can take responsibility away from employees


They are groups of people from, more or less, the same level, their purpose is to coordinate and exchange information, advise senior management or even make decisions for themselves, and they can be ad-hoc and structural or permanent.

Because the committees are enriched by people with diverse backgrounds and experiences, one of their advantages is that there is a great variety of knowledge, experiences and skills available and therefore different solutions to the same problem are presented; the participation of its members tends to increase acceptance among them and prevents the abuse of power. One of the great disadvantages is individual dominance by one or more personalities, resorting to social pressure instead of looking for the best recommendation. A poorly managed committee is ineffective and costly.

Advantages of the organization

  • The activities that each person is going to do are known and in this way the duplication of functions / activities is avoided.Because everyone knows their place within the company, labor relations are well defined If there is a good relationship between people and activities can be achieved specialization It facilitates the delegation of functions Increased efficiency

Once the type of organization to be followed, the analysis and job description have been defined, the company must carry out the procedure manuals that will indicate in a systematic and orderly manner the information necessary to carry out each and every one of the functions within the company and they will be shown as graphs with the succession of steps to follow, also called flow charts.

Because the symbology used in the flowcharts is universal, all staff are capable of reading it, as long as they are trained to do so, some of them are: (Valda, 2012)


Once the design of the organization has been completed with the support of the various organizational principles, the need to coordinate functions with departments and people in a congruent way emerges.


According to Stoner, Freeman, & Gilbert, 1996, coordination is the process that integrates the activities / functions of independent departments in order to achieve organizational goals effectively (Valda, 2012)

According to (Outsourcing & consulting, 2012) to achieve this it is imperative to carry out an analysis involving all the departments of the company that have a certain task in business coordination. In addition to taking into account their particularities and characteristics, both their own and of the sector, and analyzing the susceptibility to being coordinated and making them known to all staff, in the sense of who and how will coordinate them, such as, for example, the area can be coordinated of production in order to avoid work accidents.

Coordination mechanisms, Mintzberg's theory of six

The six functions of the manager

For Mintzsberg the main functions of every administrator can be divided into 3 sectors: Impersonal, their functions of head, leader, guide, and liaison are emphasized; of information, focused on monitoring and finally decision-making, related to her entrepreneurship, conflict solver, good negotiator and capable of delegating functions.

The six basic building blocks

(Lic. Ana Beatriz Castillo Herrera, 2006) Because the study and design of an organization is complex, Mintzberg highlights the importance of exact design based on constituent blocks and coordination mechanisms:

  1. The core of operations, here the basic works are carried out, for example, the factory or the office, the strategic apex, the general management is exercised, the middle line, they are the managers who at the hierarchical level are located between the previous two, the techno-structure, are all the computer specialists who contribute design, control and maintenance of the system, the support staff, is the support staff such as maintenance staff, secretaries, public relations among others, the organizational culture, values ​​and beliefs.

The six basic coordination mechanisms

According to Mintzberg, it is natural that any activity that claims to have a certain organization requires the division of labor and coordination of the various functions, therefore, the organizational structure can be conceived as the division of tasks and the coordination of the same: (Valda, 2012)

  1. Mutual adaptation, coordinates through informal communication, works under difficult conditions, the success of the company depends on the adaptation of specialists to each other Direct supervision, arises when a group requires teamwork and one person becomes responsible for others and To achieve this, it issues instructions and controls their functions. Work or process standardization refers to the content programming, specialization and procedures to be followed. Results or outputs standardization, the results are specified, not the functions. of skills, the worker is standardized and not the results or work. The worker obtains abilities, skills and knowledge outside the company, to later apply them in the same Standardization of the rules,the members of the company share common beliefs, so they manage to coordinate

According to (Lic. Ana Beatriz Castillo Herrera, 2006) These mechanisms can be found even in the smallest companies and although there are all of them, one is the predominant one, however it is necessary to combine the organizational design with the nine fundamental factors of the division of work and coordination: specialization, formalization of knowledge, training, beliefs, control space, planning and control systems, vertical and horizontal decentralization and liaison devices, among which are liaison positions, work groups, structure parent company and integrating administrators. For all of the above, the age and size of the company, the technology it uses, the environment and the power must be taken into account.

The Six Organization Configurations

Mintzberg mentions that before applying the organizational strategy, the six configurations of the organization must be taken into account:

  1. Simple structure or business organization, it focuses on micro, small and even medium-sized companies with very few formalized functions or activities, there is no or little planning, the managerial hierarchy is small where generally the owner is the general manager, the division of labor is flexible Mechanical bureaucracy or machine organization, occurs in mature companies where the rate of change is moderate, it is characterized by the fact that the personnel area standardizes the functions of the various departments. This type of organization is ideal for those companies where cost leadership is important to achieve competitiveness. Bureaucracy or professional organization, it is not a bureaucracy as it is, since it does not centralize; Although the work is complex, it can be standardized, allowing for core knowledge and skills.This type of organization is ideal for those companies in a stable but complex environment Divisional configuration or diversified organization is suitable for companies with a diversity of products and markets, each division has its own structure The missionary organization, the company is subject to its ideology, its members are motivated to remain united so the division of labor is vague, doubtful, there is little specialization and differentiation. Their coordination is the norms. Adhocracy1 or innovative organization, originates in companies with a competitive strategy focused on innovation, fosters mutual adjustment between highly specialized and highly trained workers, the adhocracy has to be seen as a “community of communities ”In order to achieve innovation.

Some companies can be fully identified with one of these classifications, however, the most common is a combination of them.

The six types of decentralization

  1. Horizontal and vertical centralization, Limited horizontal decentralization, Horizontal decentralization, Limited vertical decentralization, Selective decentralization and Decentralization

The six impulses of the organization

  1. Impulse for leadership, the strategic appendix force for leadership to maintain control over decision-making and coordination is achieved with direct supervision Impulse to rationalize, the technostructure urges rationalization by standardizing work processes and encourages limited horizontal decentralization which causes a machine organization Impulse towards fragmentation, middle hierarchical line managers, by seeking autonomy, exert pressure to break the structure and thus centralize power through vertical decentralization, which causes organization diversified Drive towards professionalization, the core of operations exerts pressure to professionalize the company in order to minimize the influence of other colleagues Drive for collaboration,the support staff exerts pressure to cooperate, thereby involving themselves in the core activities of the company. The organization adopts an innovative configuration. Drive to unity, ideology exists as a force within the organization which causes its members to unite.


As can be seen, the organization and coordination of an organization are complementary, however we can ask ourselves, what came first, the chicken or the egg? In this case we can apply it to our topic, what comes first, the organization or coordination? The company must first of all have its guidelines outlined, where it wants to go, coordinate and then organize all its resources, it is important that the company never lose sight of its organizational objectives, since they will be the guideline to reach its goals.

In addition to having the necessary manuals and guidelines, it is important that the company surround itself with the ideal personnel to carry out its functions effectively and efficiently, seeking perfection in each of its acts.


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Organization and coordination in the administration