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The luck factor in the success of entrepreneurs


Many times I talk to people who believe that they have achieved something thanks to their good luck or, on the contrary, believe that they have not achieved their purposes due to their bad luck.

Regardless of socio-cultural and socio-economic level, the popular belief about luck grows stronger every day.

Every day millions of people blame the fate of their misfortunes, their problems and their achievements, but at the same time few attribute the authorship of their achievements and solutions to their own qualities as people.

Many believe in the horoscope, in the stars or in their different gods and consider that these are going to influence in an absolutely decisive way in their plans. It would be necessary to demonstrate everything that is speculated about…

Luck is a kind of irrational phenomenon accepted as a sentence to be obeyed, where chance plays the leading role and the factor of the individual's potential lags behind to a minimum.

The truth is that luck in its almost mystical facet that gives it the vast majority of the population is more legend than reality.

It is statistically demonstrated that those who "are luckier in life" are precisely those subjects who have prepared themselves to define their objectives, trace the route of achievement and execution, manage resources and plan success. Coincidentally, the lucky or vulgarly called "lucky" possessors have been people with an indomitable will, constant, precise, persevering and have had a high level of determination in their endeavors, whatever their nature.

Only those who build their luck are lucky.

Luck is a non-transferable and non-endorsable phenomenon, which runs out like any non-renewable resource, but which is synthesized daily within us.

Even to win the lottery the effort of buying the ticket is required.

Since those who are lucky are considered successful people, I dare to think that luck could be a synonym of success, but success is not built by chance. In this way, luck as a paranormal phenomenon is discarded.

To be a lucky entrepreneur, who achieves his personal, commercial, economic and social objectives, we must understand that luck smiles at us when we are in a position to call, receive, arm and caress it.

Luck does not come out of a box of surprises, because everyone who is lucky had to develop it and give birth to it.

A lucky startup is supported by a visionary entrepreneur who understood the reality of life and left coincidences behind.

If you are going to undertake, refine your aim now!

The only practical truth that will help you to undertake is that everything depends exclusively on what you do and how you do it…

Stop believing in chance and start believing right now in your abilities and potential will make you have more luck.

The luck factor in the success of entrepreneurs