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Youth entrepreneurship and its problems in mexico

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In Mexico, the average age of entrepreneurs is 45 years old. However, being young is synonymous with energy and enthusiasm, especially when it comes to starting a business. When you have an idea in mind, young people try to do their best to make it happen, no matter how much you have to sacrifice or lose.


In Mexico, the average age of entrepreneurs is 45 years. However, being young is synonymous with energy and enthusiasm, especially when starting a company is all about. When you have an idea in mind, young people try to do everything possible to achieve it, no matter how much you have to sacrifice or lose.

The entrepreneurial mindset should be fostered in high school and in universities. It is necessary to promote this entrepreneurial spirit among young people, making them see that they are at the ideal age and moment to try it.

The advice that I recommend for those who decide to start their business at an early age:

  1. Take the risk as much as possible. Focus on the basics. Surround yourself with key people. Follow your happiness. Don't take all opinions into account. Experiment.

Challenges of young entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur challenges today's youth. "The best thing that young people can do is to have their own business, to be an entrepreneur."

"Overcoming fear, being ambitious, orderly and constant and with a personal commitment that allows you to consider a clear vision, are the challenges that every young person who wants to be a great entrepreneur must overcome."

It is also necessary to have a business strategy to achieve the objectives as an organization, either promoting growth or creating synergies. (Dávila, 2014)

As time passed, with the emergence of supermarkets and direct marketing through the mass media (mainly television), consumers' need to buy changes, when purchasing products that could be stored and consumed accordingly with the possibilities of the family; This motivates a reduction in sales in small (family) shops and leads to the gradual loss of small shops to which the “neighborhood” or “colony” was accustomed.

From this experience, the new entrepreneur in a small business should look for products that he can sell with durability, the ability to promote his products, the ability to continually transform the image of his business, the creativity to offer novel and important products. capital, the adaptability of products to keep your business strong.

It is the aspect of "adaptation" that I want to highlight here.

The failure of many businesses is precisely this adoption of models, since entrepreneurs do not observe the different conditions that are presented in Mexico for its territory, its population, its culture, but above all, the feasibility of competition with other businesses.

Young people must understand the importance of corporate social responsibility, and that our commitment will be to try to solve the daily problems that a society faces in its development, seeking to establish a democratic, solidary and sustainable community; whose investment must be well founded; that the knowledge of their surroundings helps them maintain the state of nature; that the invested resources can be recovered according to an estimate of time that allows them to remain in the market; attend to the social needs of the population in which it is immersed; and, be able to face new challenges on the progress of their projects. (Aguero Ana Martinez, 2014)

Problems of young entrepreneurs

There are a large number of young entrepreneurs who are able to overcome these obstacles that they present when they start to create an invention, but some give up easily because they think that they do not have enough capacity to face these problems; just not being able to face themselves.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to set goals so that when you achieve what you have promised, you can easily and effectively manufacture your project.

In some cases it is also the negative mind that some people have when developing a problem or socializing their project. The high levels of mental and emotional tension that turn into affectations to their state of health, causing that the people who have set goals do not achieve them.

To solve these problems that prevent you from developing the entrepreneurial spirit in young people in Mexico, the following steps must be taken:

Believe in yourself: a person without self-confidence cannot develop as an entrepreneur. All activity that must start from you begins within yourself.

Develop a critical spirit: Apathy and conformity with oneself and with what is established are two of the main enemies of entrepreneurship.

Aim for goals: Any goal you set for yourself and motivates you enough is valid, fully valid. See them and get closer to them. Make your ambitions real and logical: It is okay to have big motivations with capital letters, but also small short-term goals. It is the latter that will make you move from day to day and improve tangibly.

Value others the same way you would like to be valued: "Meritocracy" is the most beneficial logical ecosystem for anyone with a spirit. (Luisa Marulanda, 2014)

Personal experience

In my baccalaureate subject “Administration 2” by Prof. Enrique Alberto Vásquez Constantino, I understood that being an entrepreneur is important, I have taken the liberty of calling him my “mentor” for the difference he made in me from the first day that I met him. What I want to highlight is that the business part is very clear to me, I could understand it by reading books, in the last month I have read 4 books and I am going for more, because this is already a habit in my life. I also tell you about my experience as an employee: I stood out in the sales department, that's when I understand a “no thanks” rejection.

Just like I've experimented with my own catalog shoe business.

Only in this way have I learned to take things seriously, and even though I have had failures, I am still "Happy".


My conclusion of the topic is that young people must be entrepreneurs, be entrepreneurs, start from our young age to be great entrepreneurs in the future.


  • Aguero Ana Martínez. (2014). The company's social action. Tuxtla Gutiérrez.Dávila, LF (2014). Business administrative careers. Tuxtla Gutiérrez.Luisa Marulanda. (2014). Problems of young entrepreneurs. Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas.I am Entrepreneur. (2014). Young entrepreneurs. Tuxtla Gutierrez.
Youth entrepreneurship and its problems in mexico