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Entrepreneurship in the midst of adversity


All entrepreneurship arises after analyzing a problem and proposing a viable, systematic and feasible solution that efficiently meets the needs of those who suffer daily from the consequences of the problem.

True entrepreneurs are people with a high level of certainty, a great sense of rationality, a clear objective in mind and an unflappable will to succeed. We do not have impossible goals when passion has more weight than difficulties. Many of us have a great responsibility to support ourselves and our families, but we all have a moral duty to contribute our talents for the common good and development of the country, although some societies still cannot assimilate the valuable contribution of entrepreneurship in its multifaceted role. ex officio, science, art, doctrine, lifestyle, production system and culture.

Although it seems irrational, undertaking in hostile environments seems to double the level of teaching that such an experience leaves us. Having to fight against the adverse situations that normally attack us, adding a greater degree of complexity, due to situations imposed by subjects who are unaware of the complex cycle of entrepreneurship and business, who do not contribute anything in favor of production initiatives and who on the contrary, they specialize in hindering and torpedoing entrepreneurs with grocery stores, bureaucracy, high costs and multiple demotivating obstacles, it is only a sign that we must raise our level of commitment and become even more involved with our dream, with our purpose and with our true reason for undertaking. Determination, perseverance and perseverance,now they must be accompanied with much more rationality and preparation.

Undertaking seriously in unfavorable conditions clearly shows the size and depth of the entrepreneur's will, since in a habitat riddled with uncertainty, those who dare to undertake or are very risky people who are unaware of the risks or, conversely, are people Focused, with great knowledge of the market, absolute mastery of your proposal and a very high level of certainty. The latter is achieved by professionalizing our proposal.

Being an entrepreneur in places where economic, social and political adversity are part of reality in each of the steps that we must take daily, could undoubtedly be considered as a kind of extreme sport or even as an act of individual and corporate masochism. However, in the first place, it must be considered that in this type of environment, not all are willing to undertake and not all those who start in an improvised way will be able to resist the onslaught of a chaotic public administration system, which is largely disadvantaged the entrepreneurial initiative. Therefore, it is obvious that an adverse environment for entrepreneurship represents a high risk for improvised entrepreneurs, who dare to launch their proposal in a mediocre way,but at the same time it represents much more than a great opportunity for entrepreneurs backed by a robust entrepreneurship methodology, with proven methods, that minimizes the risks of the environment and maximizes the potential of the entrepreneur, his proposal and his business already underway.

That is why today more than ever, the challenge of entrepreneurship in Venezuela requires much more from us: Those who undertake must professionalize their entrepreneurial tools, must sharpen their senses and cultivate their entrepreneurial culture. On the other hand, those of us who are in charge of shielding entrepreneurial projects with training proposals complementary to official education, have the duty to optimize our entrepreneurial training offerings and personalized consultancies for the elaboration of projects, since if we manage to teach and efficiently transmit entrepreneurial skills, abilities and competences to novice entrepreneurs, we will be guaranteeing not only the success of each business individually,rather, we will be helping these entrepreneurs to give a better standard of living to their respective families and at the same time contributing to the construction of a better country, which must be the common objective.

Undoubtedly, I think that the trick to overcome adversity and direct ourselves towards true development is in the empowerment of the entrepreneurial will and the optimization of the entrepreneurial techniques of the population.

Entrepreneurship in the midst of adversity