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Entrepreneurship. great ideas are not synonymous with success


Every day there are more young people who leave the "security" of their jobs, to launch into the world of entrepreneurship, there are brilliant ideas and a boom in entrepreneurship, many of these ideas, once they are realized, do not pass the second year of operation, sinking and killing a large part of the entrepreneurial spirit of those who managed them, and many times also leaving emotional and economic consequences for those who “at least tried”.

Without pretending to be an incentive not to undertake, this work seeks to help in some way, those who are thinking of taking the difficult path and who have a brilliant idea, to anticipate some problems or critical situations in the process, this work being a help to take into account some aspects that are often overlooked and that are undoubtedly of great relevance to the entrepreneur.

We are mainly referring to the capabilities of; Management, leadership and vision of the entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship motivations.

What moves a person, who works comfortably and with relative security in a company, to leave all this to launch into the unknown, where there is no economic stability, and where apparently there is no apparent stability?

How to handle the anguish and anxiety that means carrying the full weight of a newly established company?

How do we build trust in our first customers, when our product does not exist or has not been tested?

The motivations are varied in origin and intensity and are the engine to move from the idea to the action, but without a doubt, these motivations, mostly of an intrinsic nature, must be firmly anchored to the entrepreneur and remain firm in place, when The moments of storm are approaching, when the results are not as expected or when anguish and anxiety definitely overwhelm us.

The truth of entrepreneurship.

Although there are two types of entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurs by necessity and by choice. Once the job is quit and when we are embarked on this ship, which is already too far from shore to return, is when all entrepreneurs become entrepreneurs out of necessity. It is at this point, when those hidden talents emerge and those skills that we did not know or believed existed are developed, it is at this point that evolution gives us a boost, since all our stability, emotional, economic and even value depend on it.

Entrepreneurship is like a muscle that works, that as time passes and experience increases, it develops, grows and gives us more strength to continue moving forward.

If we look at the figures related to the number of startups v / s the number of SMEs that close each year, except in Chile, we will realize that apparently there are key factors for the survival of the startups over time, factors that are outside of the economic and financial variables of a project, these factors being the greatest enemy of entrepreneurship.

We refer to the management capacity, leadership and global vision of the entrepreneur.

This is where a good idea is not synonymous with success in entrepreneurship.

The lowest point of the curve.

It is the lowest point of the entrepreneurship development curve, when all the variables turn against us, that the ability to manage our skills will allow us not to be part of the failure statistics within the venture.

To pass this first and most critical phase, the entrepreneur must be; A global strategist, possess leadership capacity for him as for his collaborators, be a sales manager, commercial, financier, technician and expert in interpersonal relations and other various intermediate positions depending on the case, since not having the resources Inexpensive to hire an expert in each of the aforementioned subjects, it is best to start polishing these skills quickly.

Managing all the variables of the business is, to say the least, difficult, since many entrepreneurs go from having a brilliant idea, to face this reality in a very short time.

It is here, at the lowest point of the curve, the most overwhelming moment, where we must bring out all our talent. For this, some recommendations related to management capacity, leadership and vision are proposed.

Some recommendations.

• Don't just rely on numbers, develop your nose and watch the market. Generally our motivation raises our expectations and calculations, especially in the expected sales projections.

• The product or service you sell is YOU. You must project confidence in your venture, you must be a leader for your clients, since your first clients buy from you, not from your product.

• If numbers are not your strong suit, create your own directory; Consult with friends and close ones, get them involved and listen to other ideas and visions.

• No one knows your business better and has a more biased view of it than you do yourself.

• Remember that in your SWOT analysis, your main strength and threat is yourself.

• Clearly determine which are the weak areas of your business in terms of management and capabilities and try to shore them up with external help, remember that "the chain always cuts at the weakest link."

• For this you will have to resort to ingenuity and creativity, since economic resources are often scarce.

• Develop a strategic plan by periods and constantly review it, modifying those things that should be modified.

• Structure your business as a multinational company would, divide the work, and organize it to avoid that the operation of the business prevents you from seeing globally.

• Your clients are your best ally, ask and involve them in your business, they are your best tool for continuous improvement.

• Stay ahead of the facts, don't expect your product or service to become obsolete, work hard to improve it every day, for this you need to look globally.

In conclusion.

Considering that all ventures have a deadline to succeed, the speed with which they realize their weak points will be key to achieving success with the least possible damage.

Perseverance is a characteristic that, if it is not developed innately in the entrepreneur, will generate a lot of anguish and anxiety, so setting realistic goals is key to appeasing anxiety.

Know when you retire, since the ventures have a close sentimental relationship with the entrepreneur, separate the personal feelings of the success or failure of your company and be one more collaborator of your company.

Entrepreneurship. great ideas are not synonymous with success