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The big obstacle to start is the lack of money

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Lack of money and financing has become the great obstacle in our society, the more so to businesswomen. With the world crisis this problem has increased.

But as I have already taught you in other articles, it is time for you to take the reins to start doing really productive things, and not be paralyzed by fear, since that only brings more problems.

Learn in this article how to destroy that great obstacle that is affecting so many people these days: Lack of money.

Learn how to save

Many women often say to me: save? But if it doesn't even come to my heart!

Saving does not always mean depriving yourself of things, but resorting to these habitual expenses in which we accidentally get out of hand and do not find out, such as electric energy, water….

For example, do not have more lights on than necessary, get used to leaving unplugged appliances that you are not using.

Open the fridge as few times as possible.

If you have a power strip, try to have it disconnected while you are not using anything that is plugged in. Do not turn off the television with the remote control, turn it off with the button on the monitor.

Try to find out through your electric company (if you have a better friendship of small habits that you can catch that will reduce your bill).

Also watch out for the water, don't leave taps running. While you're soaping up in the shower, turn off the tap.

Get in the habit of speaking to your telephone company from time to time to negotiate bill reductions, or to notify you of possible offers. Also talk to the competition. Like these tricks there are many more. Use your creativity.

Make a spending plan for the month, keep track. Always estimate your expenses high, then you will be surprised at the amount of money you have left over. By keeping an exhaustive cost control, the money is stretched a lot.

Invest in you

Invest your money in information and training, learn to be independent to take charge of your life; All the information for this is little.

One of the best investments I made in consulting was someone who not only did a marketing job for me, but taught me how to do it, so I only paid him once for his work and not every year like in the past. Most companies, which do not guarantee results on top of it.

Learning to do things for yourself will give you a lot of performance.

Think that all this is harvesting and you will reap the fruits in the future.

Extra income

If no matter how much you do, the money does not arrive. You will have to look for formulas that give you extra income.

I give you some ideas, but cultivate your creativity, surely you can think of many more ideas:

There are many affiliate programs on the internet that will allow you to make extra income, I am going to recommend a very interesting one, which in addition to managing your database efficiently, is going to make you earn money, it is aweber. This is the system that I use to manage emails and send you my newsletter every week.

You can also use google adsense, an excellent tool that puts google to earn money by recommending it to others.

Make alliances with other companies, always applying the win-win concept. In addition to benefiting yourself, you will benefit the other person.

Create infoproducts and courses, speak in public…

I use all strategies with great success.

The thing is that you don't stop thinking about the crisis, use these strategies and think of other concrete ones that are adapted to your needs.

Chin up

The most important thing as always is to keep your spirits up. What I do to keep my spirits up is to be aware of what I already have, right now. I focus on how good I have now.

I will help you: we have become accustomed to a standard of living, but think that if you have something to eat, a bed to sleep in, a closet with clothes to wear (even if it is not fashionable), and you are reading this article (you know how to read) you already belong to a privileged minority in this world.

Be aware of this, it must make you already lift your spirits.

Consider this time as an opportunity that will make you grow, develop and train your creativity, and before all this crisis passes, you will have eaten the world.

Believe me that when you propose something to yourself, you set your goals and enjoy the journey, you will get everything you want.

Follow these four directions, and the great obstacle of money will no longer be great, nor will it be an obstacle any more.

The big obstacle to start is the lack of money