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Undertake. the new strategy to get ahead

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The main thing for this work is to analyze the different stages and situations of the entrepreneur that come to be presented from the moment you have an idea and in all the way that is required to be carried out, without neglecting the current situation that it is presented in order to provide the necessary support for financing management; The essential factors to become an entrepreneur are analyzed, as well as the importance of entrepreneurship in the country.

Creativity is subjective, if it is not felt, it is not believed and it is not expressed, which is why an entrepreneur must have this fundamental factor for him, however, proposing to create today takes a different or more complex process than 100 years ago.

Undertake, the new strategy to get ahead


The present work is intended to explain and delve into the current issue, entrepreneurship, why decide to undertake and the fundamental factors to get there, describing how essential a creator generates for society, country, company and professionally speaking.

Tenacity and patience are the usual tools of this type of people, who need a solid work team, optimistic people, sufficient information to be able to provide and satisfy the latent needs of their potential market to which they want to target.

Various situations will be specified that do not help an entrepreneur achieve his objectives, the needs he has and the current situation in which the country is involved, regarding the issue of innovation, as well as the ideal way in which a person can generate ideas through the knowledge and experiences that you have had throughout your life, so that thanks to this you can implement your different business idea.

II. Background

In those times, man had to figure out how to survive, since primitive man knew how to generate fire, or find the detail of the wheel, as well as how to build his tools to defend himself against the dangerous animals that lived in those times, for Hence it describes and we share the same point of view about how each culture of the world and our ancestors were "innovators" without knowing it or perhaps without being recognized as such, that is why I am proud to start this text, making an acknowledgment that thanks Today we enjoy their great inventions, without neglecting that great lesson they leave us, not giving up and also knowing that if you can despite adversity.

From a strict sense, the word "Entrepreneur means initiating, promoting, organizing, taking risks" (Ávila Sandoval, 1997). By which today is a fairly colloquial term among us; However, according to the website Tiempo y Escritura, in the article by (Buelna Serrano) she mentions different stages in which she argues that since years ago, the appointment of "Entrepreneur" could be granted to a person, for which she alludes to us. in the sense that the different activities that were carried out, such as the invention of the locomotive (Industrial revolution), the different cultures such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, among others, making them creditors for the invention of different inventions such as writing, mathematics, agriculture and astronomy,since they did not have enough tools to achieve it.

Then we could find an article from the blog spot (Chambi Viraca, Yujra Alvarez, Guerreros Torres, Alvarez Quispe, & Vila Rodriguez, 2010) mentioning various historical definitions, in the 17th century by Richard Cantillon where he mentions as an entrepreneur the “agent who buys media of production at certain prices in order to combine them ”within his new product, he also mentions the economist JB Say who affirms that the entrepreneur must be a leader.

An important factor that has been attributed to an entrepreneur for many years is creativity, since he creates or performs something new and although he has based himself on something already implemented, just making a modification to him already has a sense of innovation. mention of an entrepreneur as someone who is a leader, creative, optimistic, on many occasions an extrovert, without a doubt on different occasions this golden rule has been met, but it does not always have to be this way, this is because there have been cases in which people Thanks to the situations that this individual is experiencing, it is the way in which this instinct of creativity awakens in which it encourages us to create the unimaginable and thanks to this they demonstrate the born talent that inhabits everyone.

Identifying a timeline of the two thousand years until now, an advance can be observed in terms of the various supports that have emerged for an entrepreneur, this thanks to the Entrepreneur magazine (Villalobos, 2012) where he indicates how they have achieved creation from various systems, for example, in 2001 the first national SME week is celebrated, then in 2004 the SME Fund appears as an instrument to support companies, but later years later two eventualities are carried out which help the rebound of the following various programs: The National Business Incubator program in 2007.

III. Development

Nowadays, having and creating an idea is simple, but carrying it out is quite an adventure in which thousands try it, half continue but only a very low percentage achieves it, make the decision and not only have it if not make it part yours is what makes the difference, getting on the boat looking at the adversity in front of you hitting your boat, clinging to the future, even observing yourself in complete solitude is where decision-making and placing the target well is your strongest weapon to to be able to get out of this situation successfully. This is one of so many perspectives that throughout our lives we have analyzed and in some way we have adopted it as part of our criteria, without considering the great life lessons that make you wake up during the journey. You can read different articles, stories,hypotheses that great scholars contribute or that simply mention what you think about a subject, however today we will analyze how young people think, generate and manage to undertake despite the different situations that they live.

