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The biblical pnl. powerful, effective and free


Do you know that you can have mental patterns that play against you when you start? We all have our minds programmed by the life experiences we have had. This programming can be favorable or negative. How to change it? One of the most successful alternative therapies today is NLP or neurolinguistic programming. However, it is not the only option. Discover the powerful biblical NLP and change your negative mindsets today.

What is NLP or neurolinguistic programming?

Sounds pretty complicated, but it isn't. It is simply the study of our mental patterns.

It is an approach to psychotherapy that is used in the field of self-help and self-improvement to help people to know the mental processes they use to encode information, and therefore their way of thinking and acting.

It has become a very successful alternative therapy system, as it helps people become aware of their mental patterns and seeks to change their patterns of mental and emotional behavior.

What does it have to do with business?

Much. This new trend of modern psychology is used in the field of business coaching, as it teaches people to change limiting mental patterns.

The mindset of an entrepreneur is very different from the mindset of most people. So I highly recommend people who want to start a business to analyze their mental patterns before enthusiastically launching into their first business project.

The reason is very simple: You have to change on the inside before any change manifests on the outside. If you believe badly, you will think badly, you will decide badly and, therefore, you will act badly.

For example, if you have a scarcity mindset, it is impossible for you to prosper. If your perception of yourself is not of a winner, you will not have the guts to take the risks of a business.

NLP helps change these negative thought patterns. People who master NLP techniques learn to direct their behaviors and moods effectively to optimize their abilities, have better control of their emotions and change their negative behaviors.

However, NLP is not the only option! There is another very effective way to change your mindset:

Biblical NLP

My first meeting with NLP was a year ago, when I was invited to participate in a conference on the subject in my city. Back then I didn't even know neurolinguistic programming.

I wondered, "Would it be worth taking an NLP course?"

Realizing the great enthusiasm that evoked in the person who offered me to do the course and know the price of it (it cost $ 2,000 USD), I began to investigate.

And I discovered an amazing fact that I will share in this article:

During the process of informing me what this phenomenal course to which I was being invited was about, I realized that I was already applying NLP in my life years ago.

And with great success. Only, my NLP source didn't have such a complicated name: I found it in the Bible.

NLP is totally biblical!

And it is not surprising, since the Bible is our instruction manual for life. They are the Words that our Creator left us to rule our lives for them.

The problem is that many times the Holy Scriptures are dusting in some corner of our houses while we desperately spend thousands and thousands of dollars elsewhere to learn how to live this life.

If you are aware that you have mental patterns that work against you, why not go to the greatest source of wisdom that exists on Earth?

Here are just a few Biblical NLPs that you can implement in your life today:

1. You are what you think:

Proverbs 23: 7 "What is your thought in your heart, such is he."

2. You are going to speak according to what you think about your subconscious (heart):

"From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." (Luke 6:45)

3. What you say will rule your life, for better or for worse (you decide!):

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21)

4. Your mind has to be transformed in order for you to achieve fulfillment in your life:

"Do not conform to this century, but transform yourselves through the renewal of your understanding, so that you may see what is the good will of God, pleasant and perfect." (Romans 12: 2)

5. God's ways are not expensive, they are within the reach of anyone who decides to listen to him, they are easy to implement and they always bring restoration to our lives:

Come to me, all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart;

and you will find rest for your souls;

For my yoke it is easy, and my burden light."

(Matthew 11:28)

If you are tired of working so much today, feel stuck, and don't know how to get out of a lifestyle that seems to lead you nowhere, I suggest you turn to biblical NLP.

They are highly effective and always work! In my life they have helped me - and continue to help me - to get rid of negative mental patterns that prevent me from moving forward in all areas of my life, both personally and in my business.

They give me hope for the future and daring to act in the present.

NLP seems fantastic to me, as it has helped many people get rid of mental programming that is harmful to their lives, but there is a much more powerful source of psychological therapy, and it's free!

Man's methods are only a copy of the true. In other words:

Why bask in the moonlight, which is only a reflection of the sun, when the sun is within reach?

The biblical pnl. powerful, effective and free