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Entrepreneur spirit

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In this work, the aim is to know the closest concept of the spirit of the entrepreneur and how it relates to entrepreneurs, thus describing the main elements of an entrepreneur who is an essential part of the subject and how it is that an entrepreneur loses the spirit with a different perspective not only because as it is lost emotionally but as it can affect their finances, the main differences between a bureaucrat and an entrepreneur will also be known with a brief description of it.

Entrepreneurial spirit


This work focuses on the entrepreneurial spirit knowing its main characteristics, the difference between a bureaucrat and an entrepreneur. Likewise, the concept of each one will be announced and how their entrepreneurial spirit is lost, giving examples for the greatest possible understanding of the subject, as well as advice.

Looking from different points of view, the essay pretends that all the areas that are related to the subject of entrepreneurial spirit help new entrepreneurs with new ideas know what they are taking risks, know some tips and, above all, that every idea is good if it is well grounded, that is, well raised.


Since when the entrepreneurial spirit arises, from prehistory since the human being decides to execute an idea, make decisions and accept the consequences.

But what were the first activities of an entrepreneurial spirit, an example noted in ancient times, is when the human being created the hunting instruments, when they hunted in a group, over time the human being evolved dedicating himself to agriculture, pottery or fishing, leading the human being to explore the territory in search of commercializing the goods (Products).

When he commercialized the human being, his idea was to get everywhere, so he took the risk of getting on a ship until he found countries with which to commercialize that is known as an entrepreneurial spirit, now the human being executes his ideas checking the viability because perhaps history shows us that Entrepreneurs achieved their goals but this is a different era because they need more knowledge of the market.

Among all the characters that have an entrepreneurial spirit, the main one considered in this article as a representative of entrepreneurs is:

1- Steve Jobs is an entrepreneur in modern history. He was once asked about how much research he had done to decide on the launch of the iPad. His response was: “None. It is not the job of consumers to know what they want. It is difficult for consumers to tell you what they want when they have never seen anything remotely similar to what you offer them. ”


The spirit of the entrepreneur is defined as:

“Taking an idea and inventing an organization to develop that idea is called the spirit of the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur, it is considered that the change in the environment offers opportunities, uses the factors of production to produce new goods and services. Entrepreneurship differs from management because it focuses on initiating change. Entrepreneurship can occur when a person or group of people start a new business. " (Stoner James AF, 1996, p. 190)

When a person for the simple fact of risking starting a business has an entrepreneurial spirit, it does not matter if he is high or low risk, what matters is that he must have his goals set to follow them

The main characteristics of an entrepreneur are:

  • PassionPositivismAdaptabilityLeadershipAmbition

The reason why there are only five characteristics is because the spirit of the entrepreneur is like a spark that inspires others, so it is very important that a new entrepreneur with innovative ideas, develops them in a project for better clarity or time to explain it.

Currently the entrepreneur has difficulties in carrying out an idea, because the main problem that occurs is the coexistence of competition that can be small or large companies, the competition according to its definition is:

… The author understands: «the capacity of a company or organization of any kind to develop and maintain comparative advantages that allow it to enjoy and maintain a prominent position in the socio-economic environment in which they operate. Comparative advantage is understood as the ability, resource, knowledge, attributes, etc., that a company has, which its competitors lack and which makes it possible to obtain higher returns than these ”… (Peréz Bengochea, 2008)

According to the definition, having a competitive advantage is having a benefit that competition does not have and the possible consequences that it could attract is unfair competition, such as monopolistic companies by not allowing new companies to be created, relationships to their work area and if they are created they end up closing.

Differences between an entrepreneur and a bureaucrat

Entrepreneur Bureaucrat
· Know and feel the market; its rhythm, sound, smell and the people who influence it. · You know, with certainty, that the product is suitable for the market

· Close commitments knowing intuitively that it is possible to fulfill them, try to do it.

· Is a driver; his efforts seem to breathe inexhaustible doses of energy into others

· It is based on the maxim that if it works, use it

· It is dedicated in a special way to its activity: Everything revolves around your business

· In everything I see you do, you ask yourself mentally: How can this improve my business?

· As a result of his contagious enthusiasm, he gets other departments or friends to work for him for free, up to

late hours at night.

· Authorizes market research · Conducts cost efficiency studies and comparative analysis of competition

· Commission a feasibility study

· You may even like your job

· You want a report of its exclusive characteristics

· Dedicate adequate time

· No questions asked

· He is upset that the new budget for his department has not yet been approved

(Paul, 1994, p. 14)

People can be classified as an entrepreneur and a bureaucrat, but whoever succeeds in the end is a person who has at least one characteristic on both sides, because in short, being an entrepreneur is something qualitative; they are creative, innovative ideas, but a bureaucrat is more of a quantitative type. since it is dedicated to doing market research.

And for the success of an entrepreneur you have to take into account the following:

… The successful entrepreneur is distinguished because his projects are viable, that is, he achieves the fit between the technical idea and the needs of the market. Also because he perseveres in his projects until they start to be successful… (Paul, 1994, p. 14)

How the entrepreneurial spirit is lost

There are many ways to lose it, by leaving the company bankrupt, or by closing the establishment, the previous situation is due to a lack of business culture, with the consequence that entrepreneurs become depressed, fear of starting a project again, thinking The same thing will happen to them, but there are ways to save a company and this is achieved with professional advice either by an accountant for legal aspects or an administrator for the best management of human and financial resources.


Entrepreneurs are people capable of carrying out their dreams, passions, etc., but the difference that exists between all entrepreneurs is that they set their goals, seek help, that is, they are advised not to make mistakes such as bankruptcy. by not managing the resources well or not carrying all the necessary legal aspects.

A recommendation for entrepreneurs:

  1. Land your ideas that even if it is a thing out of place everything has a well-supported why and why helps to explain it clearly to other people. Check its viability in all possible areas, not because a person says that it is not possible to be true. Never pay attention when they are told that the idea is not a good one. Only the entrepreneur will know until when the idea is not good because he has already verified its viability.

All of us have an entrepreneurial spirit, it's just a matter of carrying out the idea.


  • Paul, S. (1994). Reinventing business-to-business marketing. Madrid, Spain: Díaz de Santos Editions, Perez Bengochea, V. (September 23, 2008). From Gerencia.com. Recovered on March 22, 2014, from Business Competitiveness: a new concept: http://www.degerencia.com/articulo/competitividad_empresarial_un_nuevo_concepciónStoner James AF, FR (1996). Administration. Pearson Education.
Entrepreneur spirit