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"Self-confidence is the first step to success" Emerson

The chapter reminded me of what we constantly hear from people who travel the world, where they see such novel and useful things that we can also develop them here, such is the example of coffee, we are a country that lives on it, and we have not been able to develop the more than 100 presentations (drinks, envelopes, flavors, etc.) that it has in Brazil, Guatemala or Miami; Speaking with businessmen, they agree that we Colombians have many super good ideas, but we lack the culture of being risky, not staying with what we normally imitate from foreigners, or what we import; With this one or think that we have to break with the products and services that have always offered us, new entrepreneurs must be aware that people change and therefore the products and services have to do it,Colombia has spectacular things for us to export, smart people to create, but unfortunately we are procrastinators, we are afraid to be the first, due to the great fear of failure, and that has not been good for society.

I believe that all people unconsciously walk the world machining new forms of products and services that facilitate our daily lives, the difference is that those people who are enterprising, diligent, daring are those who today are owners of important businesses that started in home, a garage, a farm, or some other small place, they did not sleep thinking about the best way to carry it out, they appropriated that dream, they studied it, they wanted it, and their business idea became reality.

The fact is that we, as future graduates, become aware that we have the basic tools to think about the formation of our own business, we do not necessarily have to work for other people, we also take advantage of so many years dedicated to studies, so that today or during the course of our career, let's begin to develop the ability to be critical of everything we see, to recognize the things that can be improved, or the new things that can be created, and that society needs it, in this way we are not only thinking in our own well-being, but in the possibility of giving people work, international recognition, and improving the country's economy, it is important that we recognize our entrepreneurial spirit.