Many wonder what is the ideal process to undertake or create something, but although there are various processes, steps or some hypotheses about it, in reality there is no rule to follow although we have surely heard how companies or products have been created that are now a boom in society, but do we really know what was the process that they had to generate in order to meet the objective?

The process to be able to innovate "… Three exercises 1) Personal inventory, 2) Detailed report of the market that is best known or related, 3) Summary of external factors that could mean opportunities" (Herrera & Brown, 2006) in which we feel that the author explicitly explains how we can develop something through our abilities and thanks to the most important thing to do what we like the most, that is why it is important to know ourselves in order to be able to externalize our invention to the world. It is definitely not only about identifying what we like but also knowing who to direct it to,since as well as the author rightly mentions in a correct way are the important aspects that sometimes fails us for which today the public demands it is to know and meet the needs of our customers, but in order to better design the characteristics of our goal it is essential to create something for the type of person we know, for example if we live together or have nephews between 5 and 8 years old at home, for obvious reasons we can get up close to what their tastes, fears, favorite characters etc. are. For this reason, making this combination between doing what you like the most and identifying the characteristics of your market with it, you take 50 percent of the advanced idea, now you just need to evaluate the environment in which we find ourselves, the economic situation of the country,current events or simply the exchange rate that our currency has against another.

The three aspects mentioned above are of vital importance to be able to design innovate, however; in our opinion this is not the only way to develop something, since there is another very peculiar way of undertaking something, although it is true that nowadays only what has already been created is restructured or improved, this is still innovation since there are people who combine certain factors or qualities that generate a result that helps or meets the needs of another type of market in which it was not served and therefore they benefit; Now the last way to create and one of which in our opinion the most important is when you devise something without regret in the public and once you developed it, you expose it to others,You create fame for your invention is when it is most satisfying for the person and in this way those who imitate the process or improve it will come.

The various situations that drive someone to the adventure of undertaking something for themselves can be, becoming their own boss, they found an area for improvement, they combined their skills and tastes or simply the need to get ahead. Today in the universities, the objective or vision of entrepreneurship has been directed to the students of different careers, some created it without realizing it and others thanks to the projects that have been carried out, however it is true that few students They are interested in this idea, since there are different ways in which they become discouraged or frustrated because they do not find the necessary support on the first attempt, or because they are not convinced by the idea. When a person decides to study business administration or innovation, she enters with the intention of three aspects:Creating your own company, leading an organization or being consultants on various topics, without realizing that the three factors are fundamental for the student, we have closely watched this situation, for example in the first stage of training we focus on creating or designing a business idea, next how we develop the production and the direction of it and finally what are the strategies to follow to implement it, but how profitable is this strategy?Then how do we develop the production and the direction of it and finally what are the strategies to follow to start it up, but how profitable is this strategy?Then how do we develop the production and the direction of it and finally what are the strategies to follow to start it up, but how profitable is this strategy?

According to our perspective, management students develop ideas, have a different vision than other careers and can execute the development of the idea, but what are the popular phrases that we come across: “They will never accept it, too complicated, or that it has again ”and many times we meet people who neither provide us with the necessary tools to carry it out or on the contrary only put obstacles to us to be able to develop it, however here is the impetus that an entrepreneur must show in the face of events that they be presented to us, in addition to believing in the project, defending it against any arbitrariness and verifying our idea only by carrying it out to corroborate the results.Another factor that an entrepreneur should know is that they should look for all possible opportunities to get funds (if they do not have them) to start the project, this without leaving aside the possibility that once your idea has been exterminated there may be malicious people who generate your idea faster and thus patent it, therefore one of the primary requirements for this type of innovation is to keep in mind that the idea must be registered.

