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Entrepreneurship and franchises to help fight poverty in Venezuela


Poverty is an inhumane condition in which people survive without being able to cover their own and their family's basic needs. Although its causes are multifactorial, economic poverty is largely due to unworthy or underpaid working conditions, unstable employment and unemployment.

But who generates lasting and well-paid jobs? Only entrepreneurs who manage to turn their ideas into projects and their projects into sustainable and productive businesses, companies and industries. Entrepreneurs who manage to populate the national territory with live and active companies and who manage to place on the market products and services that meet the needs of the people, thus energizing the economy. This is the argument by which I affirm that "entrepreneurship is the vaccine against poverty."

The problem is that the vast majority of enterprising adventurers who start a commercial activity are not trained to undertake, since they do not have the faculties, knowledge, aptitudes, or competencies for this purpose. To a large extent, they undertake the mere need to meet pressing financial commitments, as an alternative solution to unemployment and as the only survival option. In this way, massive entrepreneurship is improvised and generates a high failure rate worldwide.

To solve this problem, I propose two options: The first is to spread entrepreneurship from school, turning students in the school system into potential entrepreneurs and future generators of formal jobs. But to be successful with this medium and long-term plan, entrepreneurship must be considered a compulsory subject from primary to high school, because it is a subject on which the economic development of countries depends, but which is underestimated by the authorities. It must be guided and the students must be guided by entrepreneurship specialists, not by theoretical teachers. On the other hand, the second option is awareness and mass adoption of the benefits of assisted entrepreneurship, second-tier ventures, or ventures under franchise systems.It should not be forgotten that franchises are generators of validated knowledge, transferred to the network and immediately applicable in the improvement of products and services, expanding and enriching markets, which is why they represent a determining factor in the eradication of poverty.

Imagine the socio-economic impact of a massive management or franchise assistance system that guides and supports all the micro-entrepreneurs that make life in the national economy. Imagine for a moment that replicable business models can be massively developed, with image standardization, grouped into different brands, with standardization of services, which at least technically train workers, provide technical, financial, and legal support for production, accounting, fiscal and strategic to each of the micro-companies. Without a doubt, if this occurs, the commercial registers, the warehouses, farms, premises and offices would go from being a cemetery of dead companies, to being gardens of commercial, economic and labor opportunities. The hope of entrepreneurs would be flourishing daily,the economy would reactivate and there would be true growth, orienting us towards true development.

The franchise system is called to be the spearhead of the country's economic recovery, because it represents the most effective way of including the poor within the productive system without being exploited, as entrepreneurs or as workers.

Millions of assisted and guided micro-entrepreneurs is what the country requires to prosper, to export and generate foreign exchange, to generate new knowledge, patents and opportunities.

I have no doubt that microfranchises are the key to true development, the most equitable distribution of wealth, and social peace.

Micro-assisted entrepreneurship or under the franchise system (microfranchises) must be understood as an issue of national strategic interest, directly linked to all economic and social policies, all development plans and all educational plans, since it represents one of the viable and feasible solution to unemployment and poverty, as it is a tool that serves to generate self-employment and secondary productive, immediate, self-sustaining, well-paid, stable and permanent jobs.

What can we do about it who are linked to franchises?

We have a moral duty to spread ideas and educate the population about the benefits of the franchise system and its real impact, especially of microfranchises, on the economy and on poverty reduction.

We have to get those who produce franchise models to share them with people with low purchasing power so that they develop their small businesses under these schemes and brands.

We must synergize to sensitize national, regional and local authorities to the importance of assisted entrepreneurship or franchise systems.

We must multiply the system exponentially, in number of franchisors, in number of franchisees, in number of open stores, in volume of transactions and in economic weight.

We must provide opportunities for the poor to enter the different models or brands with a low investment so that they can share the prosperity of the different commercial networks.

We must expose our ideas and knowledge in the mass media.

We must make banks understand the importance of the system and start supporting the protagonists of the system.

We have to generate bibliographies and academic documentation.

We must clean up and optimize the system and the union.

We have to make franchises a lifestyle and an ideology of shared progress.

We must convert and include the franchise system in a public policy that manages to permeate and benefit all levels of society.

We have to make franchises an axis of commercial, industrial and social development.

Entrepreneurship and franchises to help fight poverty in Venezuela