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Fear in entrepreneurship


In life we ​​stop doing many things out of fear. Many times fear prevents us from living our own lives and forces us to be slaves to a very different model of life from the one we really want to lead.

Fear is a kind of sensation that is generated when danger or risk is perceived, so the entrepreneurial process, by printing a good dose of uncertainty and risk, is a constant trigger of fear emotions. However, as entrepreneurs we are generally subjects who love risk and uncertainty. We are loaded with adrenaline and we have an enormous will to define and concretize our undertaking. I dare say that many of us are even willing to go hungry, on condition that we achieve our objective, because it is not just about making a project profitable, but also about fulfilling it first, because true entrepreneurs are passionate about what we do.

Probably the worst enemy of the entrepreneur is fear. On the one hand, this is because many people fear setting big goals, they fear taking great steps, they fear investing large sums of money, they fear losing their valuable time, they fear being left ill, they fear losing everything for an illusion, they fear and continue to fear. On the other hand, others are terrified of making mistakes and tend not to launch their projects to the market until they are absolutely perfect, so they generally stay on great ideas, but do not become business. Perfectionism annihilates them…

Fear is closely related to anxiety and it is well known that with high frequency, an anxious and fearful subject has a high probability of developing erratic behaviors. In short, fear is an important factor that disrupts entrepreneurship, and being an entrepreneur is a subject of high social impact due to his valuable contributions to the generation of opportunities, wealth and jobs, fear ends up being a weapon of social destruction, a polluting element of productivity and an anti-value of the entrepreneur.

I believe that the entrepreneur must be trained to know that with knowledge, intuition, perseverance, determination, discipline and will, practically any situation related to his project can be overcome, so fear must be extracted from the entrepreneur's mindset.

In order to take productive action, entrepreneurs must replace the terrifying meaning of fear with a rational habit of caution and caution, because according to my personal experience of mentoring, consulting and in the teaching field, fearful entrepreneurs are the ones who comment on what Well they could have done if they had done something different, and end up being mere spectators of the success of others.

Fear in entrepreneurship