After analyzing the process for entrepreneurship, the situation of students, it is important to mention the current situation of the entrepreneur in Mexico, so it must be mentioned according to Entrepreneur magazine (Villalobos, 2012), which emphasizes that Mexico occupies the 81st place out of 125 countries. In terms of innovation and the ease of starting and doing business, it is in position number 75, which in our opinion is quite encouraging since we are above countries like Brazil and Argentina, in addition to having enough talent to be able to to develop ourselves business even with the ideal characteristics to be able to carry it out, now in terms of pre-incubation there are different places where they can give us the necessary help to start the project in mind,as is the Instituto del Emprendedor, Ibaktor and Centros México Emprende, the only true question is that the entrepreneur does not have enough information to go to any of these options, the result of which is despair and defeat before trying.

Another of the aspects that exists today is the great competition that develops, there is an endless number of entrepreneurs, a minimum offer of employment and that means that it is more complex to carry out something, but to achieve it there must be no excuses or excuses but solutions that help to visualize how to achieve the stated objectives.

It is important to mention that developing yourself as an entrepreneur is a matter of wanting it, since having any dreams but the one who executes them will have the result that not everyone has the pleasure of mentioning "I tried" and an example of this is related in the book of (Gross, 2011) in which he relates how Walt Disney creates his emporium in which it was not easy to design his business models, there were three since he designed the most famous little mouse in the world “Mickey Mause” based on an approaching mouse to him every time he wrote and that at first had not been accepted and later became the icon of the children's industry, continuing with the film industry he began to design animated films in which he included his most popular animation,just as he created the movie “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” with which he began his career in this field, but one last dream he had was to create his own theme park since thanks to his two daughters and his desire to play Mr. Disney is encouraged to create the innovative concept.

In this analysis we have tried to contemplate the different perspectives, processes and characteristics necessary for the entrepreneur, without neglecting the current situation that is taking place, understanding that the entrepreneur is that person who creates, develops and acts to lead Carry out your ideas, having the patience, tenacity and the desire to achieve what you set out to do. However, it always requires the skills of being able to work in a team and surround yourself with optimistic people to be able to better visualize the latent idea. It is true that thanks to various factors that influence the creation of an idea it is very complex to be able to carry it out, although on the contrary there are various institutions created specifically to support this type of people,news that in most cases do not reach the ears of those interested, this is how entrepreneurs make certain wrong decisions which generate debt, frustration and fear of continuing or trying again.

IV. conclusion

In the country various innovative projects are developed with the clear illusion of support from institutions in which, on various occasions it does not happen, for this reason they see the painful need to offer the product or service to another country that supports the project. and invest in it, however; Currently, certain amounts are being allocated in which the supports are for promising projects, that contemplate a "business plan" or simply have sufficient evidence of the success of the invention. Finally, we corroborate how all the procedures or characteristics explained were demonstrated in the extraordinary success story of Walt Disney, in which he took a risk, did not pay attention to public opinion and gave and did what he loved the most was to express his dreams in different ways,which is what we should do today just to express our ideas, emotions and dreams.

V. Reference

  • Ávila Sandoval, S. (1997). www.azc. uam.mx. Retrieved on February 10, 2014, from www.azc. uam.mx: http://www.azc.uam.mx/publicaciones/tye/tye15/art_hist_08.htmlBuelna Serrano, ME (sf). Time and writing. Retrieved on February 15, 2014, from Time and Writing: http://www.azc.uam.mx/publicaciones/tye/tye15/art_hist_08.htmlChambi Viraca, LC, Yujra Álvarez, FD, Guerreros Torres, V., Álvarez Quispe, A., & Vila Rodríguez, O. (May 29, 2010). Grupo60ing-umsa. Retrieved on February 17, 2014, from Grupo60ing-umsa: http://grupo60ing-umsa.blogspot.mx/p/breve-historia-del-emprededurismo.htmlGross, D. (2011). Forbes the power of Leadership. USA: Luppa.Herrera, H., & Brown, D. (2006). The entrepreneur's guide Transgressive combinations to create a unique business. Barcelona: Activa Company, Villalobos, J. (2012).Making an entrepreneurial country. Entrepreneur, 64-67.
Undertake. the new strategy to get ahead