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Entrepreneurship in Venezuela

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In the Japanese language, the word crisis is made up of two symbols, which translate danger and opportunity, which leads to a critical analysis of how the crisis is "lived".

It is clear to the entire world that Japan has had to reinvent itself on several occasions, such is the case of the chaos resulting from the attack with atomic bombs during the Second World War, or in 2011 with the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.

However, it seems that the entrepreneurial potential of this country is not overthrown, on the contrary, it is strengthened with each new resurgence. What could reinforce the symbology described above.

In this context, there are some types of indicators of entrepreneurship in each country worldwide, among which the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), which is a project started in 1999 for the Annual Evaluation of business activities, can be mentioned., aspirations and attitudes of individuals from a wide range of countries.

On this, the GEM defines entrepreneurship as a process that ranges from the execution of actions aimed at identifying opportunities for the creation of a new organization, to driving the growth of an existing organization.

In this sense, López and Montilla (2011) indicate that the potential for entrepreneurship is associated with the nature of the entrepreneurial spirit, within which three dimensions stand out that contribute to its potentiality, namely internal forces, entrepreneurial personality and external forces.

Undertake in Venezuela

Developing projects in Venezuela has very particular characteristics, however Daniel Velásquez maintains that "A pizzeria in Las Mercedes has a much greater chance of success than one on Collins Avenue in Miami Beach… However, most ventures in Venezuela fail." This is given in many circumstances by elements such as legal and fiscal requirements; management training in entrepreneurs, and others.

Some data reveal some of the weaknesses and strengths regarding entrepreneurship in our country, such as:


  • There is a high index of early entrepreneurial activity. For 2012, Venezuela ranked 11 out of 54 countries evaluated, with 15.4% The percentage of businesses that remain over time is very low, according to the GEM Report, between 6-8% According to an IESA study: 60 % of the ventures are advised by their spouses, 50% by their parents and in other cases 62% are advised by friends… which represents the start of new projects based on perceptions and not on solid knowledge regarding strategic planning.


  • In Venezuela, more than 75% of people consider that starting a business is a desirable career option. More than 60% perceive that they possess the skills to start a new business. There are at least 1,000 technological tools to promote new businesses (new entrepreneurs. net).

It is relevant to highlight that although the economic scenario is evident as disturbing, there are success cases that have been sustained over time, such as:

  • Tequechongo franchise, where young professionals standardize their production processes and through strategic alliances with Cinex project their organization on a national level.RS21, where the third generation of a family business develops the brand and diversifies it in such a way that today it competes with Highly recognized similar products: Mixtures and Flavors, where professionals from Industrial Engineering and Administration join forces to create a Gastronomy Training school and currently a restaurant.

In summary, even when there are obstacles present, identifying opportunities to reinvent yourself, developing managerial skills, knowing the threats present in the Venezuelan market and knowing how others have managed them, will be key elements if you want to develop sustainable ventures.

Entrepreneurship in Venezuela