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The entrepreneur and his family


Inadvertently I have come across a topic that had gone completely unnoticed by me in the past. Today I have realized that the support and backing that a person receives from her family is an incomparable instrument of improvement, but for the family of an entrepreneur it is not easy and there are very few who can count on this help and then return it. as it should be.

We have talked a lot about the environment and the characteristics of the entrepreneur, but he is not the only actor in the company theater. It turns out that behind him is his family, which may be made up of his parents and brothers or his wife (s) and children. They are the ones who will directly feel the consequences of the decision the entrepreneur has made for their future.

Sometimes, the family is the main engine for the entrepreneur, it is the axis of his functions and the reason for being determined to succeed. In fact, the energy that can be received from the family can make him a tireless fighter and ultimately a winner.

Our responsibility to the family is more important than to the company itself, but sadly many times we are not smart enough to realize it and we get lost in the maremagno of business meetings, when in our home there is a birthday meeting, or we We are going on a trip to find new investors regardless of the commitment of the soccer game or the presentation of our children's ballet.

It turns out that the excuse that many of us give is that if we don't do that, we won't be able to achieve anything for them and then we enter into a contradiction that doesn't exist. I mean, we say that we do what we do for our family, to give them everything they deserve and make them happy, so if we do not work full time we will not be able to please them and then we are doing nothing.

Apparently the previous deduction is quite logical, but the detail is in the definition of happiness. Think a little, your family wants to see it succeed, wants its fulfillment, and understands that for that you must be homeless at times. But he always awaits your return to show you his achievements and share with you the joy of being together. So what is happiness? Is it a new car? Or a high weekly pension ?. Don't be blind, happiness for your family is you.

In general, the families of successful entrepreneurs have been very accommodating to them, but also generally they do not correspond to them as they should and that is when those decomposed pictures of disintegrated families, so popular in TV series, are formed… Meanwhile Entrepreneurs laugh and declare themselves immune to these disorders. But here among us, are you sure of that?

For others, the solution is much simpler, if not awkward, they simply say they have no family and despise the opportunity to raise it. This position has been widely disseminated by literature, in the classic "Christmas Song". Believe me, I am not exaggerating, perhaps I will never write about this topic again, but it must be clear that we are training as entrepreneurs and, starting from this, we must correspond to ours properly.

For many of us they have been our first source of financing when we decided to create our own firm and they may even have had to sacrifice their comfort to make room for us until the company took off.

How many times have they not caught our attention and made us realize that a business is not worth it or have warned us about something irregular with our clients or partners.

Remember the times you received encouragement and advice from them, when you no longer wanted to go ahead and gave up for lost, when they did not let you give up and convinced you to try again, but with more care.

Until now you may be grateful for the wise advice and teachings you were given when you started your business life, how many times that knowledge has saved you a business and how many times a day you apply it with excellent results.

How does it feel when you set an example for others, so they can see how successful you are, it doesn't matter that you are not yet, but for them you are the best.

In short, the families of entrepreneurs must go through very tough tests and resist them, but the families of successful entrepreneurs are generally more understanding and tend to support the entrepreneur, which is why it is so important in large companies. that the homes of its senior executives enjoy a high level of understanding and synergy. The positions of responsibility need people who are aware and surrounded by a healthy and friendly environment, that is very clear to the general managers and do not doubt for a minute that this facet of your life will also be evaluated by them when choosing between several candidates.

Take care to always correspond to the sacrifices and concessions of your family so that in the future you can continue to count on them.

The entrepreneur and his family