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Entrepreneurs and creativity


Today: Do you know a certain Dick Fosbury?

Probably not. Unless you are an expert in world sport knowledge. Furthermore, athletics. What does athletics have to do with creativity?… Did the author of the article go crazy? I don't think, let's see…

Creativity lessons are learned from any field. Any scope needs them.

Dick Fosbury found that his body, despite many conditions, was not that of a super athlete. A few were more talented than him. He was a high jumper, passionate.

Dick was the high jump winner in the Mexico 68 Olympics. What is remarkable about this beyond sports achievement? Until now… little.

He won the gold medal overcoming his competitors with a new innovative style: the Fosbury flop. Its innovation was based on an approach that no one had thought of until now. Why jump the bar ventrally as everyone did until then? What happens if we jump on his back?

He was planning and developing his invention for six years before winning the Olympic medal. Fosbury applied (probably without knowing it !!) one of the most used creativity techniques: investment. This technique will give you a completely different perspective from the current one when analyzing your services or products.

His invention was so "radical" that in principle he was disqualified for moving away from "orthodox practices" (it is obvious, the fields always respond by rejecting the "novelty" that comes to break the established order, the status quo).

But like any innovation with "added value" (let's talk in "business" language) it finally ends up prevailing, being accepted and valued until a new innovation comes to occupy the throne again.

(As you can imagine dear entrepreneurs, Dick Fosbury was finally recognized for his achievement (there was nothing cheating about his technique!) And his medal could be hung on his chest. Even today the Flop Fosbury technique continues to be applied successfully allowing him to overcome world marks and olympics. Notice his name is Flop… Fosbury !; not only did he win the Olympic medal, but his name was immortalized in the world of sports (of course… he didn't follow the path of everyone… but that of oneself!)

You can disagree with me but Dick jumped high… with his brain! while their competitors did it with their legs.

Entrepreneurs, there are many stories like Dick's (more will be told later). If you know of any other sports / creative story, do not hesitate to tell it and perhaps you can extend it to this group of "TRIPLE E" (Entrepreneurs Enthusiastic about their Entrepreneurship) and their ways of "maximizing" them (from here: maximize it from a creative window).

"Fosbury Flop" is translated into our language as the "Fosbury Jump", but Flop in English means Failure. Curious name for a style that allowed him to win a gold medal. Not?

Entrepreneur… What would happen if you start to "Fosburize" your venture?

Entrepreneurs and creativity