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Social entrepreneurship to create a better world


Without a doubt the human being is interdependent, it is enough to think of a baby to accept that by ourselves we are not capable of subsisting, we all need each other, including the environment and our environment.

When the human being is self-absorbed and seeks only his own interests, passing over what has to happen in order to achieve only his own benefit leaves in his path destruction and loss for others.

When the relationships are that one wins and the other loses or is affected, that relationship will not last for a long time, that is why starting with our closest ones we must seek not only to serve ourselves, but rather, to serve others our qualities, means and all that value that we all possess.

And something that should encourage us is that every time we give, we can experience a great sense of our existence, in addition to being a way of thanking for all that we have been given.

It is convenient that we apply our skills and knowledge in creating projects or companies that include benefits for all.

When we become aware of this reality we become agents of change, who with the aim of seeking to revolutionize people's lives build solid businesses, where unlike traditional companies they do not want to obtain benefits above all, but rather establish as priority social, cultural, ethical and environmental objectives, where social concern is very important.

It is a fact that the world is changing, largely thanks to a generation of entrepreneurs who seek to redefine success with projects that, in addition to being a business, can positively impact the lives of others and society.

This movement responds to the need of many young people who want their daily work to make sense.

Social entrepreneurship refers to a company whose priority is to satisfy the needs of the surrounding society, social entrepreneurs go beyond making profits, focusing their activity on creating value.

The increasing concern on the part of society to move towards a better and more sustainable world cannot be overlooked, therefore, more and more companies are joining the objective of ethics and social concern; Furthermore, consumers have a greater demand for ethical and social practices.

Social entrepreneurship has common motivations:

* Awareness of a social problem.

* The will to change it.

* Define a mission to create and maintain a social warmth.

* They show intense responsibility towards others.

* They engage in a process of innovation, adaptation and learning.

It is up to the new generations to translate their ideas in favor and solving the problems that we experience today as a society. That is why social entrepreneurship is a good opportunity to improve our environment, our community and our nation.



DestinoNegocio.com, EE (2015). Business Destination. Obtained from Business Destination:

Estévez, R. (October 09, 2015). Ecointelligence. Obtained from Ecointelligence:

Pyme, E. (2016). emprendepyme.net. Obtained from emprendepyme.net:

Social entrepreneurship to create a better world