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Teachings of the black swan for life


Many times the understanding of man for the universe is not easy to understand and explain since there are many factors that intervene such as language, culture, wisdom and art among other things.

As we already know, modern science was created in the 20th century, which was considered the third culture with a new technology, which includes disciplines, techniques, hypotheses and sciences. This book talks a lot about uncertainty and the probabilities that are some of the topics most mentioned in this reading, since it is considered that the world is governed by the unforeseen and this refers to how complicated the world is, how much we complicate it ourselves and make each event that occurs affect us and sometimes affect the entire planet.

The black swan refers to the improbable, many will be able to say that it does not exist because they have seen it or believe it, but knowledge through experience is a highly important point that many times if we have been through something or have already gone to that place, what will happen or where it will remain.

I consider this book to be very important because it teaches us to never be confident in our life since just because we have not seen something or simply the existence of something or one thing does not mean that there is no other and that the greater the degree of confidence, the more high are the probability of risk that one runs it is always necessary to be alert and aware of the rest, our needs greatly influence what we do and the order that we put things, we often put barriers and use our knowledge for others things and not for what we really need simply for fear of what is going to happen as I said previously we learn what we see but not what is but really only because you know that and that is why we prefer the experimental.

Black Swan explains a lot about our world, from the success of ideas and religions to the dynamics of historical events and the elements of our own personal life with ease, unaware that a series of corroborative facts does not constitute proof.

An example tells us that it is not necessary to see things to believe them, but that we are simply not sure. Also that experience makes the teacher, that many times a role endorses us, but in reality knowledge and experience speak for us.

Teachings of the black swan for life