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Choosing the right innovation method at the right time. reflections


Currently the companies that have been trending in recent years have migrated according to marketing 3.0 and 4.0 later this means joining the market of new generations and this has caused managers, business owners and collaborators to implement new methods of innovation Inside the company, in the article published by Nathan Furr and Jeff Dyerno, tells us that not necessarily a brand can create something never seen or "the black thread" of the industry, since most business models simply sell ready-made products or services, But why have some companies managed to use innovation even when selling the same as their competition? The answer is to give added value not only to the product or service, but also to the differentiator both in the purchase process, the user experience, the experience between collaborators and clients, among other things.

However, differentiating yourself from your competition even having market conventions is not an overnight methodology, making this philosophy adopt all your team of collaborators is difficult even if you do not determine which is the position of each one of them, Even having this within the company, the challenge is that our collaborators from the defined areas share this philosophy at the time of customer service and that they make a feedback to the company.

There are several tools to identify the areas of innovation, customer service experience and purchasing process in our business model, among the most notable is design thinking, lean startup, the canvas model, costumer journey map, the innovation method, etc.

For the innovation method, he states that the main objective of the method is to identify the problem, which is the main factor in which the company is failing, As mentioned, innovation not only consists of inventing a new product or service, but identifying which are the deadlocks of your competition and attacking them, and the added value can mean in the relationship of the company with its clients, then make a theoretical prototype or virtual of the idea that you want to implement in the model and in the end a PMV (Minimum Viable Product) to be able to probe the idea to our public and how it responds to this, with the help of other indicator tools we can define if the response by Our market was favorable or not, with these results making the best decisions regarding the project that is being launched.

It should be noted that there will always be risk, although some methods can be reduced, but it will be there, failure is something that is normal for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, it is simply knowing how to take failure as superficially as possible and learn of the errors of the actions in order to have a better decision-making that can help in the future and know what measures to take in the event that the same or similar scenario exists.

In conclusion, the innovation method proposed in the article '' Choose the Right Innovation Method at the Right Time '' we can define the growing stages that we must analyze our environment and where we stand, with this define the strategies to be carried out for the common benefit of those involved and when the time is right to choose and apply this method, knowing and developing it helps you to land the ideas in your mind, be more realistic and define the strategies to carry it out.

Choosing the right innovation method at the right time. reflections