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Successful entrepreneurship, 5 tips so that giving up is not an option

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Are you about to give up? The main reason why all businesses fail is because people give up. Don't be one of them. Learn all the steps before giving up and learn how to recognize the symptoms of a weakening in your management as an entrepreneur so you can react in time.

Success in a business or in the life of a person is a subject that attracts everyone's eyes. We love hearing success stories and studying the lives of people who have made it so we can emulate them in hopes of similar results.

In contrast, failure stories are less attractive. Those who never reached their goals and never crossed the finish line are not usually on the front page of the news. They simply pass into oblivion and no one remembers their unsuccessful efforts.

However, we can learn a lot from them. It is worth taking the time to study the steps they take before failing in your company, so that the same does not happen to you.

The main reason why startups fail is because their managers decide to abandon it. They are people who, at some point, lose hope of achieving success with their project.

Little is known about them. So I want to write about those who DO NOT win. I want to expose the cycle of action of those people who give up and decide not to continue with a business project that they have started, since they demonstrate a pattern of conduct from which we can learn a great deal.

It is necessary to differentiate the two ways of leaving an enterprise

  1. Giving up. Withdrawing from something that has no fruit and that can even produce damages and losses.

This article will expose the thoughts and behavior patterns of the first group: those who abandon a potentially good project, because they give up and decide not to continue fighting.

It happens all the time. The business world is tough and hurtful. Things just don't always turn out the way you imagine them to. Someone you trust is leaving, the wonderful product that has just been launched has no sale, the service that was carefully delivered is not valued and only produces complaints, etc. The list of disappointments is endless. Frankly, it can be quite overwhelming.

You have to make an effort every day to take a break, not take things so personally and keep walking. One cannot afford to be overly sensitive to the constant disappointments of a business project.

It is what the winners do. They undertake, they fail, they cry and they kick, they learn and then they continue to undertake. Any successful person has followed this same formula.

Losers and how they fail

The modus operandi of those who surrender, on the other hand, is much more interesting. You can learn a lot from them, as they are quite creative in their act of giving up. The most interesting thing is that they always follow the same pattern:

  1. Doubt Fear of failure Blame Imagine what will happen Be overwhelmed Action: Surrender Relief

It is very useful to study this sequence to be able to recognize it when the burden is stealthily approaching in the life of an entrepreneur. So you can recognize the symptoms and take action before the fatal outcome of throwing in the towel occurs to free yourself from the temporary pressures that a business can cause.

5 key tips to not give up when it comes to entrepreneurship

1. Have a clear vision of what you want to achieve

You are less likely to give up your vision and dreams if you have your vision at hand, in writing. Learn how to acquire a vision for your business and read it constantly to keep it in mind during difficult times.

2. Put your feet on the ground

Having a business is simple, but it is not easy. As Thomas Edison said well: " Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." No one has won an Oscar, an Olympic medal or a Nobel Prize for doing things by halves. Don't be fooled at this point, success is not achieved without hard work.

3. Find good counselors

It is important to surround yourself with people who will not allow you to give up. Listen to those "war veterans" who have already fought their battles and succeeded despite difficulties. They will encourage you to keep walking when things go wrong.

4. Care about others and love what you do

Your venture is not just about you. It has a much bigger purpose. God gave him his talents and abilities so that he can impact many lives with them. Do not stop worrying about others and value what you can give them.

5. Have faith

Faith in God sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and achieves the impossible. When there is nothing else, God is still on His throne and His perfect plan for your life continues.

Giving up is not an option. See you at the finish line!.

Successful entrepreneurship, 5 tips so that giving up is not an option